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New Javelins, Sponsor Tokens, Crystal Keys, and much more!

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Heya guys back at it again with some more suggestions. This time some of these are from Runex, content that I think would be a fine addition here.

New Javelins: As everyone might of figured out by now that elemental javelins are dead content and personally I feel as dragon javelins are superior in terms of accuracy. I'm proposing we add more variety to the javelins, and giving the heavy ballista much more variety besides dragon javelins.

  • Lava Javelins: Dropped from lava dragons, these javelins will do damage per second(5 per tick) dealing up to 30 damage on a SUCCESSFUL heavy ballista spec
  • Ice Javelins: Dropped from frost dragons, these javelins will do freeze a target on a SUCCESSFUL heavy ballista spec
  • Blood Javelins: Dropped from bloodwyrm, these javelins will heal for 25% of damage from a SUCCESSFUL heavy ballista spec

Sponsor Tokens: Runex just added this in their past update, but I believe we could also have this nice addition for our sponsors, that can also benefit the server as a whole. These tokens will drop from the monsters being killed at sponsor zone, for the sponsors to use and buy the horns that each have their own unique ability! These horns deteriorate after being used.

  • Horn of the Bloodmancer: Calls the Bloodwyrm to spawn after the next wildywyrm kill
    • One hour global cooldown
  • Horn of Greed: The entire server receives +5% drop rate bonus for 30 minutes
    • Three hour global cooldown
  • Horn of Rage: The entire server receives +10 blood money from PKing for 30 minutes
    • Three hour global cooldown

Crystal Keys: Runex has this and features a lot of cool loot you can get from this. I suggest we implement it here and have the crystal key fragments drop in both PvP and PvM. Each PvM/PvP kill will have a chance of giving you a crystal key fragment. The chest would award you cool essential rewards that will benefit new players and even veteran players alike. We will also have a epic crystal key variant, that will have a higher chance at getting even better rewards from the crystal chest! Epic crystal keys are formed rarely when forming a crystal key. .See the table below for an idea of what you will be able to get.

  • Common: Coins, Blood money, point mystery boxes
  • Uncommon: Dtix and Vote tickets
  • Rare: Dharok pieces, Zuriel/Statius/Morrigan/Vesta PvP pieces, ring of vigour, blood diamonds
  • Very Rare: Mystery chest, grand prize key, $5 bond

Pet Accessory Tweaks: Right now pet accessories do not have any function whatsover. I believe we should give them some sort of boost, and nothing too OP. I suggest that we should give them a PvP and PvM function, both active at the same time based on how many pet accessories you own. Each one on your account would give you a increased benefit from owning them.

  • PvP: Each color pet accessory will give you +1 BM per PvP kill!
  • PvM: Each color pet accessory will give you +1% drop rate bonus. Now this one could be nullified per accessory, and be only made to work as a set. Once you reach enchanted pet accessory the effect will work and grant you 5% drop rate bonus(One for each color in the blood diamond shop).

Golden Goodie Bag: I'm not sure what we can call the new goodie bags but we could we could have newer ones that work as they do now. This new goodie bag will feature some new expensive and very rare cosmetics. I've come to suggest that the new custom cosmetics will be themed "Gold". They would be a gold Partyhat, gold santahat, and gold h'ween mask. It could be named golden goodie bag, and spread out as a new drop from bosses. The drop table would be identical to the original goodie bag, except it would also have a very rare chance to give these three new golden cosmetics and some slightly increased monetary rewards.

  • Very rare chance at giving past event very rare cosmetics!


  • Very rare chance at giving new very rare cosmetics!

Crystal Halberd Tweak: Currently Crystal Halberd is not working as intended. On osrs it is capable of hitting 130+ on bosses that are large enough to qualify for it's special attack. Right now it has a maximum of 80, meaning that OSRS has a +50 damage ahead on us without the boosts we provide. Given DDS is a spawnable weapon and can hit up to 157, this spear needs to hit similarly if not higher. It should also be wiped from the server and re released in the slayer shop for slayer points when it is released working good.

Bonus Mystery Chest:jw5jzw As the name suggests, would be a better version of the point mystery box, and could simply be remained to Point Mystery Chest instead of Runex's version 'Bonus Mystery Chest'. Given we will have to nerf it, but the chest could be a minimal x3 more points to a maximum of x5 points awarded more than the point box.

