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urdumb last won the day on May 2 2018

urdumb had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

2 Neutral

About urdumb

  • Rank
    Junior Member

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  1. urdumb


    ok stop being edgy
  2. urdumb

    Veteran rank

    okay but the player should have been actually active the entire time. you joined in 2016, posted a little bit, then no posts in 2017. i wonder where you went. then you came back 2 months ago. so you wouldnt be eligible for the veteran rank. it doesnt matter how old your account is, you have to have been playing the entire time. "oh but runescape gave out veteran capes even if they didnt play, they just needed an account". this server has like 250 ppl; lot less than what they have. when you're more likely to be known in a small community, the requirement should be higher to get the rank
  3. urdumb

    Im Charging Back

    120$ oh no. some other retard will donate that the second you leave, ryan isnt worried
  4. urdumb

    [Official] YouTube Summer Event

    "base the rewards off the view count, likes, etccccc." ya fuck new youtubers that would like to participate but will have a disadvantage the whole time because they didnt have an established youtube channel
  5. tevin gives it a 9/10 on the basis that "a lot of bugs were fixed" ?
  6. urdumb

    Ethereal contest winners (June-July 2018)

    how are we supposed to enter a contest when tevin bought the dinh's out
  7. urdumb

    UID Bans for 'Flaming'

    both are useless, unbanning them after 1+ year will do nothing especially keeping them muted unless you want muted raggers only. bullysquad is gone
  8. unspawnable rune knives wont do shit to prevent ragging. they'll just go to the next best item
  9. urdumb

    Plnaker asked for screenshot?

    no1 died
  10. urdumb

    akam the best spk utuber :)

    yeah b/c seeing his youtube videos and joining spawnpk becasue of it and then you see him say ingame on yell "spk is shit" sure makes you want to play a lot more. and this is a youtuber that plays the server not like sohan who pretends to like a server for $$$
  11. urdumb

    Edgeville rag

    if you get ragged its your fault. learn to talk out of it and dont cry to other people about it b/c then they have a reason to rag (so you have a reaction) idk the raggers that play atm but as long as you dont flame them for ragging you and apologize, you should be fine he attacked a redskull while he was probably risking nothing. thats the reason he got ragged.
  12. urdumb

    Biggest whale on SPK history.

    lemon ice wasnt even playing when bully squad was here rofl
  13. urdumb


    90% of the community will never be banned b/c they sit afk pvming and dont know what pking is so they are irrelevant to the server
  14. urdumb

    Enchanted Stone Event!

    useless content after someone does it first. it'll just be something you "get" over time and dont need to rush if someone already has it first.
  15. urdumb

    Y I P K U's QoL, Bugfix, and Suggestion Thread

    ryan hates you because of this post