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Not sure this is suppose to go under Discussion but if it's not I'm sure it'll be moved.


Well first off i just want to start off with saying Too Fast is possibly one of the worst staff members I've seen on a rsps in a while honestly. He abuses his powers way to often, show favortism, is a complete dick to most players, and flames constantly. He doesn't give out warnings to everyone just some of the players. So in other words if you don't dick ride him or he seems to have a problem with you even if it's for absolutely no apparent reason then he will be a jackass. If you call him out on something he will warn you and only you. He doesn't handle many things how he should honestly. I'm in no way saying I'd be a better staff member then him, actually you know? Fuck yes I am. A lot of people on this server could be a better staff member then he is. That wouldn't be hard at all honestly. I see him flame more people on yell or just in regular chat then I see him help people lol. I get there are pms he COULD be helping in but i doubt he gets that many with the amount of yell or pms i know half the players and i get and answer. In my opinion Too Fast should be demoted. I know we have a lot of toxic people in our community but they aren't staff, they don't abuse whatever power they may have. They are just cunts honestly. I have nothing to say good about Too Fast. He's been a complete shit head since I rejoined the server a couple months back. Personally i think he is just as toxic if not more toxic then 90% of the server 3/4 of the time. Something needs to be done with him aswell as our community. Not much can be done about our community unless you plan on banning everyone and losing your player base. But something can seriously be done about Too Fast and his awful job at staff. I mean he breaks more rules then half the players on the damn server lol and trys to act like he's mr robocop or some shit and that he doesn't do anything wrong.


Well this concludes my rant for now. Thanks for reading.

P.S. Hope this doesn't get closed to quick or anything. I'd like to see the hate I get and the support i get.

Edited by Xenology

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He was already demoted last night bro, but I agree with everything that you're saying here +1

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