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Donation Support

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@Ramzi @Ryan


I made a $200 donation like a day or two ago i believe is what it was ive been waiting for it to go through, it posted to my bank account yesterday so the funds are out of my account completely. i messaged bmt they just wont respond to phone calls as their office is closed and everyone is remote due to the hurricane right now, noone is answering emails, and they arent sending me reciept emails, but im now missing $200 from my account i have pictures of my account for proof if needed, i dont want refund or anything i just want my 2 bonds, and then the same thing is happening now i tried to make another dono for 100 on my second account R6pk and same thing still not able to claim the bonds. please contact me ASAP. I just want my stuff :/ 


This is the only response ive had from them


for some reason they arent sending me like reciept emails like usual either. i dont want to have to dispute this with the bank but if i dont get mystuff soon i can't just be out $300 for no reason (200 for r1pk and 100 for r6pk) ign's.


@Bowflexxx can you maybe get this forwarded up the chain please brother. 

Edited by R1PK

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I'll forward this to the owners but unfortunately they might not be able to do anything unless you provide the donation order ID's for your donations. If BMT micro did not send you any is because you might of put your email wrong(if you didn't use paypal). If you used paypal they'd be send to you via your invoices on paypal. The only thing left for you to do is to wait(in the event owners can't help) until the hurricane passes by and BMT Micro's office is running up again for you to contact customer support.

I'll be locking this topic since there isn't anything more we need from you that you have already stated you don't have. If you want, PM a staff member in game for a clarification of this.

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