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About squalus

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  1. yeah pretty much that, ::topic 32109 to see my previous analysis. Staff members are obviously lying to us and punishing those who call them out for it. Pretty sad that we have a fake version of a fake game listing fake drop rates lmao
  2. squalus

    Staff Respond Please

    So I guess I had to write out another complaint about the enchanted chest because staff have yet to fix or acknowledge actual problems. Even the labeled 50/50 drop rates are actually 45/55. It’s really sad that the majority of players (and a lot of staff) understand just how wrong the listed enchanted chest drop rates are, yet do not care at all about fixing said problems. Staff either do not know that these issues exist, or they are aware and purposefully dishonest. By now, I have let almost EVERY staff member and a large portion of players know that these issues exist. That’s why I’m unfortunately led to believe that staff ARE indeed being intentionally dishonest. I have been ignored and chastised for stating the truth. It’s really a shame that staff seemingly don’t value integrity at all. Otherwise by now, my issue would have been addressed and fixed. Staff, feel free to respond in ANY fashion. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the situation.
  3. squalus

    Enchanted Boots RNG is wrong

    PLEASE IF TL;DR READ THE END The Enchanted Boots are notoriously difficult to get, with seemingly most people far beyond the fail rate. I have plenty of experience with statistical analysis through an engineering university. I am extremely confident that the listed drop rate for enchanted boots is NOT 5%, nor does it appear to be close to that. Though I can only claim to have mostly anecdotal evidence, there are some statistical figures that I can generate from what I've gathered. If you are staff member, please take the time to read my full statement. If you are a player (staff included) and have ever attempted the enchanted boots, please feel free to document in the replies below how many attempts you have even if it's only one. It is clearly and explicitly stated below the Enchanted Boot attempt menu that there is a 5% (or .05 or 1/20) probability of success. For calculating the likelihood of achieving x amount of fails, use .95^x. .95^13.5 is roughly equivalent to 50% chance, meaning players should expect boots around attempt 13. example: 20 fails in a row is a chance of .95^20 =.358 or 35.8%. --------> 35.8% of the time, players will need to spend 21 attempts or more. That is to say, 64.2% of players SHOULD receive enchanted boots by boot attempt number 21. let's try 60 fails .95^60 = .0461 or 4.61% chance. Only 4.61% of all players should have to spend 61 or more attempts to get enchanted boots. now let's try my current number, 122 .95^122 =.00191 or .191% chance. only .191%, or roughly a 1/500 chance. so I'm unlucky I guess. Okay but what about another player I just spoke to who took 230 attempts? Unlucky I guess, their chances of that were 1/132,914 Now hold up, I'm seeing multiple people with 300+ and an individual that had 580 before ultimately quitting? These odds are essentially impossible. .95^580 = 1.2(10^-13). or about 1 in 8,000,000,000,000. That's eight trillion. These odds are not impossible, but given such a small sample size (only players who have attempted boots) it is very unlikely that the odds are accurate. The rarest verifiable occurrences in casinos (which are well documented/regulated and have a sample size of millions of individuals yearly) are around 1 in 20,000,000,000 or twenty billion. It makes sense to witness such possibilities though when you consider billions of casino games are played each year. However, SPK most likely has a sample size only in the thousands, meaning its even more rare to see such statistical improbabilities. According to the 5% success rate, If 1 million SPK players attempted enchanted boots, there's only a 1 out of 8 million chance for someone to go 580 dry with 5% odds. Realistically it would take millions of individuals each creating millions of accounts of their own and enchanting boots to see these odds. Yeah, I don't buy it. A much more likely situation is that the success rate is 1% or lower. Assuming a 1% chance of success, the average player in the long run would need 69 attempts to get their boots. That seems much more in line than the claimed 5% chance, which would result in an average of 13.5 attempts for the average player to receive their boots. WHAT'S MOST LIKELY GOING ON HERE: The success rate as it is is most likely set to 1% or lower, not 5%. Just one example, the difference in coding for 5% vs .5% is simply .05 vs .005, an easy to make mistake. If we assume a .5% success chance, we expect the average person to need 138 attempts for boots. That sounds much more reasonable for the attempt counts we see.
  4. i dont know what you posted desmond but i find it highly unlikely i was able to exactly reproduce your application without knowledge of its existence.
  5. squalus

    Squalus for owner

    hey buddy this is not the place to post this
  6. squalus

    Pure Pking Incentivization

    Don't ever feel you have the importance to talk to me ever again
  7. I'm not following your arbitrary and mandatory rules for application. Give me executive authority over everything. Staff should heed my word for I am far superior intellectually. My input outweighs that of the next 100 players combined.
  8. squalus

    Squalus for owner

    I'm not actually 13 but a huge problem in small games like rsps is that the staff are the poopiest ever. thats just a sad de facto of games with small playerbases. they will generally have an owner who hires the most convenient option as a staff and let's them loose. this is dumb though, because you have little idea of how they will behave with power
  9. squalus

    Pure Pking Incentivization

    they don't like it because it's less fun and not rewarding. im asking for a change in that. you know you dont always have to comment when your opinion makes little sense. the whole point is to get more people wanting to pure pk. IM AWARE THAT PEOPLE DONT LIKE IT AS IT IS. IM LITERALLY ASKING TO CHANGE THAT.
  10. squalus


    unlock squalus10 account.
  11. squalus

    Suggestions that everyone will WANT.

