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Autocast Staffs - Nerf

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The issue:

As I'm sure many players will agree the current meta in deep wilderness on SpawnPK is the autocast staffs. Ranging from Trident of the Swamp all the way up to the Nightmare Staff (Terror) and many more in-between. No matter really your budget the BIS item you can use all round comes down to an autocast weapon (only exception being Hawk + Flames but even then most people use the autocast Zamorak Staff (i). This really hurts the deep wilderness PvP community and it is shown by how much the population of people PKing at Graves and Magebank has reduced over time. The reason this is, is because using autocast takes away an element of skill required in NH combat. Not only this but the current autocast staffs on SpawnPk are outright broken from the core. Many of them will be able to hit their maximum hit without the use of any gear at all (not even wealth gear is necessary straight up being naked you can hit a 46 W/ a Sang (e) and 52 W/ a Terror Staff).

What needs to be done:

The autocast staff's need some form of a damage scaling curve added and their base damage and accuracy reduced. This will mean that you will need some form of magic damage gear to hit their max hits. Scaling slowly up to max gear (sorcerer torm (or) ) where they will eventually be able to hit their max. This will not hurt the power off these staffs but just require the players using them to actually risk a bit to hit hard or actually force them to do more than 1 way switches to hit their max.


Any other input on the matter is appreciated :) 

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1 hour ago, Super Unicum said:

-1. That would destroy half of the ingame staffs, just cause u cant show your higher skill vs someone autocasting.

How would making it so you need to wear gear to hit the max hit ruin them? I'm also top tier thank you very much but try again.

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19 hours ago, Super Unicum said:

-1. That would destroy half of the ingame staffs, just cause u cant show your higher skill vs someone autocasting.

Wym? It legit takes the skill of what is supossed to be most skillful form of pking and makes it too rng. Promotes no risk setup.


On another note thats why Bryo (still op) and zammy flames seem balanced and aren't used alot in wild, sure you can max a 70 which seems ridicolus at fist but when you consider that most of the time you won't use maximum damage % and you can't use any death pet in order for it to work(same applies to vasa and bryo), the risk is immense because if you want those high hits, custom zuriels wont cut it. Also you can skotizo pet the hawk. Thats enough cons and why nobody complains about these 2 unlike sang e and terror.

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