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Everything posted by E O O E VII

  1. E O O E VII

    Just Why??? Version 2

    Also why would I lie about fuckin lose a limited rare item? If I said in my thread, I was afk when someone ratted/keylogged my PC between the times I even send the logs of when the hack was happening. I can even show u when teamviewer was setup? TBH, Good luck on catching more hackers, thats why this server is gonna die, cause nobody does anything about it.
  2. E O O E VII

    Just Why??? Version 2

    I mean this, ur talking bullshit already, I have even post logs of teamviewer and u didn't check ur fucking tradelogs. Please fuckin dicksucking staff more.
  3. '' Random events for special event donator mystery boxes on kill Random events for item drops or npc spawns out of player kills Ability to PK massive amounts of loot '' These only have to do with what season the year is in and does these make ''wild'' which is for most multi/singles pkers around 20+ wild more active? Give me your answer thank you, because it really doesn't.
  4. E O O E VII

    Another team10 random deaded bird you're my dog

    Slap my clan @ xLPC, ty.
  5. Probs ur KC is 0, no problem, these things don't make deep wild PvP more active, only the rewards have a good effect on edge pking. Where are all the clans at deep wildy, 44s, mb, kraken, ankous, easts & wests all the single zones are dead. Yet to see all the multi bosses which are located around the wild, no-one even kills vet'ion, lava dragons nor frost dragons. This suggestion may even lead to a new server name called SpawnPvm?
  6. I thought Spawnpk was actually a pking server, but this PvM content just ruins it too much tbh.
  7. E O O E VII

    Team 10 - We don't celebrate, it's expected of us.

    We meet xLPC now, next saturday our clan has pk trip @ 7:30 est - lvl 30 / 40s (F2P), we like to fight ur ''clan''. BTW: Multi.
  8. E O O E VII

    Faith Pots planker irl and in game

    ''Youre mad we fucked your multi squad, you couldnt pk anymore. You also cant make up lies to make yourself appear to other people anymore.'' That aint true!
  9. E O O E VII

    Another team10 random deaded bird you're my dog

    Yes I am, y care? We can meet xlpc if u want, next saturday.
  10. E O O E VII

    Another team10 random deaded bird you're my dog

    Ur making it worse for u self again, just as in BTS clan post. Dont talk trash to us, and we wont to u.
  11. E O O E VII

    Another team10 random deaded bird you're my dog

    We should take this to osrs, xlpc wars ty.
  12. Isnt it pay to win, when VIPs and legendarys already got untradeable and autokeepable wings just for a small price which is better/similar to comp cape? VIP+ already has their own BOSS spawner, which would just ruin the eco more, when they can easily do every boss on their own...?
  13. 1). + 1 for daily log in. 2). + 1 for boss tasks - makes slayer more active if ur on the same task. 3). - 1 we ain't gonna copy things of dreamscape. 4). - 1 for the fact that ranks actually have more benefits that should be equil for everyone, makes it just pay to win which is especially for the richest people ingame only a good thing, when it should be only for them.
  14. E O O E VII

    Bless The Souls - Where Souls Become Blessed.

    I will, sorry for the spam.
  15. E O O E VII

    Faith Pots planker irl and in game

    U talk too much sorry, #bt #DutchFarmersLivesForEver
  16. E O O E VII

    Is staff even helpful?

    Hello, To be honest with all of u guys, I had a topic posted 2 days ago about the fact that I got ratted and so hacked. Since then the staff moved my topic from help segment to report a player segment. I tagged multiple staffmembers to help me, but I haven't got any answer or whatever help to actually get this hacker. How am I supposed to get refunded on all the stuff that I lost, when the actual hacker could actually rwt'ed my stuff, and meaning that I won't see anything of my stuff back? When is a mod or admin actually gonna help me, because im really getting pissed off right now, that people which posted things under help category get faster help than me when they wrote the topic today? Conclusion: Learn to set priorities, thank you. ~Play F2p Pig
  17. E O O E VII


    Meaning that you even have to make one is just an excuse to have no expirience in nhing/hybridding what so ever? Nice to know, that you are actually a real veng pker.
  18. E O O E VII


    We could actually make a killpic of you when you don't avoid any NH/Hybrid fights, since ur only using void + zbow setups...? Why should we take a killpic of a irrelevant ragger.
  19. E O O E VII

    Hybridding video with suggestions

    Nice vid man.
  20. However the 5 past months, U haven't been in wild (singles). Especially the last 4 weeks trigg clan / team 10 clan was created?
  21. E O O E VII


    @Team 10, why u guys so scared to go in multi war versus trigg clan, when u can lure somebody into multi? Does that make any sense, or am I just the retarded fag, who think team10 needs people to lure to get some 30b+ killpics.
  22. E O O E VII

    Team 10 Official 2v2 Tournament [big prize]

    IGN: Play F2p Pig Partners IGN: 24ks nephew Teams name: BT - Bad Timing XLPC
  23. E O O E VII

    SpawnPK Max Tribrid event with big prizes (NH)

    Nty to curses lol?
  24. E O O E VII

    SpawnPK Max Tribrid event with big prizes (NH)

    IGN: Play f2p pig
  25. E O O E VII

    Bullysquad get spanked lmfao 10-1 - vid soon

    I say: nice fights,also theres only sum problem though; Nice spec 'n tele? saddest thing I've ever seen in an rsps game. Don't take naps too long, meaning we have raggers doesnt say ur guys are in an disadvantage? Cya ingame xxx