    I don't understand the visual changes. Like you are seriously altering a few pixels. If you asked any normal person, they would tell you that they are too similar to determine which one looks better. Really that's such an insignificant suggestion. Also do you know what best in slot means? Because the chaotic rapier > tentacle sooo....
  12. squalus

    Blue Skull

    Enact a ::blueskull command. It would be the same thing as redskull. However, blue skull players can only attack other blue skull players. This allows for a reduction of rushing on those who redskull.
  13. squalus

    Small suggestion

    I have a small suggestion that would improve the server greatly. Ban Arjanit. Arjanit does nothing but double spec rush newbie players. He provides nothing to the server and destroys it for others. Do you want new players to come in, get rushed by Arjanit, and immediately quit? That's how you lose paying customers. Arjanit provides no benefits, joy, or entertainment for anyone but himself. Such a greedy and disgraceful way of playing should not be tolerated. What happens when you ban Arjanit? Well, 1 player who will not be missed will disappear, and many new players (and even regular players) will not stop playing. "What fun is a server when no risking rushers like Arjanit can freely dominate the game?" This may be the thoughts of players annoyed by Arjanit. If you want to see this server get more players, ban Arjanit. This does not extend to other rushers though, and here's why. Arjanit is unique. Arjanit harasses and annoys players, he targets easy prey (aka new players who are still developing their opinion of the server), he risks nothing, he is absolutely no fun whatsoever, he only detracts from the server, and everytime I see him online, he is out rushing newbies. By banning Arjanit, you are only doing the server good. If you vote against this, you are saying that the very minor personal freedoms of Arjanit outweigh the welfare of the ENTIRE POPULATION of spawnpk. Which is more important to you? If people like Arjanit continue to infest spawnpk, we might not see spawnpk anymore in a few months.
  14. squalus

    --Big Suggestions--

    I support very little of this. BANK: I support the search feature, but am indifferent on all the other ones. I would rather see developer time get put into something else SETTINGS: I could care less about sounds/music. I listen to my own music while playing. Quick response is fine, time online is fine. BOSSES: JUST BECAUSE IT EXISTS IN RUNESCAPE LIVE DOES NOT MEAN IT NEEDS TO EXIST IN SPAWNPK. What good would it be to add those 3 wilderness bosses? They would probably drop bad loot or loot people don't need. Also, the other wilderness bosses like Vet'ian and Crazy Archaeologist are almost constantly raided by pkers and non killed commonly. Useless updates that don't merit the development team's effort. Great Olm is a meh from me. If its not in wildy, it's gonna be dictated by people with CRAZY dps gear. So you're basically asking for a boss where the wealthiest players benefit the most. If it's in the wild, that would be dumb because then it would be barraged by teams of pkers. Also, there are already ways of getting those items. Same arguments for the other bosses. They are all meh. ITEMS: Almost all of these are unnecessary items that you want simply because they are in osrs live. Dragon crossbow? For what, the kbd? Lol sure. Ranger gloves? We already have very similar versions of most of these items. They are unnecessary. The only way you could make them different is by making them slightly stronger, but wtf man. If you keep bringing items that are slightly strogner than the last batch, you are transitioning into OP pvp (which it pretty much is. I hit 80s with dwh in spawnable gear. Pft.) I could pick apart each item here (e.g. the barrelchest mace already does what the ancient mace does...) but I'm just gonna label these as useless items and move on. ADJUSTMENTS: Some of these are alright, but for the most part they are not really demanded by people. Who the hell wants a goliath glove buff? Unless you buff it until its better than a whip, theres no practical reason to use it. Also improved dds accuracy? Dawg, why? It's damage potential is ridiculous (especially with vigour). No need to buff a this SPAWNABLE weapon. PVP: These are fine. Indifferent to the skin color. EXTRA: Too much shit. Don't really care about any of these. At this point it's like you're just adding extra shit in just to have more suggestions. Never does it pop up in my head where I'm like "damn, of all the issues on this server, we need more shit to buy in the coin shop". COMPERS: 1. I like the idea, but this doesn't seem implementable in a way that isn't overpowered. The blood ring, blood whip, and vengeance upgrades are already pretty significant increases in your pvp abilities. I can only imagine what other buffs could come from this, and from what you listed they sound OP AF. 2. Whatever, as long as its not overpowered and keeps players active.
  15. squalus

    Nerf Prayer and Eating

    Prayer is wack. My regular spawnable gear gives me +13 prayer bonus when pking. It takes FOREVER for me to lose prayer points to the point where I literally NEVER worry about being smited. Also, the smite prayer (which almost no one but people who are on those prayers anyway use, e.g. rangers) is pretty much useless. As long as every minute you check your prayer points in the battle ( which isn't hard considering you always check your health which is 1 mm away) you have basically no chance of being smited. Nerf prayer or buff smite. Also, this server is the only private server I have EVER played that has the currently employed system of eating. On spawnpk, you can eat a manta ray, karambwan, and drink a saradomin brew in the same tick without interrupting your attack ticks, AT ALL. I mean, what the hell? Normally, after you eat food, you have to wait a few ticks before you can attack again. In this server, this is not the case. This takes out any skill in eating, as you can just spam food all you want and still get a hit in as if you didn't eat at all. I know this would be a drastic change considering most people have become accustomed to this mechanic, but man. What were the developers thinking when they completely overlooked this?! Change it. After 1200 kills in the wilderness, I can tell you right now with personal experience that prayer and food ticks are NOT fun. They reduce the skill level of pking. By taking away skill from pvp battles, you make pkers rely more on overpowered gear (I'm looking at you korasi and DWH). How about this: Implement these for a 1 week trial, then do an official poll to see if the players would rather keep it or get rid of it. No risks, right?