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  1. lzerraptorz

    Ideas to boost pking as a whole.

    Ways I feel PKing could be a more active aspect on SpawnPK. I just wanted to put some ideas out on how i feel PKing on SpawnPK could be improved to help add to how active the scene is, because lately I feel the server benefits those who PVM and gamble instead of PKing. This has become to the point where there are many people on the server who will frequently admit that they never PK on a PKing server. This isn't just a low common denominator either this is MANY. I also feel that sometimes staff seem to just be unaware of issues with pking on SpawnPK right now with the balance of items (I understand its a custom server but this is getting ridiculous.) to the mechanics of pking in general. 1)-Singles pking as a whole just isn't worth doing unless your choosing to do it for fun (wrong server if that's your reason right now sadly to say.) and no real advertisement on the server to singles pking as a whole. When i say singles pking as im sure some people will not know is NHing/ Hybridding two things you'll hardly see people doing as u can see by the comparison from Edgville to graves. [However the pitiful thing is both these images combined is nothing compared to the amount you'd see at gamble on a day to day basis like not even a quarter.] -How do I think this could be improved? Well firstly I'd actually like a yell message that entices new players to singles pking locations (Graves, Easts and Mage Bank.). Something along the lines of most player kills in "x" area will receive a one of the 5B, 10B or 15B statuettes. This will attract newer players to these locations to see whats up and actually give a reason to PK here appose to anywhere else because Singles PKing is one of the slowest ways to actually get kills I.e money because the fights can drag on upwards of 10 minutes on occasion and you still are unlikely to kill your opponent after that. This means the only real thing that makes singles PKing worth it is the risk of your opponent. Additionally I would like to see some Hybridding/ NH based achievements such as something as simple as 25 Hybridding/ NH kills 1, how these could be implemented? I have some ideas. For example the achievement could be based off the amount of magic damage dealt to the opponent as a factor for what does and doesn't count as this style of kill. These achievements should not only introduce new people to the concept of Hybridding/ Nhing but be profitable so a base example of rewards could be: HyNHing I- Toxic staff of the dead, 50 Blood money. HyNHing II- 2 PVP mystery boxes, 150 bloodmoney. HYNHing III- 2 Donator mystery boxes, Ancient wyvern shield. 2)- A Hot potato styled event in the wilderness, This will consist of a yell message telling players that "An old [Zamorakian/ Saradomin/ Armadylian] relic has been discovered at "x" wilderness secure it and the treasures inside could be yours". This means that there will be a spawn on an interactable object in the wilderness, the player with it must stay in the wilderness for 20 minutes after he picks it up. The player with this item will also be given a 20 minute teleblock to stop him using an alien or something to teleport around the wilderness to survive. The player will have a bounty put on his head with a yell message pickup ""x" has picked up the "x" relic he is currently at "x" wilderness track him down to take the treasures from him". This message will be yelled every minute from pickup. If the player is killed the relic is automatically placed in the killers inventory but if there's not enough inventory space the item will be dropped on the ground. -The rewards: The Zamorakian relic: Always - Coins 150-200m [1/1] Always - Blood money 30-50 [1/1] Common - Zamorak Godsword 1 [1/5] common - Zamorak Spear 1 [1/8] Common - PVP mystery box 1-3 [1/14] Rare - Donator mystery box 1-2 [1/60] Rare - Blood money 1000 [1/75] Rare - Warria boots 1 [1/115] Ultra rare - Blood amulet of fury 1 [1/225] The Saradomin relic: Always - Coins 150-200m [1/1] Always - Blood money 30-50 [1/1] Common - Saradomin Godsword 1 [1/5] Common - Saradomin's tear 1 [1/15] Common - Staff of light 1 [1/18] Rare - Blood diamond 3-6 [1/45] Rare - The Paladin helmet [1/95] Rare - Arcan boots 1 [1/105] Ultra rare - Tormented Demon pet 1 [1/312] The Armadylian relic: Always - Coins 150-200m [1/1] Always - Blood money 30-50 [1/1] Common - Armadyl Godsword 1 [1/5] Common - Armadyl armour set (Full set Helmet, Chestplate, plateskirt.) 1 [1/8] Common - PVP mystery box 1-3 [1/14] Rare - Donator mystery box 1-2 [1/60] Rare - Armadyl Battlestaff 1 [1/75] Rare - Archon boots 1 [1/95] Ultra rare - 3rd age mystery box [1/312] The items added: The Warria boots will be the new BIS boots for melee stat wise not so much different from Primordial boots, however they will give a 10% accuracy boost to Crush style attacks. Warria boots are an item from Runex and i believe this could be a decent way for them to be implemented into SpawnPK. Obviously Accuracy and strength bonuses can be tweaked as to not make them overpowered. The Arcan boots will be the new BIS boots for mage stat wise not so much different from Eternal boots, however they will give a +2 second bonus to all freezes dealt by the player wearing them. Arcan boots are an item from runex and i believe this could be a decent way for them to be implemented into SpawnPK... The Archon boots will be the new BIS boots for range stat wise not so different from Pegasian boots, however they will add a +15 Range strength bonus. Archon boots are an item from Runex i believe this could be a decent way for them to be implemented into SpawnPK... The blood amulet of fury will have the exact same stats as an amulet of fury(or) however this amulet will be able to be charged with Blood money. Once charged with blood money the amulet will give a Soulsplit like effect were every attack has a 25% chance to heal 10-25% damage dealt. The charging could work of like per "x" proc the amulet consumes "x" bloodmoney or something. I believe this will add a not overly powerful amulet into the game while also taking away bloodmoney. This amulet will be tradeable while uncharged but not while it is charged, this does not mean it isn't lost on death this means that the amulet will be destroyed and the amount of blood money it is charged with will drop on the ground in its place. The Paladin Helm is a helmet that will have no positive or negative offensive bonuses but insanely high defensive bonuses for a helmet im talking the realms of torag's platebody levels of defence. The design of the helmet closely resembles that of the Tyras helm ingame with a better mesh and a more Saradomin themed texture similar to the version of the Tyras helmet on Runex. The helmet has no additional effects, strength bonus or accuracy it is what it is a tanky helmet. The Armadyl Battlestaff Will work in similar ways to the Elemental staff, where is autocasts a spell but also is able to have an offensive special attack. The autocast will be a lighting styled attack similar to Saradomin strike, The max hit should be around 35-38 range and only notable effect will be similar to that of the ancient guardian pet where 15% of attacks completely bypass the enemy's defence. The special attack: Will consist of firing the autocast once with more accuracy and damage but nothing to special. The special attack should require 25% to use and should have a max hit of around 60. The tormented demon pet- Will be a miniature version of the tormented demon on Rs3, Effect - increases the players max health by 20 (same as Nex armour body's.). 3)- A bounty hunter based "minigame" where if u speak to the emblem trader once every "x" you may receive a target. The target will consist of one of the current players online on a killstreak. Everytime you step in the wilderness after your target is chosen the game will try to always set your target as that player if they are in the wilderness. This "minigame" simple in design could add a whole new layer to bounty pking and make achieving the 150ks all the more intense and fun. The rewards could just consist of when you kill your target you receive an emblem between 6-10 and 3 random statuettes including the 3 rare ones. Additionally there could be a message for if the person being hunted kills there bounty hunter they receive 100 bloodmoney always, maybe a funny kill message on top of that to add insult to injury like " "x" has humiliated their bounty hunter "x" by slaying them in combat". A few basic achievements could be added from this too: Bloody hunter I - 5 kills - 5 tier 1 emblems and 100 Blood money. Bloody hunter II - 15 kills - 2 tier 5 emblems and 2 Blood diamonds. Bloody hunter III - 50 kills - 1 tier 10 emblem and 5 PVP mystery boxes. Thank you for reading through my "wilderness rejuvenation" suggestions. ::topic 13543 ::topic 13545