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Rise against

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About Rise against

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 12/16/1994


  • Interests
    Diz game, volleybal and yeh ofc, drinking the Belgian beer ;)

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  1. Rise against

    Will be a long time guys :)

    llll you rwt'ed lmao Take care!
  2. Rise against

    Korasi4me Staff application!

    He is a trusted player and I know him for many months, even when i was a mod in the past. I remember when i got flooded with PM's back then, you Always offerend your help. To me you have shown dedication and thats a very important feature. I support this 100%. +1 Goodluck Iyad.
  3. Rise against

    Rise against's goodbye :D

    6pm (gmt+1)
  4. Rise against

    Rise against's goodbye :D

    My time to go has come babe's. I'm getting to bissy with my examns in University and other stuff irl. I'll be doing a 2.5 Trill giveaway for my clan and the server before i leave in the cc 'im gone'. It has been a big pleasure to meet evryone and play with evryone, EVEN with Boba tea. I thank my clan to be loyal as i thank the other cc's to make intresting wars. I also thank the staff team for making my time on this server. It was a honour to make a part of this and I hope ya'll doing well. Ya'll have been good fella's to me but there are some shoutouts i wanna do: Ramzi and Ryan (keep up the work buds), Yannic and slimy k0, tyron, rebin1, Xvirsusas (you better take care of my wings or i'll be back to rek you ), world peace, nick! , Jordyn ( but that nuberino mangaged to quit before me..), faith pots, and maybe the biggest of them all Korasi4me ( you made my day evryday again, not only sexual, lelele ) Also the entire team of #TrueMaxed. I wont be coming back as i will ask for an UID-BAN. The giveaway spoils: (cash might be gone for some more items) + ( Click on them to see it better )
  5. Rise against

    Jad / Clan wars + some other suggestions :D

    LEL love the troll statue
  6. Rise against

    Jad / Clan wars + some other suggestions :D

    Thanks for feedback Bruh i swear suggestion 5 gotta be there... And about 4, its when you are pvming with a yoshi so your stack isnt maxed 247...
  7. Alright! I've been thinking about some more suggestions to make the game a better place for all. 1. Jad ingame. I know fire capes are spawnable, but its for the fun and for the JAD PET The main reason i want him ingame is to add another boss to the SAFE-ZONE - Potentional drops : fire cape(evry time), coins, blood diamonds, donator tickets, a lava partyhat (??) and the pet. - Ive been thinking about a bonus for the jad pet: I tought about when you got a jad pet following you, your dfs will do 2x the spec. 2. CLAN WARS area. The main reason for this idea is the so many cc's ingame. So with clan wars, we should be able to have 'NON-RETURN' wars. Definitly to see who is the best 3. Ingame sounds, some guys have been asking for it. Idk if its possible to code it tho. 4. Maybe a cashstack that can add up to 5000M instead of the classic 2147m. I dont know you opinions about this guys, but imo, since there is alot of cash been dropped and if you take it all with your Yoshi and you reached the limit... it stays on the ground.. So that could be solved easly by this way 5. A statue for me. Give me some feedback guys! #MakeSpawnPkGreat
  8. Rise against

    First youtube video!

    Moved this thread to 'media'. I liked the video, keep it up man!
  9. Rise against

    Razorsharp Staff Application

    dude, you suck. Jk, you are a good lad! +1 from me. #truemaxed
  10. Rise against

    2 Big suggestions and 1 small suggestion.

    I like you ideas. +1 from me.
  11. Rise against


    You could make the NCP for example '60 x2' while if players host its '55x2' On that way peeple will be more intrested to gamble with other players instead using the NCP. But then, why do we need the NCP for, right?
  12. Rise against

    job of ranks :)

    This guy^ <3
  13. Rise against

    Lost password

    Made a ticket for it. Will keep you up-to-date.
  14. Rise against


    neuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu The vigours will go up with 500% if you play less spawnpk *kappakappakappakappa* Take care buddy, I'll hear from you again
  15. Rise against

    Cant log into other account

    Cannot chanse name, but make sure evrything is filled in well.