Combat Amnesty Scrolls: This one is pretty straightforward and is aimed at the pvmers in the wilderness. You'll be able to purchase a scroll that pardons you from PvP combat whilst you have a timer. Different times will cost difference prices, but make no mistake this won't be overpowered. When using these scrolls players will be redskulled, and have magical sickness so they can't teleport out with pets/items. Along with that, you can only use the scroll before you enter the wilderness, and not inside of it. Similar to Kharazi amnesty timer, other players will be able to see your countdown so if you have an amnesty period of 20 minutes, everyone will be able to see it. Lastly, the magical sickness will double in duration of the amnesty period. Once you pop a scroll for 30 minutes, you'll receive magical sickness for 60 minutes(double your amnesty period). The redskull will not go away until the player exists the wilderness under magical sickness from a amnesty scroll.


  • PvP killers will be able to sniff out anyone and potentially set up traps/clan activity to kill people using these scrolls if they are smart enough. Thus promoting both PvP and PvM activity in the wilderness.
  • This will be a good sink of Slayer points/blood money/donator tickets(wherever shop they may end up in) as players will be purchasing these and using them.

Ava's Accumulator(t) Tweak: Seen community feedback that people want ava's assembler(the new ava's that came into osrs in january) but if we introduced it, it would be inferior to ava's(t). If we buff it, it'll make ava's(t) inferior. So to compromise we should switch out ava's(t) for ava's assembler and keep the same stats as current ava's(t). Same thing applies for ava's max cape, make it  Assembler Max Cape.jw5t6o?width=128&height=300

Infernal Max Cape Tweak: Pretty sure everyone here knows how the current Infernal Max Cape looks like in game. Regular infernal cape looks good, but the way infernal max cape looks on OSRS is how it should look like here.


OSRS: Infernal_max_cape_equipped.gif?width=118

Unspawnable Rune Knives: Ragging is an ongoing issue on the server and while I don't support it's complete removal we can do something about the key instruments used in ragging. While Rune knives WON'T be completely removed, instead they'll be made unspawnable. Players will now have to smith and make them themselves in order to use Rune Knives. This is to prevent players from just spawning and ragging on alts. Now players are going to have to work a little extra harder to rag.

Blowpipe Tweak: Always looking for more cash sinks on the server and I believe we found the best solution for these. Given Blowpipe is currently an essential item for any starter player, it is also a very strong and overall contender for being the best PvM ranged weapon on the server. The difference between BP and twisted bow isn't much, and surely not worth the 58b difference between the two.

  • Blowpipe will no longer have infinite ammo and will require you to charge it up with darts. These darts will not be dropped on death in non wilderness locations, but all will drop in a wilderness location.
  • Dragon darts will need to be coded in and be unspawnable. Dragon dart tips will drop from bosses in order for you to make Dragon darts. Rune darts will remain unspawnable, as you will have to smith and make them yourself and fletch to put them together to make rune darts. Once you make those, you can use dragon dart tips on rune darts to transform them into dragon darts ready to be applied to a blowpipe.
  • Bosses that will drop them will be Zulrah and Demonic Gorrilas. Frost and lava dragons are an option but i'm trying to refrain from letting it be bosses than can be spawned and afk'd. The drop will be guranteed and will drop 1-15 per kill, or have it as an common drop 10-25 dart tips with a 1/10 drop rate chance(like dragon javelins for demonic gorillas).

Server Wide Weekend Boosts: This was a major topic of interest throughout the entire community! Everyone loved the idea of having an extra benefit while playing on the weekend when everyone has off from work. From Friday at 12 AM server time to Sunday 11:59:59 PM there will be an active server wide boost for everyone free of charge. Both one PvP and one PvM boost will be active at the same time. It can be either or of the four options provided.

  • PvP Boost 1: Get +5 BM per kill!
  • PvP Boost 2: Get +5% chance for a statuette drop from player kills!
  • PvM Boost 1: Get a 15% chance to double all coin drops from boss kills!
  • PvM Boost 2: Get a 5% chance to double any rare drop!

Redskulling Risk Reward System: Given risk fighting is sort of not that rewarding, thanks to this idea from gf1v24 , is that we should add a risk reward system when red skulling. The more you risk while red skulled, the more blood money you'll get from pvp kills. I don't think this needs to be capped since you are red skulled and the more you risk the more you'll drop on the floor.

