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How to retain new players

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Think this is an important discussion point.

It seems as if the retention of new players is at a huge loss (no figures to back this up - I just seem to be seeing a stagnant playerbase. Can anyone confirm?). How can we improve this?

Many people bring up the 'let's make Dharok's spawnable' - however this view is highly contested. In essence there needs to be some sort of additional boost for new players in the wild so that they cannot be wrecked by players in maxed armour.

Nick (@Nick - does that work?) made a post earlier that suggests that spawnable gear (barrows/whip/torso/fury etc.) are too overpowered for free items. I have to disagree, only because when compared to full primal armour, with a 3rd age bow or blood whip, the players in spawnables don't have a chance.

Does anybody have any ideas that would prevent new players from being dissuaded from the game, or in PVP in particular?



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Well really i do agree with this but at the same time i disagree. Yes spawnable gear has almost no chance of pking primal but there is a chance and that's what you need to look at. New players can get lucky on someone risking 10b and then bank has been made. 

I have seen a lot of people using divine at edgeville and that should be taken out from edgeville because of how overpowered the shield is especially at edgeville against new players. 

Also back to the primal etc. Bandos, dharok and several other items are not that expensive. I recommend daily rewards to every new player and just from 1 daily reward you can buy yourself a full set of bandos. Whether a new player chooses to do that or not is completely up to them. 

Maybe i'm wrong though and if the staff team see's something different or other players in the community do then good luck to your post. :) 

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Also keep up the good work. 

Thinking creatively on how to make the server better is exactly what we need to keep this server growing. Appreciate your time and effort :) 

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I would like to add this... You dont retain player from rushing them in wilderness , and when they attack you back .. they get mad and rag them untill they uninstal the game.

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1 hour ago, mamalambz said:

I would like to add this... You dont retain player from rushing them in wilderness , and when they attack you back .. they get mad and rag them untill they uninstal the game.

Yeah i think this is retarded. Ragging needs to stop. It's childish and i wouldn't even consider it ''pking.'' It's pathetic and seeing someone at edgeville with divine and rune knives pisses me off. There are a few things that make me a bit upset and slightly angry but ragging at edgeville or using a divine at edgeville alone is the most frustrating thing to see.

Please look into this staff, it is the worst and most annoying thing on this server and if anything needs to be changed it is for sure this. @Phenomenon @Ryan @Ramzi @Aquaman@Kellatha 

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4 minutes ago, cokiemonsta said:

Yeah i think this is retarded. Ragging needs to stop. It's childish and i wouldn't even consider it ''pking.'' It's pathetic and seeing someone at edgeville with divine and rune knives pisses me off. There are a few things that make me a bit upset and slightly angry but ragging at edgeville or using a divine at edgeville alone is the most frustrating thing to see.

Please look into this staff, it is the worst and most annoying thing on this server and if anything needs to be changed it is for sure this. @Phenomenon @Ryan @Ramzi @Aquaman@Kellatha 

Ragging will never be made illegal. Don't piss the wrong people off and you should be fine. The problem a lot of players have is having an attitude of "oh im better than everyone else" when in fact that person isn't even close. Yeah i'm mostly talking about the NH community who happen to me the prime members who spent their non nhing time ragging people. As far as i'm concerned, I deal with them in the wildy and they always back off. Then again i'm never pissing them off because I know my grounds, I don't pipe up and pretend to be better than them when I don't pk majorly to begin with.

As far as the divine issue, there are plenty of ways to get by it. BC sword spec that costs 1B, or zbow spec that costs 50B, even an ancient guardian pet that costs around 80B. At the end of the day, there are plenty ways to cut through defense mitigation items.

I'll highlight the morale of this lecture: Don't pipe up to someone better and your golden.

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and also... You never see poor people rag player , its always rich peoples telling them to log out or leave wilderness.

When you get attack in wilderness , you dont run in your bank get a divine , torva rune knives and primal maul with over headprayer and folow the guys around untill he quit.

I sincerly think this server lost over 100+ players just from letting people rag others in wilderness.


Sorry for the bag grammar.

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1 hour ago, Kellatha said:

Ragging will never be made illegal. Don't piss the wrong people off and you should be fine. The problem a lot of players have is having an attitude of "oh im better than everyone else" when in fact that person isn't even close. Yeah i'm mostly talking about the NH community who happen to me the prime members who spent their non nhing time ragging people. As far as i'm concerned, I deal with them in the wildy and they always back off. Then again i'm never pissing them off because I know my grounds, I don't pipe up and pretend to be better than them when I don't pk majorly to begin with.

As far as the divine issue, there are plenty of ways to get by it. BC sword spec that costs 1B, or zbow spec that costs 50B, even an ancient guardian pet that costs around 80B. At the end of the day, there are plenty ways to cut through defense mitigation items.

I'll highlight the morale of this lecture: Don't pipe up to someone better and your golden.

