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Mjll88's Staff Application :)

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(Sorry, stole the format from Timebrawler because it was nice).




Q) Name:


A) Mazene (pronounced Mason)


Q) In-Game Username:


A) Mjll88


Q) Forum Username:


A) Mjll88


Q) Age:


A) N/A


Q) Position you are applying for:


A) Helper


Q) Country & Timezone:


A) United States Of America, Central time


Q) Average time played per day:


A) 8+ hours a day.


Q) When did you join Spawnpk:


A) September 2015 (or so)


Q) Have you had any breaks from playing the server since joining:


A) Yes I have. I usually take a break once I get really busy in real life, but most of my "breaks" are one week, two weeks at max.


Q) Previous Experience with staff and ranks:


A) I was staff on a server back in 2010, but that's about it. I usually don't stay on a server for very long, so I don't bother applying for staff. (except this one of course)


Q) Why do you deserve this rank:


A) I think I deserve this rank because I try to help as many new players/current players as possible. I'm usually friendly and enjoy helping out anyone who needs it or asks for it.


Q) Have you been Banned/ Jailed/ Muted etc:


A) I was muted for 24 hours once a few months back.


Q) If answered yes to above, why:


A) Flaming Yeezy, which I realize was wrong now and I hold no grudges for what he did to me. :)


Q) If you received this rank, would you devote hours of free time to play?


A) Yes, of course. I already do.


Q) What would you do if someone was spamming:


A) I would give them a warning and tell them to stop spamming. IF they continue, I would warn them that if they don't stop, they'll receive a mute. If they proceed, I would issue them a mute (24 hours).


Q) What would you do if someone was using offensive language:


A) I would generally do the same with this as spamming and give them 2-3 warnings before a mute. If it was something like "n**ger" however, I would give them 0-1 warnings before a mute.


Q) What would you do if someone was insulting a staff member:


A) If a player was insulting a staff member, depending on the insult (if it's just saying they were being unfair, that's fine. If they are cussing/using racial slurs, it's not), I would give them warnings before issuing a mute.


Q) What would you do if someone was flaming a player:


A) If someone was flaming, I would jail the flamer and try and work it out with them, since people usually flame when they feel something unfair has happened. If they continue, I would issue them a mute as a warning.


Q) What would you do if someone was posting rude comments on forums:


A) If a player was posting rude comments on the Forums I would pm them and ask them to stop. If they continued, I would punish them depending on the situation.


Q) What would you do if you found or were informed about duped items?:


A) I would contact Ryan or Ramzi right away via skype. If I new what player(s) were duping, I would jail them then contact ryan/ramzi.


Q) Tell us about yourself, hobbies, things you enjoy doing etc:


A) I enjoy nhing/bridding on rsps, playing my tenor sax, anything art related, spending time with my mates, and pizza. I love pizza.


Q) anything else you would like us to know:


A) If you need anything, go ahead and pm me ;). Also, please give me feedback on this post please :). If you feel I'm not good for the position, please don't include old arguments as the reasons because I have tried to be a positive person as of late and I just want you to know I apologize for anything I did that may have offended any of you guys. Thanks!



Ex Bully-squad


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I mean, you're a great guy... but honestly, you haven't been active in-game at all.


I know, Irl has been rough for me lately. Thanks though :)

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That's been the down fall of many staff members, don't apply if you're gonna go inactive :( I do remember you from when i was really active, nice fellow!

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That's been the down fall of many staff members, don't apply if you're gonna go inactive :( I do remember you from when i was really active, nice fellow!


Thanks Kellatha, and I've been much more active as of late. Thanks for the response! :)

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I know you from ingame when you were active, you're a great lad!

But idk if you deserve this now, be more active and i'll consider this again ;)


Neutral for me

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