  • Under 10B risk while redskulled get +10 BM per kill
  • Under 50B risk while redskulled get +20 BM per kill
  • Under 100B risk while redskulled get +50 BM per kill.


Blood orbs from Runex that work similar to redskulling and are based on pvp kills.

  • Lesser Blood Orb: jw5ing
  • Greater Blood Orb:jw5ipv
  • Master Blood Orb:jw5iri




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If rune knives become unspawnable just for the fact raggers use them. You can fuck right off, ragging is a way of pking stop fighting against it 

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1. Javelins -> -1

2. Sponsor tokens -> -1

3. Crystal keys -> +1 (PvP rates -> PvM rates)

4. Pet -> -1

5. GGB -> +1

6. CHally -> +1

7. B Mchest -> 0/0

8. Amnesty -> 0/0

9. Ava + infernal -> +2

10. Rune knives -> 0/0 -> maybe restrict them only at edge?

11. BP tweak -> +200

12. Redskull system -> -1 (Pulling up a divine, doppel and whatever to tanky gear meaning u can farm 200 hours and hold eco?)

12.1 Orbs -> 0/0 Don't know how you want to balance that.


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My thoughts;

1. New javelins- Seems kinda cool if balanced properly I dont really mind. +/- 1

2. Sponsor tokens/ horns- Seems alright i guess but the rarity of these tokens needs to be looked into as to not just spam em and ruin the economy.

3. Crystal keys- +1 Tho the drop table needs to be revised mabye additions of cosmetics or even a new item (ie, crystal ring from Runex or something.).

4. Pet accessory's- -1 

5. Golden goodibag- I don't see why not +1.

6. CHally tweaks- Again i dont see why not tho would need to be carefully addressed with the reset of the C hally on the server +1

7. Bonus Mchest- I mean doesn't seem that great kinda looks pointless to add to SpawnPk.

8. Amnesty- 100% No, Pvming in the wilderness is designed to be high risk high reward or atleast worth venturing into the wilderness to Pvm there, If this was added it would straight up grant immunity to the wilderness and decrease the actual player count of the wilderness to almost non. Plus makes mage arena OP asf the best consistant moneymaker in the game now becoming 100% AFKable is absurd and shouldn't even be considered. -10000000

9. Cosmetic changes- Again something that shoulda been tweaked long ago +1

10. Rune knives- I mean if your not gonna rag with rune knives theres many other options to use this doesn't really stop anything, plus using knifes in actual Pking there in reality not that great unless your pure pking and even then as soon as someone gets above 30 defence they hit too many 0s. -1

11. Blowpipe nerf- BP needed a nerf long ago and if this is it then +1.

12. Redskulling- Honestly +1 might convince people to actually risk once in their life even if that is with a divine or not.

12.1 Orbs- Maybe the increase in bloodmoney should be lowered but something along these lines could be added. Gotta remember that runex is a stricly pvm server where almost non of the blood money comes in from pking which made these orbs almost necessary for pkers to turn profit on SPK idk how it'd effect the Eco of blood money but it wouldn't be positive.

However this still doesn't address the current issues with the combat system :/ 

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1. Sure but instead of having a javelin effect added to the special attack, change the effects of each javelin into a 1/3, 1/5, 1/10 or whatever rate is most likely to be balanced enough every HIT the ballista does instead of every special attack as people are not likely to special attack with it

2. Sure but I wouldn’t keep on promoting sponsor donators like that

3. Unnecessary content IMO

4. Unnecessary content IMO

5. Unncessary content IMO

6. Sure

7. Unncessary content IMO

8. This wouldn’t make the wilderness what it is right now anymore, I don’t support this at all

9. Sure

10. Sure 

11. You won’t stop raggers by removing rune knifes, just saying

12. Nerfing/buffing>making unspawnable,...

13. +1 support 

14. +1 support

Edited by _Jorik_

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Javs: +1. I wish balli ammunition was more viable.

Sponsor: An EZ +1

Crystal keys: Another EZ +1

Accessory: +1 

GGB: +1, I would rather see new cosmetics than old ones. Despite wanting to own a few specific old cosmetics for myself, there are player's who highly value their collection's of cosmetics. 

C Hally: It's bad, please do this. (on a side note can d sword get a DR buff/rework of where it's dropped, It's going to take years to see them in PvP at this rate)

Point Mystery Box: +1

Infernal max cape: +1000. When this item first cameout I thought "why would anyone "upgrade" their Infernal to make it uglier and lose the unique texture/animation". It's fugly, it's not even possible to argue that it looks good. A change is needed.