That's where you are wrong. I don't ever see you online pking at edgeville. I really don't see you online at all tbh. So i don't see how you could understand how bad it is getting at edgeville. I attacked someone by accident about 3 weeks ago and that same person is still ragging me today for that 1 reason. i haven't said a word to him and he hasn't said a word to me. It's just stupidity and childish ragging. 

On top of that i see people doing the exact same thing. 1 person says gl to there target and then attacks them. Then they leave grab rag gear and start ragging that person. I see this exact situation happen 5+ times every week. Ragging is toxicity without words.

You can be a the nicest person in the world. You could of spent 8 hours a day for a whole year straight doing nothing but volunteering for your community and then come onto this game and get ragged for playing the game the way you are supposed to be.

I'm sorry but your statement is completely incorrect.

Also to the divine issue what way is there for a new player to kill someone with divine? by spending there entire bank and barely buying a bc sword that requires them to waste 50% of there spec in the fight and then hope that they get a lucky ags hit through primal etc.? I'm sorry but this server is allowing rich players to come in and not only eat once they get below 90hp (which is allowed, annoying but fair) but also have a shield that might aswell say ''You will never kill the player wielding this shield'' on the side of it. 

I don't know why Ragging and divine is aloud at edgeville because it's just ruining the community and if staff does not see it then you guys need to grab some spawn gear and try killing someone in divine yourself. I know if i had divine, primal, viper helm, etc. none of the staff members would be able to kill me in spawn gear unless Ryan comes in with insta kill darts or something lol.

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13 minutes ago, mamalambz said:

@kellatha , or just dont alloud raging and everything would be better?

Ragging is a form of pking. You don't realize this topic is a rather sensitive? Picture a boat. Right now we have people on board(our player base) of let's say 225 people. We don't move from there because of X reasons. Now you say it's because of the ragging that is making new players quit. Ragging is an everyday thing here, and is a form of pking that a lot of pkers take a liking to. Whether you see it that way or not, and as much as you don't like it, it's the truth. If we were to make ragging illegal, a large percentage of those players that rag wouild become mad and could possibly quit. Now that boat becomes a sinking boat in a situation like that. Sure we are keeping new players now that it is outlawed, but what about all the raggers that liked to use it as a pk style?

The best thing we can do right now is remain neutral. As it is, players complain about having no PK content, imagine if we make a major form of pking illegal? Let me make you a brief example of what would happen.

  • Ragging becomes illegal = Less wilderness activity, players can quit, and over all negatively affects the server as a whole.
  • Ragging stays legal = We are in a perfect balance right now. Sure we lose players but we are retaining our long time players who use ragging as their pking style.
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1 hour ago, Aquaman said:

I see there being more of a problem with Pjing than ragging.

When people pj it's annoying but it's aloud outside the risk arena and really after a while it's to obvious to see a pj coming. Especially since blowpipe spec has been nerfed, range rushing/pjing has not been so deadly.


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1 hour ago, Kellatha said:

Ragging is a form of pking. You don't realize this topic is a rather sensitive? Picture a boat. Right now we have people on board(our player base) of let's say 225 people. We don't move from there because of X reasons. Now you say it's because of the ragging that is making new players quit. Ragging is an everyday thing here, and is a form of pking that a lot of pkers take a liking to. Whether you see it that way or not, and as much as you don't like it, it's the truth. If we were to make ragging illegal, a large percentage of those players that rag wouild become mad and could possibly quit. Now that boat becomes a sinking boat in a situation like that. Sure we are keeping new players now that it is outlawed, but what about all the raggers that liked to use it as a pk style?

The best thing we can do right now is remain neutral. As it is, players complain about having no PK content, imagine if he make a major form of pking illegal? Let me make you a brief example of what would happen.

  • Ragging becomes illegal = Less wilderness activity, players can quit, and over all negatively affects the server as a whole.
  • Ragging stays legal = We are in a perfect balance right now. Sure we lose players but we are retaining our long time players who use ragging as their pking style.

Ragging becomes illegal = around 5 players that rag all day end up quitting or maybe learn how to pk while the ones that rag every now and then because of childish acts will find new ways to settle there issues like maybe use the ignore list? And then we also get new players into the game that turn into long term players. 

Ragging stays legal = We are not in perfect balance because we lose newer players and sooner or later the long term players will quit and find something new to play because nobody is going to play this server forever. Also players stay toxic which we already have an issue with toxicity on the sever. So the community stays more toxic then it should be and forces the good players that have more important things to do then deal with the toxicity on this server.

So basically the way i see it. Make ragging illegal and you get a better community with more new players instead of sticking with the older players that will sooner or later quit anyways because nobody can stick to the same game forever.

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26 minutes ago, cokiemonsta said:

Maybe instead of thinking about what might happen and start up a poll?

That wouldn't be up to the players decisions anyway. I think I remember Ryan saying ragging would never be made illegal, along with there never being an eco reset but don't quote me on that.

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1 hour ago, Kellatha said:

That wouldn't be up to the players decisions anyway. I think I remember Ryan saying ragging would never be made illegal, along with there never being an eco reset but don't quote me on that.

