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E O O E VII last won the day on May 14 2018

E O O E VII had the most liked content!

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22 Excellent

About E O O E VII

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    Junior Member

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  1. E O O E VII

    Lost my PIN - Road2coxcomp

    Hello, I lost/forgot my pin of the account: road2coxcomp. Would appreciate it if it could get fixed / resetted! Discord: Reinier#4347 Kind Regards, Reinier http://prntscr.com/vt2zwm
  2. E O O E VII

    The Death of the Wildy

    I guess ur still a random and will never kill me in your life, ill already killed your ass so many times in 5 mins that it didnt even count
  3. E O O E VII

    The Death of the Wildy

    Ur still ragging inside of the wilderness, constantly teleporting back and trying to ele bow spec a 115 hp, you should of been banned already (multiple times)
  4. E O O E VII

    The Staff Team

  5. E O O E VII

    The Staff Team

    Have we ever had staff on this server which isn't abusive as hell
  6. E O O E VII

    Submission - Single Team Community

    Who said?
  7. E O O E VII

    Many Magic Improvements

    Autocasting magic should be nerfed, it is way to op compared to F4/Magic spellbook - click spell - click on opponent since switching armour doesn't remove the attack animation meaning u don't have to wait on it.
  8. E O O E VII

    Dragon Scimitar OR

    It is broken, as said above you just never PK in clans.
  9. E O O E VII

    Dragon Scimitar OR

    Y never pk.
  10. E O O E VII

    Submission - Single Team Community

    Don't talk about Bully-squad if you don't know any of it, thank you. !Remove trashtalk please
  11. E O O E VII


    It's under spam, who cares?
  12. E O O E VII

    Incoming PvP Suggestions!

    I'd love to see a Donator zone where every NPC is attackable by DONATORS, instead of making 6 out of 7 SD+ npc's…?
  13. E O O E VII

    How isn't this delayed?

    - I activated my melee pray BEFORE the attack animation happened, also the fact that HE switched his prayer during the attack animation also. (Probs because I use a magic spell and he used a DDS but still)
  14. E O O E VII

    How isn't this delayed?

    I died cause of delay, or am I just srsly this bad? GIF https://gyazo.com/edc4ec69fcc0121d36e1b5baf37c902e - The moment I clicked the melee pray, the attack was already calculated though the HITSPLASH WASNT there. - Please explanation, how shit this system actually is.
  15. E O O E VII

    Enchanted Stone Event!

    I understand doubling gold can be effective, however as you just said ''ELITE"' donator is needed to do it, and of course a yoshi if you really want to AFK it. Tho too much cash per player can also ruin the economy, since we can buy everything meaning Rare items will dissapear and only the LTD items are a sign of rarity, though you even can buy them.