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i just rag

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i just rag last won the day on August 7 2017

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About i just rag

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  1. i just rag

    Valhalla Introduction Topic

    Good luck Bill
  2. For the runecrafting I think you should consider doing what Jagex did with the wilderness altar update ; add an NPC that can unnote essence for some amount of coins so people bring coins and therefore risk more for the convenience of not having to constantly bank, which also results in them having more runes on them and risking more if they die than just 1 inventory worth of runes. Also you could add multiple runes, something like double or triple per ess at 99 on a trained account since most skills on a trained account are thoroughly useless at the moment. @Ryan
  3. i just rag

    My opinion about the staffteam.

    >Sees someone else made a similar thread >Maybe if I make one and rate every staff member 5/5 they'll unban me >Proceed to post this monstrosity
  4. i just rag

    the state of the ''pking'' clans right now

    J Hus is NOT Macjim LOOL
  5. i just rag


    As long as you don't do it on Runex I doubt you'll get banned there for being banned on SPK.
  6. i just rag


    I asked Ryan this when the server first came out since a lot of people i'm friends with were banned on SPK and wanted to see if Runex was any good. He said punishments do not transfer except he may choose to ban people in special cases (such as if they charged back donations on SpawnPK and in which case they would owe him money.)
  7. i just rag


    A lot of things need to be fixed before this would even be a good idea, otherwise it would just happen again or the server would be even worse lol Additionally i'm pretty sure Ryan has said a few times it won't ever happen so
  8. i just rag

    ::empty'ed my all bank

    This doesn't actually prove you emptied anything lol? You didn't even explain how it happened / etc?
  9. i just rag

    Ban appeal ?

    If someone else who plays lives with you or comes over to your house then it could be because they got banned in which case I would make sure to mention that, good luck
  10. i just rag

    Ban appeal ?

    https://spawnpk.net/forums/index.php?/forum/25-appeal-an-offense/ Try posting that here, also I would post more and be honest about your ban reason and if you actually know why you're banned
  11. i just rag

    Godswords (or)

    I believe part of the reason zgs/sgs/bgs weren't used were because they had little to no protection value (you would keep a kiln cape over them), not sure if that's been fixed. But they aren't even really used on any spawn servers where they're a free item mainly because they don't have much use aside from ZGS for certain uses (mainly multi related.) I don't see why not add a little item sink for a chance of getting a slightly more powerful one that's autokeep even though i'm usually not in favor of more custom stuff, seeing as this isn't really that significant/op. AGS is the most expensive/powerful and those go for what like 50m or something? That is absolutely nothing so it's not as terrible as most of the other autokeep items.
  12. i just rag


    This means he hasn't logged in yet which explains why JP doesn't have a log file for it This means OP was likely UID/IPbanned and has come back with a new name pretending to be a new player who can't log in due to a server error, when in reality he was just banned under a different name and is hoping he can trick staff into unbanning him That or his IP or UID was already banned but due to no fault of his own, which is highly unlikely unless someone living in his house has played or he's using a VPN to play as opposed to his home IP, and someone else playing on that VPN was banned, which is EXTREMELY unlikely.
  13. i just rag


    Soulsplit started with Zaryte bow which originally did complete shit as damage and had high protect value but the spec (which maxed like 20) dropped your prayer to 0 so people used it in multi or in singles in fallins etc when the person got low/out, eventually he tried making it incredibly powerful and still smite 100% which didn't go well so Pim got rid of that and made Zbow overpowered but not smite, added Ancient mace which smited 100% but had a shitty protect item value (only thing that it protected over was like ghostly and food) and shit stats so it also didn't do much damage and was only useful in the same situations as zbow, but with a higher probability of being lost. He later changed ancient mace to only smite the amount of prayer that it did damage wise (13 damage = 13 prayer gone) which is the same as it is on RS but pretty much everyone stopped using it when that happened.
  14. i just rag


    Declined and Denied mean the same thing and i'm pretty sure the wait is 30 days between appeals for everyone
  15. i just rag


    He said the item removes the protect item prayer, dragon scimitar removes overhead protection prayers, not the protect item prayer Other servers have had (extremely expensive) items that smited prayer to 0 with the spec and generally also had low protection values to keep them from being lost so that may be an idea, but on here nothing remains expensive for long so I don't think it's that good of an idea. An item that doesn't smite but just removes protect item for a few seconds sounds almost as if not more ridiculous IMO.