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Fp Me Noobs

Making Money on SpawnPK [Non-Beginner]

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How to make Money on SpawnPK

There's plenty of guides on making money but a lot of them focus on beginner methods. What's the next step? How to get there? We'll cover some stuff in this thread. In order for this guide to work, there are some requirements: Sadly Money makes money. In order to maximize profits from this you need to have capital.. If you do not have capital, it might be worth checking out some other guides first.

The first step is understanding that everything in SpawnPK is interlinked: It has 3 currencies that can be used to buy items from stores and they all almost depend on each other. If one tanks the other one will likely tank. If one goes up, you can use the other ones to profit from the other one rising. 

Blood Money

  1. Merching Blood money
    This is great money maker because blood money is so readily available for low prices and often sells for higher prices when people need them. You can buy BM under 4M each and sell them for higher. The amount to sell for depends on you.. If you are willing to wait than you can do 5M and it will eventually sell.. Or you can do 4.5M. I've seen people buy out bloodmoney at even 7M ea sometimes when they are going for eboots/egloves since those require blood money to buy. This often occurs when someone spends a certain amount and doesn't get them so . they rage buy out for a high price. I've been there and have bought out 200-300k BM for 6-7M each just to get it over with. Obviously selling at this price will take a long time but it works and some people do it. Holyzerkplz is a smart man, there's a reason why he's selling 350k BM at 6M each.. 

  2. Blood Pool
    The blood pool can be used to purchase items. These items change occasionally and depending on the price of the item, it is profitable enough to buy blood money at current tp price and sell the item for profits. Th hearts are especially good because desperate people sometimes buy them for double what they can get from blood pool. IE cost to buy with blood money is around 4-4.5b but you can sell them for 8-9b.
  3. Blood store
    On top of Blood Pool, You can go to ::shops and use BM to buy items that can be sold in TP for profit. The most common are the Boots and Gloves but anglers/Claws/Void/DH/Wards also work. You can buy boots for 100 BM each and sell for a bit more.. In TP I can buy BM right now for 380M and buy a boot and sell it for 600M.. Thats almost double the profit. I can buy goliath gloves for 600-700M (200M BM)  and sell for 1.6B or even 2B.

Blood Diamonds

  1. Merching Blood Diamonds
    The idea here is same as with merching blood money. You buy it under 700M (And most likely it will rise so new min might be 800-900M later)[Update: It has risen to 800-900Ml Buy undre 800M sell for 900M and sell it for for 700M easily [Or for more if you wait]. Blood diamonds are used for some chest enchantments and pet fusions. They go up a lot usually after an update because people buy them to fuse pets. The other thing they are used for is blood diamond store.

  2. Blood Diamond store
    You can buy low price blood diamonds and buy items that you can sell for more. It really depends on whats being sold at higher price right now that you can buy with BM. I've seen TBOWS sell at 60B each and I was able to buy them for 40B [100BM at 400M ea in the past] and make easy 20B.. Or pets during their fusions.. Like Death pets.. Justicar, etc... 
  3. Fusing Blood Diamonds
    For some reason this is not very well known.. However you can buy items from TP and fuse them into blood diamonds and then sell blood diamonds for more than the cost of the item or you can buy something from thee store and sell that. I've made a lot of money this way. An example is that you can often buy Primal pieces for 2B-2.5B or so but fuse them for 5BM (You should get the blood perk "Diamonds are forever" to get 20% more diamonds hehe ). You can sell 5BM for 650M instantly. while your cost to get them diamonds was like 400-450M each..

Donator Tickets

  1. Merching Donator tickets
    Same concept as above. This item is bought/sold often and so you can make large profits selling it. People often buy tickets to buy Mbox/Mchests/Prize keys and try to gamble them or merch. You can buy tickets under 7M often and sell them for a bit higher. As bond prices have started to rise, these will also rise.
  2. Donator ticket store
    People buy donator tickets to use them in store as stated above.. You can do the same thing too, just buy the items with the tickets and sell thee items. You can sometimes do it at a large profit.. Recently Yoshis/Aliens went above 80B each and you could buy them from the store with tickets for cheaper. Gamblers also love MChests/PKeys and will sometimes buy all out even at a premium price. For example if you buy tickets for 7M each, your cost for MChest is 14B (2k tickets) but you can sell it for more.
  3. Blood Diamond fusion with tickets
    Majority of the items in the store can be used to fuse blood diamonds. You have to calculate whether the cost makes sense to you. This will be more relevant once Blood Diamonds are a higher price (They have already started going up)

Items you can merch
Almost all items are merchable but some are more profitable than others and sell more often. Prices are subject to change but you can look at history and see what the current price is and buy it for a bit less and sell it for a bit higher.

  1. Low cost
    1. Bring I
    2. Vesta armor
    3. Morrigan top
    4. Granite maul (or)
    5. Magma helms
    6. Blowpipes
    7. Colored Slayer helmets
    8. Korasi Sword
    9. Divine shield
    10. DWH
    11. Heavy Ballista
    12. Ele dagger/Ele bow
  2. Medium cost
    1. Yoshi
    2. Bonds
    3. Alien
    4. Twisted bows
    5. Death pet
    6. Zaryte bow
    7. Torva/Justicar
    8. Elder Maul
  3. High cost
    1. Fused slayer helmet
    2. Scythe of Vitur
    3. Dragon Lance
    4. Viri fairy
    5. Inferenal Stone
    6. Grand ring (i)
    7. Fortune Genie
    8. Skotizo Mace/Skotizo bow

Gamblers make a big amount of money in short amount of time so they generally don't care too much about prices unless they are also merchers. You can usually get very good deal out of gamblers whether you sell them something too high or buy something too low from them. I would suggest making an alt and just sit at gamble ask for pots/items in pots and ask them to sell it to you for cash and just sell it in TP for more. If you get a working relationship with gambler you can do this often where they show you what you have and you can grab it from them for cheaper.

Merching CC
I have recently created a merching where few of us will buy out some items and sell them out at a higher price. There's only two of us at the moment, but I'm sure more of these will spin up. This only works if you have enough people with enough capital and trust that they won't dump them. If you are interested in joining PM me in game and I will consider it if I think I can trust you enough.

Seasonal Event Chest
It can be quite profitable to complete the entire seasonal chest under a certain price and sell the items you get from it for profit. For example The current chest requires 415k tokens and if you buy them for under 1.4M you can actually profit if you sell all the items. ;) The tokens often sell for very less right after an event like easterwyrm or bigchungus. 


Edited by Fp Me Noobs
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Very nice guide, i'm not that much of a mercher. But I might start now! Got richer just reading this :D !

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Bruh, ppl trying to fix the eco and u coming with a new way to fk it up again? Bro think about the others, atm u r using ppl to merch, nice man. Cant belive it...

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2 hours ago, Extr pvm. said:

Bruh, ppl trying to fix the eco and u coming with a new way to fk it up again? Bro think about the others, atm u r using ppl to merch, nice man. Cant belive it...

Yes yes merching  = Fucking eco. Good one Good one

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Uhoh. Is a merching cc allowed? From what I've heard, buying out stock (i.e. monopolising on a single item) has got some people banned.

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45 minutes ago, Jimm0 said:

Uhoh. Is a merching cc allowed? From what I've heard, buying out stock (i.e. monopolising on a single item) has got some people banned.

I highly doubt that is true, its also not stated anywhere in the rules.

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11 hours ago, congomen69 said:

I highly doubt that is true, its also not stated anywhere in the rules.

Could we have some clarification please @Ryan @Phenomenon?

This is a trick that I’ve wanted to do before but haven’t simply because I thought it was against the rules. 

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