Combat Amnesty: I can't give an opinion on this, I need to give this more thought. This would be GAMECHANGING.

Ava's T: +1. only if it keeps the price of a (t), 100 blood diamonds. I'm going to think about this personally; I bought this item and it's now worth more than my bank, I see very few of them and ingame and 

Weekend boosts: Y E S

Redskull Reward System: Y E S. (I wish Gf1v24 gave more suggestion's). Right now I can't leave an opinion on which system. I'm unfamiliar with how a blood orb works; if they're an item that has to be kept in an inventory, or an item that activates a "perk", if the cash drops on death etc, etc. <- Could the details be laid out of exactly how this works/would work. I found a little info of a suggested bloodorb on runex forum's, and looked through some updates but they usually don't have intricate details.

If a bloodorb is used could it somehow not "clutter" inventory space; not having to be in the inventory when used.


Now for the boring long replies

Blowpipe Tweak -1/2, +1/2? (glass full-half empty thing)


Not a +1 but I can't say I'm fully against it. I'm going to look at this from a very one-sided view. After it's nerf A BP in PvP has really really bad base auto damage and DPS (that spec is still insane though). It's very rarely used for PKing now, a change like this would ruin it for PKing. Weapons should not be 100% viable in only one portion of the game. I'm all for cash sink's and making player's work for their item's but in "friendlier" ways. Side note: I'm going to exclude tbow in this statement because it's cost and that it sucked hardcore for a long time because it's formula/AS; A blowpipe is the only Viable (and best) range PvM weapon, the cost does not reflect that.

Kinda off topic but proves my point about BP: For PvP, BP and Zbow currently have a formula set in place that limit's DPS to a certain amount within a certain timefrime (something like this). Low damage and 0's are AUTOMATICALLY FORCED, it's horrible for pking, if the RNG is meaninglessness so is the weapon. I thought up this theory after using a zbow and a BP after their nerfs. I've only recently had a way to 100% prove it. Side note: On OSRS a BP is one tick slower in PvP than PvM, on SPK it is not, this is why it was too op for too long.

Rknife change: -1


I'll break it down like this, the point of ragging is to be block the other person from combat/PKing, and to generally make them want to smash their keyboard. The possible damage from knifes and interactions with leech because quick attack speed is just a +1. A change like this only hurts people who PK with rune knife's outside of ragging.

There's 3 style's of rag and this is how a rune knife change would effect them.

The type of ragger that cares about the leech proc will switch to any bugged throwing knife, a kitchen knifes, a hunter's cbow (1 tick slower than knifes) or any other fast weapon.

The one's that care about damage (do melee-range or trifecta switches), would use a hunter's cbow (the troll rags), a blood cbow, or obby rings. 

The type of raggers that don't care about the leech proc or damage and are wasting your time (95% of them) would use literally any other weapon including no weapon. I've seen people rag with their fist or Goliath's Gaunts. I've seen people rag by waiting till someone is in combat then standing under every single fight of both parties, a way of saying "this guy isn't allowed to fight anyone, and if you fight this guy Im'ma stand under the fight and PJ if and when I feel like it". I love hyperbole's to prove points: If raggers couldn't; spawn brews, wear weapons/armour, or use overs they would still be in the wild ragging, but now they would be punching people while naked with a full inve of mantas/wrath on, doing what they do best, being annoying.

Ragging is a problem when it's targeted at new player's (which it usually is), A lot of "ragger's" on here target the weak and not other or better raggers. It's a big avoiding contest.

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Legit don't understand why Ryan and Ramzi dont port many of these updates from RuneX onto Spawnpk.. this whole thread is just SPK players wanting to leech all RuneX updates which I completely agree with.

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unspawnable rune knives wont do shit to prevent ragging. they'll just go to the next best item


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1. Javelins -> +1

2. Sponsor tokens -> +1

3. Crystal keys -> +1 

4. Pet -> +1

5. GGB -> +1

6. CHally -> +1

7. B Mchest -> +1

8. Amnesty -> -1

9. Ava + infernal -> +1

10. Rune knives -> +1

11. BP tweak -> +1

12. Redskull system -> -1 Could potentially end up being farmed by alts/friends

12.1 Orbs -> -1

Overall, great suggestions i'd love to see most of these in-game if not all with some minor tweaks.

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