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Found 4 results

  1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZiSiCZ1gmuph-9Zr38rWiQ?view_as=subscriber
  2. Hey there, so I'd like to suggest a few things, so i'll just make a list? I guess? Slayer: So I dont think people have been complaining at all about the currently slayer system. I mean why would they? It's great! but I think it can be made better via the rewards. At the moment, slayer tasks give about 20-30mish and the same with points. The points are fine by themselves, but I think on some of the harder/more time consuming/more dangerous boss tasks, players should be rewarded a little bit more. For example, if someone were to get a slayer task of a wildywyrm, or kraken. Since these normally take along time to solo, and are in wild, and are almost always packed, at the end of the task, instead of a measly 20M which is basically nothing, it could be changed to something that would make the players want to complete the task, like 150M? Note: This would only be on the harder slayer tasks. Slayer are players main source of money making at the moment under donating and gambling. Why dont we give it a little buff/nudge to get the pvmers some bank, and some new players some will to stay. Edit: You could also add a task bottle for slayer tasks as well? That could add extra rewards. Bosses: This kind of ties to a point made in the upper suggestion, the amount of bosses in 1 given area. I'm not sure if it would be beneficial to add more bosses in the locations for the wildy bosses, they are always packed and sometimes you have to wait hours to get what should take you 30 minutes done, for little to no reward ( at the moment) I'm simply proposing that more wildy bosses be added and or more locations for these bosses, (in the wild of course) Just to simply ease the frustration of Im guessing hundreds of people. Rare drop display messages: These are a bit of a problem too. The current system is good, but with our current economy, why are claws, abyssal items, godsword, etc Showing up as a message on the yell chat as a rare reward. Yes, they are a rare drop, but they are almost worthless. Removing atleast the claws/chaotics/ags. Would reduce some spam in the chat. You can leave goodiebags and other boxes like pvp or donators though. Those are worth nearly a bill. Implementing a cosmetic boss: So what i mean here is to put a boss, or a couple bosses ingame for donators, that drops the same thing the fancy mystery boxes do, with a rare drop of of course fancy mystery boxes. I feel this will add a demand to more cosmetic items ingame, as right now. Not many of them are worth anything or worth getting. Adding a boss that drops more cosmetics like agile armor, more god items, etc would probably be beneficial to the entire server, and of course, our skillers Small side suggestions: Make blood shards tradeable Fix the christmas cracker to give only Partyhats, not masks etc. Make barrows easier to do, since the rewards are low, spawn brother outside the tunnels etc, after all kills youd have a chance at a drop. Add GWD? Make it so that there is more than one way to corperal beast. Other than the wildy cape and searching. Rebuff z bow for pvm ! ^-^ Lemme know what yall think below?
  3. squalus

    Kraken Reform

    I frequently dabble in the art of slayer in game (boss slayer tasks). It's good money and I'm saving up for the colored slayer helms. It's especially nice when you get a decent drop like a torture amulet, as those will build up your bank decently. However, there is one slayer task that is just terrible, and I'm sure many others feel this way; Krakens. Let me list the several reasons for why the kraken task is abysmal. 1. Krakens have a ridiculous health pool. Killing a kraken isn't necessarily challenging, but it is very time consuming (especially if you're a new player with limited access to decent dps ranged weapons.) 2. The loot table for krakens is very unsatisfying. I don't think any person with good game knowledge would kill a kraken outside of a slayer task. The best drop it has is a donator mystery box, which is a pretty decent drop. BUT, don't be deceived! The drop rate for this is probably ridiculous, as it is listed as very rare. In 66 kraken kills I have not received a rare drop and have only received 2 uncommon drops. This is pretty weak, especially since thieving makes about 1.5b an hour at level 99 and it takes me about an hour to kill 30 of these things given pkers and lack of spawns. 3. The task size is usually too large. I got 34 krakens the last task. With a 3rd age bow (pretty decent dps) it takes me about an hour to finish the task. Again, the profit from this is insignificant in comparison to things like thieving. Also, the slayer points per hour received by this task is much lower than say a demonic gorilla task). 4. The spawns need reworking. There are only 2 spawns for common players, and they are both located right near eachother in the deep wilderness. This not only creates a hotspot for pkers to destroy newbies, it also makes it VERY difficult to get kills efficiently, especially if there is one or more players competing for kills. The respawn is pretty lengthy, and killing them is even more lengthy, so if you can't attack a kraken before another player, you're stuck either waiting minutes at risk of being pked or you have to travel 15 wildy levels to teleport out. 5. They are overall not fun. Sure, for people who afk a lot, they are nice to click, sit back and wait, but for people like me who like to get more out of playing efficiently and actively, we are not benefiting from this aspect at all. There are no challenges in killing this monster. Pray ranged and afk if you want. It's single combat so you're not going to be at risk of dying until you run out of prayer or until the kraken is dead. Of course repetitively killing the same monster for a slayer task won't be the most exciting, but the Demonic Gorillas at least add some level of entertainment due to the need to focus and switch weapons. Now that I have listed what I view as issues in the kraken design, here are some suggestions that when implemented I think might fix the overall lack of excitement in this task. 1. Add better loot. You don't have to go crazy on this. But seriously, the abyssal tentacle didn't sell for me at 7m overnight. And with blood whips, its a useless item. Perhaps add more blood money per kill, or more coins as a way of providing consistent money rather than the current very rare money from mboxes. Also, trident of the swamp would be a good rare drop. If you think this is too much, consider the fact that gorillas have torture drop as rare which is more expensive than the trident of the swamp (and gorillas are way faster to kill). 2. Reduce the health pool. Too time consuming for such little pay off. 3. Increase the number of spawns. You can't efficiently get kraken kills if one or more people are present. Otherwise, thank you all for considering my ideas. Take my suggestions with a grain of salt, as I am no developer. However, I do have faith in the developers when it comes to reforming the bad aspects of the kraken. Peace.
  4. Donnie

    Slayer Guide

    (Slayer is super EASY here on SpawnPK, just follow this short guide and you'll have 99 Slayer in no time) Or use this tele Last but not least; click the "Orb" in the Slayer Room and you'll be able to spawn any slayer monster your task requires! (Bosses not included) ~ Happy Slaying :rolleyes: