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Found 18 results

  1. hello im ( BRATVA ) i logget back in today for the rebuild friend gave me blowpipe and slay helm i went to kill some revs after i teleported back home i get teled to jail asked bowflexxx reason for jail he sayd THAT ( BRATKA ) reported you for logging to his account ... i have no (F) clue wth is happening can you guys lett me out please
  2. daltina

    Updating the "Coin Shop"

    Fellow players and staff, I have not been apart of the SpawnPK community for very long, but I can say it has been a very enjoyable experience. One thing we all know is that it is very easy to obtain gold, which is amazing! you can earn enough in a week to load your bank with many great items. My only issue with this, is the "Coin Shop". There are some very useful items in the shop! My suggestion is that there be a item rotation/randomization similar to the blood pool. Every (X) amount of time, new items can be shown for purchase by the players. It would give us more items to save up for, spend our coins on and look forward to seeing what's next. Thank you for making this server fun and exciting to play. with great intentions, Daltina.
  3. Hey there, so I'd like to suggest a few things, so i'll just make a list? I guess? Slayer: So I dont think people have been complaining at all about the currently slayer system. I mean why would they? It's great! but I think it can be made better via the rewards. At the moment, slayer tasks give about 20-30mish and the same with points. The points are fine by themselves, but I think on some of the harder/more time consuming/more dangerous boss tasks, players should be rewarded a little bit more. For example, if someone were to get a slayer task of a wildywyrm, or kraken. Since these normally take along time to solo, and are in wild, and are almost always packed, at the end of the task, instead of a measly 20M which is basically nothing, it could be changed to something that would make the players want to complete the task, like 150M? Note: This would only be on the harder slayer tasks. Slayer are players main source of money making at the moment under donating and gambling. Why dont we give it a little buff/nudge to get the pvmers some bank, and some new players some will to stay. Edit: You could also add a task bottle for slayer tasks as well? That could add extra rewards. Bosses: This kind of ties to a point made in the upper suggestion, the amount of bosses in 1 given area. I'm not sure if it would be beneficial to add more bosses in the locations for the wildy bosses, they are always packed and sometimes you have to wait hours to get what should take you 30 minutes done, for little to no reward ( at the moment) I'm simply proposing that more wildy bosses be added and or more locations for these bosses, (in the wild of course) Just to simply ease the frustration of Im guessing hundreds of people. Rare drop display messages: These are a bit of a problem too. The current system is good, but with our current economy, why are claws, abyssal items, godsword, etc Showing up as a message on the yell chat as a rare reward. Yes, they are a rare drop, but they are almost worthless. Removing atleast the claws/chaotics/ags. Would reduce some spam in the chat. You can leave goodiebags and other boxes like pvp or donators though. Those are worth nearly a bill. Implementing a cosmetic boss: So what i mean here is to put a boss, or a couple bosses ingame for donators, that drops the same thing the fancy mystery boxes do, with a rare drop of of course fancy mystery boxes. I feel this will add a demand to more cosmetic items ingame, as right now. Not many of them are worth anything or worth getting. Adding a boss that drops more cosmetics like agile armor, more god items, etc would probably be beneficial to the entire server, and of course, our skillers Small side suggestions: Make blood shards tradeable Fix the christmas cracker to give only Partyhats, not masks etc. Make barrows easier to do, since the rewards are low, spawn brother outside the tunnels etc, after all kills youd have a chance at a drop. Add GWD? Make it so that there is more than one way to corperal beast. Other than the wildy cape and searching. Rebuff z bow for pvm ! ^-^ Lemme know what yall think below?
  4. Myron

    Money making guide

    THIS GUIDE IS IN PROGRESS - CONTENT AND IMAGES WILL BE ADDED ASAP Dear new players, I see alot of people that do not know how to get started with making money. Because of this im gonna make an entire money making guide. 1. Voting 2. Thieving 3. Daily Rewards 4. Slayer 5. PVM 6. PK 7. Achievements 8. Merching 9. Staking/gambling 1. Voting You can earn money by voting, to get you started. You can vote every 12 hours. Simply follow this steps: 1. Go to http://www.spawnpk.net/vote/ 2. Fill in your username. 3. Visit each link, complete the captcha and click on "submit vote". 4. Get back ingame and type ::claim or ::redeem to get your vote points. 5. Now you can buy vote tickets from the vote store. 6. You can sell the vote tickets in the trading post. (Check the trading post for current prices). 2. Thieving Thieving is a good way to get some starters pvm gear. For thieving you get a decent amount of money. I agree that its boring but you got to start somewhere. 3. Daily rewards 4. Slayer 5. PVM First off all i would recommend you to get the blood perks for the drop bonus. Perks: 1: +5 % drop bonus 2: +5 % drop bonus 3: +7.5 % drop bonus 6. PK 7. Achievements 8. Merching Merching is a perfect way to get money. For example Blow pipe is 2b atm. Sometimes there in the trading post for 1.8b. You buy the one for 1.8b and sell it for a bit more like for example 1.9b. Your profit will be 100m. There is one thing, get known with the economy. Some prices change quickly. But there also alot of items to merch. Just be carefull with what items you will use to merch. 9. Staking/Gambling We all know that staking and gambling can make your bank get huge in a second, but there is also a chance of losing all. This happend to me alot of times. Made 250b from 8b. Then lost all. So i would say you could gamble, but stop when you got a little profit otherwise you will end up like me with nothing If you know youre to addicted, then do not gamble or stake. How to get there? Gambling: Type ::gamble to teleport to the gambling zone. Staking: Type ::duel to teleport to the duel arena. NOTE: To host gambling you need a gambling scroll. You can obtain one in the donator store.
  5. Hi, its me Surkki. So i donated today like 160 euros, Problems are: I dont get Donator ranks, (Total Donated: 30 euros) I really donated 160euros, i have emails for it. My items on bank, just gone. ( I was open bank, close and reopen bank, and lot of items are gone) Clock 10:49 i donated 30 euros with my Visa card, and i going to game and i writed ::Redeem its dont work, i dont get anything, then i try ::claim Dont work.. so i want my 30 euro bond. So what now? Staff please contact me fast.
  6. You were born free and die free but will you live free? As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of the soul will not emerge. JOIN our powerful society to gain and practice secret knowledge and information that was once only accessible by the privileged elite and society members.This is a private, exclusive, members-only global association. No matter how much the rich have, they always want more. And the richer you are, the more you get. And the more you get, the less others get, so you are actively making the poor poorer. Isn't that the world we live in? That's how we have the 1% versus the 99%. They will take everything from us, unless we take it all back from them. The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. GET OUT OF POVERTY Get off the poverty road and onto the path of prosperity now. If money has been tight and things haven’t been going very well financially, Our BLACK EAGELS BROTHERHOOD society will empower you to change your life and live your life to the fullest. WHY SUFFER IN POVERTY WHEN YOU CAN JOIN BLACK EAGELS BROTHERHOOD AND BECOME MILLIONAIRE INSTANTLY WHY SEARCHING FOR POWER AT THE WRONG PLACE. WHEN THERE IS A GREATEST OF ALL IN UNIVERSE.BLACK EAGELS BROTHERHOOD GET YOUR POWER FROM BLACK EAGELS BROTHERHOOD. BLACK EAGELS BROTHERHOOD IS THE GREATEST.TO JOIN US CALL THE WISE ONE ON THIS NUMBER +2348084859124 OR EMAIL ODINGABROTHERHOOD@GMAIL.COM [/font][/color] WELCOME TO OUR OFFICIAL PAGE TO JOIN US.OUR END OF THE YEAR INITIATION CEREMONY IS COMING SOON AND WE WANT TO USE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE WELCOME TO THE ELITE BLACK EAGELS BROTHERHOOD OCCULT WE MADE YOU RICH BECAUSE WE RULE THE WORLD WITH OUR GREAT POWER AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER.THE DOOR IS OPEN TO NEW SPECIES TO JOIN, THIS IS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. [/font][/color] JOIN BLACK EAGELS BROTHERHOOD OCCULT SOCIETY NOW,GET YOUR FAITHFUL DESIRES,FAME,WEALTH,MONEY,POPULARITY,QUICK MONEY,MAGIC RING,HERBS AND POWER.. WE ARE THE GREAT TEMPLE OF BLACK EAGELS BROTHERHOOD WHICH BEING SEND BY OUR LORD SPIRITUAL .JOIN US NOW TO EXPERIENCE OUR POWER IN YOUR HAND,THE POWER OF THE SUN!IS IN MY HAND..THE BENEFIT GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS IS UNFORGETTABLE GIFT,JOIN US AND BECOME RICH IN JUST FEW DAYS AFTER YOUR INITIATION. HELLO MY LIVERY PEOPLE OF AFRICA OCCULT Knowledge means knowledge which is "hidden", but it also means knowledge which is known. If it is knowledge that is known, there must be Those who know it; there could be no knowledge without the knower of it. True occult knowledge can be obtained only by those who follow the path to it. That path was set down by Those Who Know; all who will may and can arrive at that knowledge. This is not a path open only to certain persons; it is open to every living human being, and limited only by the limitations we ourselves place around it through choice or through ignorance. Much is heard in the world today of what passes for "occult knowledge". Much experiment goes on under that name in various directions: we have societies for psychical and psychological research, and there is much talk of psychic and astral "experiences" and "communications" with the dead. All these various methods of research are from below, upwards, and will never find the goal. Scientific methods, psychological methods, the methods of the Spiritualists, alike proceed from particulars to universals. Particulars are infinite, and those who follow that path will inevitably get lost in its infinite ramifications, with no real knowledge gained. The goal is to be found from above, below -- from universals to particulars, and not the reverse. In all forms of Occultism there is a fundamental principle which cannot be transgressed, if any goal at all is to be reached. Every occult teacher must impress it upon his pupils, and it runs as follows: Every branch of knowledge which you seek only to enrich your own learning, only to accumulate treasure for yourself, leads you away from the Path: but all knowledge which you seek for working in the service of humanity and for the uplifting of the world, brings you a step forward. This law must be rigidly observed; nor is one a genuine disciple until he has adopted it as the guide for his whole life. In many occult schools this truth is expressed in the following short sentences. Every idea which does not become an ideal for you, slays a power in your soul: every idea which becomes an ideal creates within you living powers.to join us call the wise one on this number +2348084859124 or Email us on blackeaglebrotherhood@gmail.com
  7. xml3

    Money Making...

    I have been playing this awesome server for about a month now, and have been able to come across a decent amount of pros and cons. One con being the money making methods. There is PvM, which I think is terribly slow, or there is the risk it for the biscuits method, gambling/staking. Some players may like everything how it is, but I know of a decent player base that doesn't, so here is my idea; there should be a prestige system for trained accounts. Basically, after a trained account has reached maxed, they have the option to reset all stats in exchange for a reward that gets better with every prestige. Not only does this widen the ways to make money, but it also creates a greater incentive to skill on the server. If you have any questions, concerns, or ways to improve my idea please let me know down below. Thanks, xMl3
  8. dezmond

    Donating perks

    Well, recently I reached the 100$ donation milestone, which is a lot of money and considering how much money I spent, I was expecting a lot more perks. as for reaching 100$ you only get to kill zulrah and the Cerberus which half the time is camped by some dude with full pernix and zarayte bow, and other than that u get like 5 new pets from store which kinda sucks, I don't know this is just my opinion but I hope to see in near future more perks for donate 100$. what do you guys think??
  9. New to the server and not exactly sure how to start making money? hopfully this will help. Step 1) VOTE! use ::vote and vote for the server for 3 vote tickets that you can sell to players. This is a quick way to get starter cash and to help the server you're playing on grow! Step 2) Pick your poison; PvP, PvM, or skilling. PVP - now that you have some starting cash you can either choose to save it or buy a PvP item with it. I myself suggest an Abyssal dagger. It can hit 700s and it a cheap viable starting spec weapon. Each time you get a kill you gain 1 PK point. After pking for a while you can sell these PK points for 10m ea by goign to the pk shop and buying the tickets, then selling them to players. Also if you're collecting bounty emblems (i myself suggest to get to t2-3 then save them) I suggest you spend then on the bounty item "bounty cape" which sells for 2-2.5b! PVM - With your starting cash you can now buy a rapier for 100-125m. Once you get this there are two main ways you can make money. First, camp revenants for cash & their infamous drop, the PvP box (which sells for 3B a box) these boxes drop more often then your other choice. That other choice is the Barrelchest boss. Try your luck here and you can get the Maul drop or Cannon drop, which sell for 15B each! even if you don't strike gold, the cash, PKP, and donator ticket drops add up for a sizable ammount of cash. Skilling - The only skill you can currently skill with is one, Slayer (which sucks in my opinion..) and two, Thieving! with thieving you can make up to 850k per steal which adds up to a lot of money. you can do this by stealing from the stalls next to the bank at ::home. Step 3) now that you've make a nice ammount of cash, spend it and enjoy the server =) and dont forget to ::vote if you want the server to continue to grow!!!
  10. The discount for the blood pool store by 10%, obtained by unlocking the perk in the Blood Tree, doesn't seem to work when buying items with blood money. The shown price of items in the shop aren't the amount of blood money it actually costs to purchase them.