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About Rambo

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  1. Rambo


    Alien pet is our creation xDDDD
  2. Rambo


    Lmao here it is bro http://spawnpk.net/forums/showthread.php?t=877 Xp he's not crying ? Tf are u on about lmao? It's people like you who start shit then start calling people 'toxic' when they talk back.
  3. Rambo


    He was already demoted last night bro, but I agree with everything that you're saying here +1
  4. Rambo

    Jango dropped for 700b+

    Free loot tbh Thanks for the divine and Yoshi, jango
  5. Rambo

    Adam - Mini High risk vid - 150B+ Pked

    nice vid bro, editing was pretty sick as well tbh
  6. Rambo

    R's suggestions

    Noty, it's a pkserver; we tried having this rule earlier and it's just stupid. It wastes staff's time and moreover nobody really gets ragged for no reason; player is either rushing or being a complete asshole to be getting ragged in the first place. These items are already in the eco, this would just make the rich richer; I wouldn't mind tbh, but I'm sure other players would. Not sure if this would make the forums more active, but sure why not. Although, most RSPS don't have that much of an active forum base so I wouldn't get my hopes up too early.
  7. Rambo

    IRL Bridding! WOW

    Wind just got roasted in this video lmaooo. This is just too good xDD
  8. Rambo

    My bank for people to see.

    such a p0r kid
  9. Rambo

    o161 be like "clrd" [i was afk editing a vid]

    lmfaooo I lol'd so hard watching this ur a funny cunt lmaooooooooo
  10. Rambo

    SpawnPK ~ Rants/Suggestions

    chaos ele sure, add 1 or 2 more. yell timer, idc about it but 20 secs would be way too long. Opening doors would be nice. Quick access special attacks? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. This is a pk server, not a server where u can just suck at pking and have a spec bar right on your screen. noty. If someone is too dumb to use f-keys efficiently or be able to 1 tick they should not be given this free advantage they've never had, noty; will ruin riskfighting for me and pking in general fuck that shit NOTY!
  11. Rambo

    Dicing Evidence

    logs already tell the full story tbh, having such a rule will encourage more scamming because people know not everyone is going to vid their dices.
  12. Rambo

    The Spoils

    ty for profit and my shit back, donated some of it to NBK as well http://prnt.sc/atyps1
  13. Rambo

    New ::home?

    Okay so at the moment edge is way too crowded and cramped up because of the increase of players; I can only imagine this getting worse once we have even more players. I suggest to maybe migrate home to varrock or falador and keeping edgeville as a pk zone with a command like ::edge? What do you guys think?
  14. Rambo

    Dragon Spear..

    This would literally ruin multi pk tbh. It's annoying af getting dspeared and piled by like 10 ppl ur almost garuanteed to get smited and die. What makes it even worse is that it's spawnable as well. I'm gonna have to agree with the rest and say no cuz it really will ruin the server.