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To whom it may concern, @Ryan @Ramzi @Nate @Phenomenon The rest of the staff/devs.

After heated discussions and long debates in voice calls from a lot of Experienced players, and speaking from my own experience on SpawnPK I have came to the conclusion to create a thread of community suggestions, I would much appreciate it if these suggestions were read through and at least thought about. I really do understand that maintaining these servers and constantly being pushed for updates must be hard, but there is a large amount of people who are using game mechanics/certain items to gain an unfair advantage on any new players and people who don't have specific items. 



Shade Genie/Death Pets:



This is one of the things that has came into conversation a LOT recently, which is the "Shade Genie" Pet, understandably it is an expensive pet to have at the price of around 2T But at the same time once you pay the 2T Fee to get this pet you then become super overpowered whilst risking literally nothing. I can't make the worst setup I could to showcase this but an example would be Sanguinesti Staff(e), Ancient Crossbow and a Malevolent Sword/Axe/Sunspear with an Elder blood ring. Many players have come to realise that they can do this and are hitting constant 49 mages into 68 bolts then 80+ specs with Malevolent weapons/Barrelchest weapons which ALSO would have a capability to smite people. Doing all this whilst risking nothing is very unfair on anyone who steps out in risk as most of the time the risker is out damaged/DPSed by the non risker which seems very backwards.

How to fix:

The player @nopid aka "Dragon" Suggested a fix for death pet which was posted on the forums under this topic. 


Another method that was suggested was a new Pet fusion/Enchantment chest item which would be the "Dark Skotizo" / "Darker Skotizo". Here is a little graphic I made just to display an example.


This would create a sink for more cash/skotizo pets in the game, give even more of an incentive for players to do skotizo as the pet has a higher drop-rate than a Crystal currently priced at 3.5T whereas a Skotizo Pet is 95B.

This pet would work like Skotizo's normal effect but would also work with Death Pet, and give the 30 Second Disability for a Death Pet so the player would be risking the +1 that they're protecting with a death pet. Many people would complain about this but it seems like an accurate work-around due to the fact it costs 2x Skotizo pets at a 5% chance which isn't at all common.

Another suggestion that had arose to me by an old player/experienced player to combat death pets and/or shade genie's was to add a 33% smite effect on yourself while you're using a Death Pet/Shade Genie therefore protecting a +1 would also have the risk of being smited for said +1.

Lastly on Shade Genies/Death Pets: Would be that if the player using a Shade Genie/Death Pet was smited on death, the effect of the Death Pet would be Nullified and the player would lose the +1 that the Death Pet would protect aswell as their Protected item.


Risk Protection:

Another Experience player "Hooke V2" also suggested Risk Protection which was noted in this thread: 

I feel like Risk Protection would be a great addition to SpawnPK if it was done correctly and implemented how it should be.

What is Risk Protection?:

Risk Protection is a type of protection that protects NHers/Brids who are Risking in Deep wilderness levels (10+) from people who are risking nothing/little to nothing and still being able to hit riskers which would also be a solution to fixing a lot of deep wilderness rag issues. 

For Example, in this gear I am risking literally NOTHING and can hit 76 without using a spec in 0 Risk, also very accuratley. 


I feel like this is very unfair on people that go out their way to get risk when going into deep wilderness to give them a lesser advantage to someone who's not risking and can out DPS someone in Max Gear.

A way to add Risk Protection would to allow a player to set their Risk Protection/Risk Defence with certain amounts like so:

Screen Shot 2017-10-21 at 04.36.46.png

Screen Shot 2017-10-21 at 04.36.55.png

For SpawnPK a suitable risk protection would be ranging from

Risk Protection:

  • Level 1 - 1-10B
  • Level 2 - 11B-20B
  • Level 3 - 21-30B
  • Level 4 - 31-40B
  • Level 5 - 41-50B
  • Level 6 - 50B+ 

To make it so PvMers in risk wouldn't just get immunity from anyone hitting them I feel like Risk Protection/Defence should only work in place when a player is Skulled.

Risk protection could also work based of the risk system that is intertwined with Bounty Hunter skulls:



Cursed Bounty Hunter

It has also came to my attention that many people who are in Edgeville with a Cursed Orb are sitting in full tektonic with divine + lance or sunspear and unskulling with death pets/shade genies etc with a setup such as follows:


In this setup new players who are forced to skull on this setup are legit getting two hit as @Phenomenon displayed on livestream earlier. It feels like this is way to unfair for people who are coming to SpawnPK and trying to play for fun. These people are making so much money from Cursed Emblems and Risking nothing with no chance of dying to anyone. 

A combat for this I feel is that if a player is partaking in Cursed Bounty Hunter they should have to skull in order to gain emblem upgrades.


Blade of Saeldor/Blade of Saeldor(i)

image.pngBlade of saeldor (i) detail.png
The Blade of Saeldor Would be a slash weapon obtained from the Bounty Hunter shop/Cursed Bounty Store requiring level 75 Attack to wield. It provides the highest strength and slash bonus out of any weapon for its attack speed, surpassing the abyssal tentacle as the best slash weapon. It is tied for the strongest one-handed melee weapon in the game with the Ghrazi rapier. On OSRS the Blade of Saeldor Requires charges with Crystals but on SpawnPK we could use a currency such as blood money to charge the Blade, Alternatively there is a new autokeep version that doesn't degrade in OSRS which is charged with 1000 Crystal shards but we could use something such as 100-200K Blood Money (Which YES is expensive, but to have an autokeep Blade with the same slash variant stats to a Ghrazi Rapier would seem viable).


Trouver Parchment:

Trouver parchment detail.png


Trouver Parchments would be a good addition to SpawnPK Due to combating the untradeables that are deemed "Broken"

A Trouver parchment on OSRS is a consumable scroll purchased from LMS in OSRS. Upon reading it, the chatbox message states This is a powerful scroll. Perdu, the dwarf, can use it to help lock certain items to their owners, so that the items aren't destroyed on death in deep Wilderness.

Source: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Trouver_parchment

This could be added to items such as:

"Cursed Void"

"Enchanted Gloves"

"Enchanted Boots"

"Elder Blood Ring"

"Blood Slayer Bow"

"Grand Promo Halos"

When in 30+ Wild these items would have a chance to be lost on death/have a big repair fee (E.G. 50B-100B) if you don't have a Trouver Parchment attatched to it.

How to obtain Trouver Parchments:

In my Opinion Trouver Parchments could be obtained in a few ways such as: 


LMS Games: 


Trouver Parchments Could be obtained through Last Man Standing Games for "X" Points to help boost LMS Activity and also give a reward that players could sell back to an NPC for cash to make LMS a viabale PvP Profitable Money making method.


Risky Rick:


Risky Rick could also sell the Trouver Parchments for 5B Cash Per Parchment and it would then be attached to a Certain item, when killed on death Trouver Parchments would drop the player who killed you 2.5B per piece that you have the Trouver Parchment attached to which would implement a cash sink aswell as PvP being more of an insentive when fighting untradeables.


Last Man Standing Updates:

As we all know the Last Man Standing minigame is HIGHLY inactive, we struggle to get a game unless we have 5+ Friends online who organise a game together. I feel like there needs to be some way to revitalize Last Man Standing with things such as:

New Rewards for the Last Man Standing minigames that players could make stable money from (On OSRS if you're a good PKer doing the LMS Minigame you currently make 2M GP/hr) which is good for PvP on 07. I feel like this would be a good addition to SpawnPK if we had a steady money maker on LMS that gave profit as currently the rewards for the points we get per game are really not worth peoples time such as a 25B Mystery chest which costs 350 LMS points which is 70 Wins and with the state of the inactivity at LMS this would take literally weeks to get enough points for a Mystery Chest which is just really not worth the time put in to obtain this.

I feel like LMS could also have more of a SpawnPK Vibe to it too with more Custom Items, but not ones that are too overpowered such as Eternals/Primordials/Ghrazi Rapier/Kodai/Elder Maul/Neitiznot Faceguard.

I feel like we should have server-wide LMS "Events" where there are organized LMS games at certain times during the day where for "X amount of time" (E.G 1 Hour) Players would recieve double points for competing in a Last Man Standing game and the person with the most wins in the hour of LMS wins a $20 Bond for example.


Ring of Vigour (i) Ring of vigour.png / Elder Blood Ring:

Ever since the Elder Blood Ring has came to SpawnPK it has made the Ring of Vigour (i) useless that many players spent hundreds of billions if not trillions on to obtain as the Elder Blood Ring gives better stats than a Vigour (i) (apart from +1 str) but also has the same effect as a ring of vigour(i) costing special attacks 10% less special energy. I feel like this is unfair on the people who have got a Ring of Vigour(i) as their item is now deemed worthless when they could have a ring that they could probably get for cheaper. I feel like the ring of vigour (i) should have to be used on the Elder Blood Ring to give it it's effect. A LOT of people will disagree with this but this will be people who dont have the Vigour(i) and are using the Elder Blood as a ring of Vigour.


Clan Cup Tournaments: 


Add clan cup tournaments where game modes such as SRI's Can be hosted with set rules, clans can wager cash in the tournament screen so for example:

Clan1 vs Clan2 (5v5) 

Each member has entered 500x 100M Cash Bags 

Wager for the tournament is now Set to 500B Cash.

Whichever team wins the SRI/MRI takes home the cash.

The clan with the most wins in a 2-3 Month Period can obtain a statue for their clan outside clanwars.


Combat Mechanics:

When recieving a bounty hunter target you should have a 10 second cooldown timer on skipping your current target due to the fact that if you're a good PKer and people don't want to fight you this becomes annoying and repetitive once you've cleared the wildenress and can't find any target fights for bounty hunter/cursed bounty hunter in deep wild due to the fact as you're teleporting to your target they've already skipped you.

Add a timer on teleports after using a special attack to prevent spec-teleporting.

Add a timer on Speccing someone as you teleport somewhere (3-5 seconds) to prevent teleport rushing as much.


QOL Updates

-Add a "Joined On" so players could see the date they joined SpawnPK

-Add a "Time Played" so people could see how many hours they have invested into SpawnPK

-Add a working World Map orb to SpawnPK to help players with accessability.

-A few multi lines are still a little off to where they should be.

-A Toggle to remove the text when hovering over prayers like so:



Thank-you guys for taking the time to read my suggestions and I am grateful for any responses/feedback/opinions from you guys in the comments. I am not doing this to benefit myself in ANY way possible. I just would like to benefit the server in every way possible!

Edited by Respire
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Phenomenal suggestion thread; well organized, lengthy but still straight to the point. I look forward to seeing the community’s response to this thread and the suggestions that it entails. 

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Many very solid points made In this thread, it's clear you took your time and are really invested in this! I have made sure to @ mention the higher ups about this thread in discord I hope the get the chance to read this thoroughly soon and see what we can make happen! 😄

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About the Trouver parchment, i think that there should be a different kinda parchment, where it costs like 500 LmS points(price may wary just expensive), and if you use it in the following items : Enchanted boots, gloves, grand promo halos, blood slayer helm(?), Elderblood ring, ring of vigour, and other very expensive untradeables, the new parchment would make the certain item unBreakable.

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Like some fat guy named 'impatient' Keeps saying on his live streams. This game can't be all about untradeable pkers. It looks bad to people who join, Or even people who risk 100b+ in decent gear just for some1 to risk 300m in 500b+ gear

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No support to the dark skotizo pet unfortunately. I see where you’re coming from, but having a workaround for the death pet that will predominantly cause deep wild pkers to suffer is a big no. I think having BH emblems stop upgrading if you’re wearing a death pet/doppel is a good workaround which will ensure that edge pkers are incentivised to stop using them too.

Why not add a brew limit of 5 or something to those with death pets and shade genies so that they can’t even survive in the wildy for that long? I think divines are a much bigger problem.


I like the trouver parchment ideas though! Make them available from LMS because it’s dead content right now

On a final note, I think the PJ timer on here in deep wild is way too short considering how much damage you can deal in a fall-in. I think it should go up to the Edge timer or at least something slightly shorter.

Edited by Big Pee pee

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This is what i'm talking about. Also, it might be a tough decision, but for the love of god, do something about cursed void. The "nerf" doesn't affect the cursed void since it's just redic overpowered.


Either fully remove it and give everyone a RF of cursed void, make it very trash if you dont use the whole set (incloding helms and gloves) OR make it so that u can't wen't wear it in deep wilderness SINGLES. The one that Respire suggested, scroll, is good too. But still abuseable. The armour itself needs a huge nerf. Only let it good if u have the full set.


OT: Nice suggestions reece.

Edited by Faith pots

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something i see alot of people do in edge is bring shade genie and holy bersker so when they want to spec they bring holy bersker dump specs then drop shade agian i think there should be a timer so i step in wildy with a shade/deathpet  they work but then i switch to holy bersker spec then i put down shade/deathpet there is a timer for 30sec untill they work agian


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On 4/11/2020 at 7:35 AM, Respire said:

Another suggestion that had arose to me by an old player/experienced player to combat death pets and/or shade genie's was to add a 33% smite effect on yourself while you're using a Death Pet/Shade Genie therefore protecting a +1 would also have the risk of being smited for said +1.

Holy shit, nice thought-out suggestion post!

I like the above solution, it creates a double edge sword effect which in one hand could pay off and the other if you are not careful would make you loose a valuable item.

Edge Pking: Maybe make it so cursed orb auto-skulls you to prevent prod tektonic + divines from abusing cursed bounty hunter.

My suggestion to overcome Shade/Death pet is a rework as follows:

Death Pet (other variants) - Imo death pet isn't a problem because it only allows you to keep +1 item and has no other additional effects, keeping 1 item in fair enough but you shouldn't be able to drop it last min to save your item and should be used for the full duration of the fight for the effect to work.

Shade Genie - Always protect 1 item on death even when skulled & smited + allows you to keep another item ONLY  if you are NOT smited. Same as above, you shouldn't be able to drop it last min to save your item and should be used for the full duration of the fight for the effect to work.

Issues I can see right off the bat below.

Nefting Shade/Death pet would also in-directly impact on certain items such as Amulet Of Avarice (I), Noc Yoshi, Void Alien, Skot Scep which is used for skotizo farming and it is so easy for a 5 man ele mace/malv axe to potentially smite you for a 10-15t amulet, I do agree there needs to be a fine balance but if this is balanced wrongly it will make items crash significantly and potentially cause dead content/items.

This could also cause a community uproar for example back when the Yoshi was required to use blood money (imo this was a good change) and it got reverted back because of the community.

Edited by IGN
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You cant complain about death pets/shade genies just because alot of other users have them. Now you know how it feels to fight someone in max risking nothing when you risk 100b or more. A skot pet that silences all types for 5% is taking the piss. Most of the skot pets are on ld alts so this idea is just for you to profit from if it actually goes through and dont try cover up and say you dont because I know you do :)

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Probably the best thread i've ever seen. Takes all of the ideas we've all been discussing recently and lays it out clearly so theres full transparity for the community to see. At the end of the day spawnpk is a pking server. Pking should be the best money maker in the game, and at the moment its just everyone trying to find the most overpowered setup they can have while not risking any gp whatsoever. Just my thoughts and I know its a frustration felt by many, ofcourse the people who abuse the death pet/shade genie current meta are going to be unhappy but realistcally theres no reason why you should be able to pk with sang staff e + abby dagger i + divine and risk 500m to repair your cursed void.

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Brilliant topic, would like to see this all implemented into the game. it would entice me to attempt to pvp in deep singles more because atm theirs just nothing for me there


Big +1

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1. That new death mechanic is stupid, the auto keep that we have currently is already broken.

- Death pet is balanced with all the other overly powered gear/other pets this server has.

2. Skotizo pet is already the most bullshit pet. You don't even have to do anything for it it proc. Throw an entangle and splash? Don't worry! you have 30seconds to catch a Teleblock and freeze!!!

3. Cursed bounty - Agreed, they should have to skull to be able to progress in their emblem upgrading.

4.  For the blade, -1 we already have enough overpowered untradeables

5. Clan tournaments seem like a cool idea, as long as the server isn't providing prizes, and it's a stake between clans.

6. I agree with the special attack attack teleportation delay, but with the skipping bounty hunters, that's again a no, you're apart of a clan, no one wants to waste time and/or potentially gear just because you can call a 10 man team. The skipping mechanic is fine how it is.


In conclusion, I know you are apart of the clan, and most of the people giving positive feedback most likely are too, this thread seems to only benefit the clan members, not not actually new players like you tried to suggest. Those prod PKers can still 2 hit the new players whether they're skulled or not. Every other suggestion just seems like a power boost for your clan, the skotizo pet is an annoying pet already, death pets just combat the other broken items/pets in the game, we already have enough untradeables without the blade and the Bounty Hunter skipping is fine how it is, you can't skip while in combat, and I think that's enough. I can already predict all of your clan members will be quoting anyone that has opposing views, but that's how it goes.

18 hours ago, Respire said:

It feels like this is way to unfair for people who are coming to SpawnPK and trying to play for fun

Exact thing can be said about new NHers coming to the servers, hitting singles ALONE, and having 5 people fall in, once again, abusing the special attack restore mechanic and driving them from the server.


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Get a grip of yourself J. Only rich people are upset that vigour I can't be used towards the Elderblood ring.


I completely agree with the risk protection measures, but I would want it as 3 separate levels. Low, Medium and High ( 5bil, 10+ and 15+ )

Any untradeable in your inv is automatically -2bil  off your risk

Therefore E gloves is -2bil , e boots -2 ,

Although Divine and doppel/shade/death pet would reduce 50bil from your risk.

This requires a lot of thinking and not as simple as "Impatient"  people like to make it out.

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Little late to officially comment but fantastic thread, @Respire! Great to see the community taking initiative and making fantastic forum suggestion threads as a joint community between all the different types of PvP oriented players and others who aren't classified as PKers but a lot of these suggestions can still pertain to them.

Would like to first point out that these items of controversy were made in much simpler times on SPK where we did not have as many untradables and overpowered items as we currently do. As any game, MMORPG's in particular you can expect buffs/nerfs/balances at any given update to adjust items as need be and a lot of the points you mentioned should of been addressed in some form currently since initial release of said items.

1. Death pet and variants = Make these pets not able to be dropped while inside the wilderness and only outside.

  • Must come inside the wilderness with one down and not be able to drop them whatsoever regardless of activity/combat,etc.
    • Exceptions can be made for instanced areas in the wilderness such as inside the skotizo portal.
  • Shade Genie fix while skulled: Since shade genie keeps +2 while skulled for a total of three while skulled, taking @IGN's suggestion, if you are skulled but get smited with shade genie you will lose your second highest valued item and obviously your 3rd if you don't have protect item prayer up. Meaning you will not be safe if you simply have a shade genie to protect your +2 while skulled, you must have your prayer up.
    • NEW EX: Getting smited while having Avarice(i)+Skotizo Bow+Grand Ring(I) with a shade genie out will cause you to lose both your skotizo bow and grand ring(i) if you do not keep your prayer up.
    • Current EX: Getting smited while having Avarice(i)+Skotizo Bow+Grand Ring(I) with a shade genie out will only cause you to lose your grand ring(i).
  • Currently it does not matter if shade genie is used while unskulled as you will still protect your basic +3 while unskulled, additional +1 with prayer, and a +1 if it were a death pet for a total of 5, so no adjustments are needed there.

I believe this is the best work around death pets currently, and while not completely disregarding @nopid's suggestion: (https://spawnpk.net/forums/index.php?/topic/21266-death-pet-suggestion/) a adjustment was made from the original creator to shift it from protecting the 2nd most valuable item over the first for the reasoning of it not being fair to players who risk 20T+ items such as Avarice(i).

2. Skotizo Fuse Idea: This is undoubtedly a very overpowered pet and anyone who owns one can easily exploit this. You make this as a counterplay to death pets and its variants but the pet itself has no counterplay? This alone will create a endless loop of making future content just to counter each other with successor's having better attributes over it's predecessor's. That said, and I think it wont come as a surprise but if it pet becomes a thing there will be key players who will have access to items like these for the sake of "content" and these pets are not earned legitly. This pet would be extremely overpowered and obviously stupidly hard to get where as any youtuber or even tevin could just grab up without earning legitly and begin using for the sake of "videos" and "content".

2a.) Regarding the increase smitage upon oneself when using a death pet variant could be easily combated with proper prayer drain via using prayers. I believe countless players such as @Doggy have mentioned that prayers do not drain as they should compared to osrs. We should start with that fix and go from there if it still needs more adjustments.

2b.) With the shade genie reworked I mentioned above in section 1. There will be no need for this as it has been acknowledged. 

3. Risk Protection: +1 @Purdue's values are extremely low which is possibly bias as someone in cheap gear will be on the same playing field with someone with 200b risk and that should not happen. Taking into consideration skill and possible side factors such as grudges/ragging/rushing,etc. It would not be fair to characterize a 20b loot the same as a 200b loot. You know exactly what I mean and the fact that you want them like shows motivation and bias behind wanting it that way.

  • Level 1 - 1-10B
  • Level 2 - 10-25B
  • Level 3 - 25-50B
  • Level 4 - 50-100B
  • Level 5 - 100-250B
  • Level 6 - 250B+
  • Level 7 - 1T+

Adjusted the levels to make them more fit, also since there are 7 color skulls there would be 7 levels of risk. This can potentially open up additional PKing rewards since there will be modifications to the risk calculations.

4. Cursed BH: Honestly tired that all the content is getting pumped into this and no where else. It's getting dull. I feel like people are undervaluing it really hard and people think it is not worth. We should start by adressing that and adjusting cursed BH instead of adding ridiculous items every update for the sake of keeping it alive.

+1 on needing to skull to progress upgrading cursed BH emblems. This could be the "risk vs reward" over regular BH and a fair one at that since cursed BH is by far better in terms of rewards and money making.

4a.) Blade of saeldor: What would this do besides being identical to ghrazi rapier? Keep in mind there is also Blood Ghrazi which is BiS, and further OP as it recently was buffed and also scales with elderblood ring. I honestly like the idea of branching out on crystal weapons and making items/pets that boost these items. We already have the halberd which is honestly dog shit and should be buffed hella, but if we get the sword and possibly some type of new item regarding the bow we can go from there. Would love for the blade to have some time of perk we currently need like spec giving % to ignore damage soak, % to ignore defense, etc. Not sure how I Feel about the autokeep version, and as it is, is pretty much a autokeep ghrazi without the damage soak pen and not worth to invest.

4b.) Trouver Parchments: Those are some insane repair fees for using them deep wilderness. I imagine you only have to pay once to have Perdu retrieve them for you and not have to pay for them to be repaired as well? These are insane charges simply for using them above level 30, overkill IMO. Would using a parchment waive using them above 30+ AND waive the repair fee? If so, +1. Giving them to LMS +1, dont care for it as it's not my play style. I imagine these will always be below 5b since Risky Rick will sell them to you for that price.

5.) LMS upgrades: +1 on everything, possibly a LMS hotspot as most hotspots are regarded trash.

6.) RoV(i)/Elder Blood: I certainly feel this and I support. Coincidentally, these are not the only items that gives vigour effect like mythic capes and grand rings.

  • Elderblood ring should only give vigour ring ability if the player currently has a vigour(i)
    • Same for mythic cape
  • Ring of Vigour(i) could be buffed in some way since it should not be inferior to elderblood ring/variants.

7. Clan Cups: +1, also supporting @Juicy Report's idea of having a payoff and the server doesn't pay for it.

8. Combat mechanics: +1 osrs has it in place and should be ported here. People think it's ragging anyway, might as well give some counterplay to rushing to those who are skilled enough to pull it off.

9. QoL: +1 on everything, except what would we need a world orb for lol

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3 hours ago, Kellatha said:

Little late to officially comment but fantastic thread, @Respire! Great to see the community taking initiative and making fantastic forum suggestion threads as a joint community between all the different types of PvP oriented players and others who aren't classified as PKers but a lot of these suggestions can still pertain to them.

Would like to first point out that these items of controversy were made in much simpler times on SPK where we did not have as many untradables and overpowered items as we currently do. As any game, MMORPG's in particular you can expect buffs/nerfs/balances at any given update to adjust items as need be and a lot of the points you mentioned should of been addressed in some form currently since initial release of said items.

1. Death pet and variants = Make these pets not able to be dropped while inside the wilderness and only outside.

  • Must come inside the wilderness with one down and not be able to drop them whatsoever regardless of activity/combat,etc.
    • Exceptions can be made for instanced areas in the wilderness such as inside the skotizo portal.
  • Shade Genie fix while skulled: Since shade genie keeps +2 while skulled for a total of three while skulled, taking @IGN's suggestion, if you are skulled but get smited with shade genie you will lose your second highest valued item and obviously your 3rd if you don't have protect item prayer up. Meaning you will not be safe if you simply have a shade genie to protect your +2 while skulled, you must have your prayer up.
    • NEW EX: Getting smited while having Avarice(i)+Skotizo Bow+Grand Ring(I) with a shade genie out will cause you to lose both your skotizo bow and grand ring(i) if you do not keep your prayer up.
    • Current EX: Getting smited while having Avarice(i)+Skotizo Bow+Grand Ring(I) with a shade genie out will only cause you to lose your grand ring(i).
  • Currently it does not matter if shade genie is used while unskulled as you will still protect your basic +3 while unskulled, additional +1 with prayer, and a +1 if it were a death pet for a total of 5, so no adjustments are needed there.

I believe this is the best work around death pets currently, and while not completely disregarding @nopid's suggestion: (https://spawnpk.net/forums/index.php?/topic/21266-death-pet-suggestion/) a adjustment was made from the original creator to shift it from protecting the 2nd most valuable item over the first for the reasoning of it not being fair to players who risk 20T+ items such as Avarice(i).

2. Skotizo Fuse Idea: This is undoubtedly a very overpowered pet and anyone who owns one can easily exploit this. You make this as a counterplay to death pets and its variants but the pet itself has no counterplay? This alone will create a endless loop of making future content just to counter each other with successor's having better attributes over it's predecessor's. That said, and I think it wont come as a surprise but if it pet becomes a thing there will be key players who will have access to items like these for the sake of "content" and these pets are not earned legitly. This pet would be extremely overpowered and obviously stupidly hard to get where as any youtuber or even tevin could just grab up without earning legitly and begin using for the sake of "videos" and "content".

2a.) Regarding the increase smitage upon oneself when using a death pet variant could be easily combated with proper prayer drain via using prayers. I believe countless players such as @Doggy have mentioned that prayers do not drain as they should compared to osrs. We should start with that fix and go from there if it still needs more adjustments.

2b.) With the shade genie reworked I mentioned above in section 1. There will be no need for this as it has been acknowledged. 

3. Risk Protection: +1 @Purdue's values are extremely low which is possibly bias as someone in cheap gear will be on the same playing field with someone with 200b risk and that should not happen. Taking into consideration skill and possible side factors such as grudges/ragging/rushing,etc. It would not be fair to characterize a 20b loot the same as a 200b loot. You know exactly what I mean and the fact that you want them like shows motivation and bias behind wanting it that way.

  • Level 1 - 1-10B
  • Level 2 - 10-25B
  • Level 3 - 25-50B
  • Level 4 - 50-100B
  • Level 5 - 100-250B
  • Level 6 - 250B+
  • Level 7 - 1T+

Adjusted the levels to make them more fit, also since there are 7 color skulls there would be 7 levels of risk. This can potentially open up additional PKing rewards since there will be modifications to the risk calculations.

4. Cursed BH: Honestly tired that all the content is getting pumped into this and no where else. It's getting dull. I feel like people are undervaluing it really hard and people think it is not worth. We should start by adressing that and adjusting cursed BH instead of adding ridiculous items every update for the sake of keeping it alive.

+1 on needing to skull to progress upgrading cursed BH emblems. This could be the "risk vs reward" over regular BH and a fair one at that since cursed BH is by far better in terms of rewards and money making.

4a.) Blade of saeldor: What would this do besides being identical to ghrazi rapier? Keep in mind there is also Blood Ghrazi which is BiS, and further OP as it recently was buffed and also scales with elderblood ring. I honestly like the idea of branching out on crystal weapons and making items/pets that boost these items. We already have the halberd which is honestly dog shit and should be buffed hella, but if we get the sword and possibly some type of new item regarding the bow we can go from there. Would love for the blade to have some time of perk we currently need like spec giving % to ignore damage soak, % to ignore defense, etc. Not sure how I Feel about the autokeep version, and as it is, is pretty much a autokeep ghrazi without the damage soak pen and not worth to invest.

4b.) Trouver Parchments: Those are some insane repair fees for using them deep wilderness. I imagine you only have to pay once to have Perdu retrieve them for you and not have to pay for them to be repaired as well? These are insane charges simply for using them above level 30, overkill IMO. Would using a parchment waive using them above 30+ AND waive the repair fee? If so, +1. Giving them to LMS +1, dont care for it as it's not my play style. I imagine these will always be below 5b since Risky Rick will sell them to you for that price.

5.) LMS upgrades: +1 on everything, possibly a LMS hotspot as most hotspots are regarded trash.

6.) RoV(i)/Elder Blood: I certainly feel this and I support. Coincidentally, these are not the only items that gives vigour effect like mythic capes and grand rings.

  • Elderblood ring should only give vigour ring ability if the player currently has a vigour(i)
    • Same for mythic cape
  • Ring of Vigour(i) could be buffed in some way since it should not be inferior to elderblood ring/variants.

7. Clan Cups: +1, also supporting @Juicy Report's idea of having a payoff and the server doesn't pay for it.

8. Combat mechanics: +1 osrs has it in place and should be ported here. People think it's ragging anyway, might as well give some counterplay to rushing to those who are skilled enough to pull it off.

9. QoL: +1 on everything, except what would we need a world orb for lol

Kellatha strikes again! Nice work :D

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Disagree with the Elder Blood Ring. Maybe refund the extra Bloodcore tokens which were wasted on essentially a shitty ring, and then let us buy the ROV (i) with it.

OR: Maybe the ROV (i) act like a special spirit pet on top of the elderblood ring, so that the ROV (i) still has a benefit.

Edited by Big Pee pee

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good topic +1 most of it but the work around death pets with a skot and also yeah the mechanic of players losing their biggest +1 as ign states this is gonna kill items and content in game such as ava (i) as he points out

without death pet keeping that biggest +1 a dscim and a few ele maces is all it would take to get a smite on ava (i) more often than not as this is a endgame it seems foolish to me to ruin its value like that which im sure it would thats just my view on it  though


Edited by under dd

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Just an idea on. Few things. The blade of saeldor being untradable abaolutely not but making it cost 50-100k bm ( anything over that would be a bit much brother ) imo i would just have it have infinite charges and. Give it pvm damage bonuses and maybe a spec like a heart not an enchanted heart cuz if u got an e heart you earned that boost every 45 seconds, but like a heart on osrs where u can only activate it every like 5 minutes by right clicking operate on it while using it almost like and the spec does exactly 70% of the hp against the boss your fighting you would also require 100% spec bar . And also couldnt be used versus certain end game bosses like end phase Olm or verzik ( spec wouldnt work in wild as with wild bosses to easily abused also it emptys your spec bar so u cant just operate then stat hammer 500 times) but i feel like that would be an awesome bm sink as thats the main source of income for players.( especially without an event running) so in PvP you could add a bleed effect for every hit over 45 ( only tick like damage hit 45 adds like a 4 damage splat to make it a 49.) And have the speed like a wicked making it viable but it should have a mid tier prot value so u cant run claws or etc.  Then depending on the gear being used like tektonic etc( should be lost on death.) it should drop as a normal blade with no charges and the blood money should just disappear  that woulf be the best bm sink honestly I think 20-50 k is plenty as i see this being more pvm related in a good way tho taking away some demand for blood scythes also would take other suggesstions for it in pvp especially cuz most were saying it over powered but everything differance between this in a d lance or somthing is that no matter what in max strength if they die they lose it. I guess if the charge was 20k to Make it unlimited maybe itd drop between 20 and 50% bm but destroy the shield. Would item and blood money sink.

. Would like to see like claws in general need a buff for edge pkers or even add a new like gadder hammer or u can use the gfx of like a promethium 2h for like 100m in coin shop but make it untradeable, not auto keep so evrytime u lose one in wild it just dissapears. Give it stats like a c maul but add a defence requirement of 90 so cmauls maintain a price for pure pking especially like promo 2h lbut if u look 75% of newer players pick claws and regret it. But with this they have a k0 weapon thats not to expensive and would also add a small cash sink cuz im sure some rich people and other pkers will use them.  Ngl imo claws go harder on people in op gear then ags cuz tbh especially if they cant 1 tick opp in 300b risk sees ags there eating at 75 but see claws and laugh till they get that one 75 claw spec . my main goal is attracting new player who will stay for the game. Not the fact anyone will hand them money u know what they do then? Log on somthing else get cleared or cleaned and only go to spawnpk cuz they know they can get for 5b in 5 minutes to just go chuck coming from a super og player the hardest thing has always been getting people to acthally stay and play i mean there was a literal riot when people realised what a yoshi does. Back in the day log in probs first week of the game think it looks bad ass etc. Then 3days later everyone done bought it cuz of its ability all this talk about pets being op dont even get me started.  Op was original balance ele that would restore at a boosted rate of legit every 5 seconds it felt like. Or doppel keeping u 118 legit while ur sipping a fuckin brew do you not recall tevins old grave vids when he actually wore basic tsotd serp arc ahrims barrows but the whole vid everyone complains oh u just got that pet ( not gonnA mention this was the video he atarted his welf.setup vs max gear cuz 10 people complained first bout pet then gear. Mans had a genie out and full mystics and killed all 3) this is a custom server growing what u expect shittier pets to come? Heres somthing that would fix the issue imo death pet is fine but if u get smited u should get the smited item if not smited should keep both 100b pet tbh the smite thing would be easy as fuck to code. Shade genie idek if id change besides like it making you skull as stated 2t is alot the price alone isnt just it. As a fusion pet its definatly one that always maintained a good and consistent price point unlike other fuses.

Just simply make it to where the pet you walk in with cant be redropped.the only pet u can redrop during a fight is like spec spirit grand falcon or like alien






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Also, I think that you should be able to drop a yoshi and alien pet on a cool down timer of 2 min per use (when you have a death pet/variant) because without a yoshi it’s near impossible to loot kills from a clan.

But this would stop the Yoshi being used routinely for PVMing which is a plus. On another note, Yoshi shouldn’t collect blood money in the same way it doesn’t collect choccy tokens. This way PVMers at least have some kind of risk if you kill them.

Edited by Big Pee pee

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