Yeah well hopefully i can change his mind. If you don't remember then it must have been a while. Maybe Ryan will come onto the server and check it out for himself. If he's not to busy. Cause this is something you don't just make a comment on without experiencing it.

But he's the boss. 

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i'm a new player and also review different rsps' and i don't personally have a problem fighting someone in max gear even if i get wrecked it's the constant mid fight pjs and spec tabbers who make edge a bad spot to try and get a legit 1v1 fight. If i had to make any suggestions i would say no ragging or pjing at edge and have players able to submit video proof that this person was actually time and time again rushing/ragging or whatever will make people say and i quote "fuck this". it gets to be too much at times and even just a staff memeber giving them a warning and telling them to back off or go fight legit if they want to fight them. it's not fighting the people in max gear, it's people in max gear abusing it and ragging people to the point of them actually quitting. This presents the word of mouth issue because i can tell you i have recruited many, many people to rsps' over the years by simply just telling them about it but have also "cock blocked" servers doing  the same.

thanks for reviewing issues in the community and openly discussing them, that's always the first step to a great community.

Edited by iSpartacus

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39 minutes ago, cokiemonsta said:

Yeah well hopefully i can change his mind. If you don't remember then it must have been a while. Maybe Ryan will come onto the server and check it out for himself. If he's not to busy. Cause this is something you don't just make a comment on without experiencing it.

But he's the boss. 

Just because I don't PK daily or because you never see doesn't mean i've been through it. I've been ragged before by the best, ask gf1v24. I rushed him once for fun and he cleared me from the wildy. I have the instruments necessary to counter rag, and people don't last long at all trying to rag me. And even like that, I've been here two years and it took a week or two to realize the wilderness is not somewhere you go and pretend you have balls when you don't. Just because I adapted and outgrew pking and became above you guys doesn't mean I didn't experience the hardships.

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3 hours ago, Kellatha said:

Just because I don't PK daily or because you never see doesn't mean i've been through it. I've been ragged before by the best, ask gf1v24. I rushed him once for fun and he cleared me from the wildy. I have the instruments necessary to counter rag, and people don't last long at all trying to rag me. And even like that, I've been here two years and it took a week or two to realize the wilderness is not somewhere you go and pretend you have balls when you don't. Just because I adapted and outgrew pking and became above you guys doesn't mean I didn't experience the hardships.

How do you outgrow pking and now you are better then the rest of us? You are staff yes and in that sense you are better then us. But that doesn't have anything to do with pking. Or maybe you meant to put a comma there or something and if that's the case sorry. (No disrespect btw, I know from experience how message can come off the wrong way)

Also im not supporting the rich that can counter divine and ragger. I'm supporting the new community. The old community consistently argue on ::yell and it's only causing problem. I don't mind some of the longer term players and there battles have lasted longer then I can't even say. But it doesn't mean they gotta be rude to the newer community. We need to focus on the new community more. Not just helping them out in the help cc or having open pm for them.

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3 hours ago, cokiemonsta said:

How do you outgrow pking and now you are better then the rest of us? You are staff yes and in that sense you are better then us. But that doesn't have anything to do with pking. Or maybe you meant to put a comma there or something and if that's the case sorry. (No disrespect btw, I know from experience how message can come off the wrong way)

Also im not supporting the rich that can counter divine and ragger. I'm supporting the new community. The old community consistently argue on ::yell and it's only causing problem. I don't mind some of the longer term players and there battles have lasted longer then I can't even say. But it doesn't mean they gotta be rude to the newer community. We need to focus on the new community more. Not just helping them out in the help cc or having open pm for them.

As a staff member I can't involve my powers when they are being targeted by people who are not being the rules because that is considered abuse. As a person, I rather not get on anyone's bad side.

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i just fell like never donating again, came here to pk once again 30 minutes ago and some 1 from another clan is raging me cause im not in his clan? wtf is this fking shit

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15 hours ago, cokiemonsta said:

Yeah i think this is retarded. Ragging needs to stop. It's childish and i wouldn't even consider it ''pking.'' It's pathetic and seeing someone at edgeville with divine and rune knives pisses me off. There are a few things that make me a bit upset and slightly angry but ragging at edgeville or using a divine at edgeville alone is the most frustrating thing to see.

Please look into this staff, it is the worst and most annoying thing on this server and if anything needs to be changed it is for sure this. @Phenomenon @Ryan @Ramzi @Aquaman@Kellatha 

This is such a horrible idea. You complain about ragging on ever topic i have clicked on forums, are you doing this because you get ragged for your shit talking? Please stop posting about ragging.

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4 hours ago, Lemon ice said:

This is such a horrible idea. You complain about ragging on ever topic i have clicked on forums, are you doing this because you get ragged for your shit talking? Please stop posting about ragging.

This is the first time ragging has come up. Maybe i mentioned it a few weeks ago idk i post a lot of topics. Try to stay active on forums to get the full picture please.

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