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10 Good

About Prototype

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    Junior Member

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  1. Prototype

    Prototype quit

    This is my goodbye, i gladly gave all my remaining items to Holyjordyn and my account has been banned as requested. thx for beeing a good server, and this is my goodbye ciao
  2. Prototype

    Requesting Eco Reset

    Please explain why you think its not an good idea. This is just an answer by reading the title......
  3. Prototype

    Requesting Eco Reset

    Dear SpawnPK Community, I have been played for a while now on this server and sadly I have seen many people come and go. Taking a step into the wild, its full with people in max gear and overpowered weapons( Yes including myself). As an owner and as a community we want the server to grow, having new people come onto this server and getting insta rushed/killed by overpowered gear isn't the best for the server. This will result in less players staying. Pros and cons about an eco reset. Pros: * People will be less toxic and more pvming will happen * certain items will be worth more and go back to normal prices. (currently you see nearly all new players go to undeadpkers and try to make bank there, bandos is like 300m a set and chaotics are around 150m ea. For non donators this is like nearly the best money maker since the wild is allways controlled by certain clans through out all of the day) * Having an eco reset will also provide more donations comming meaning more money income and more and better updates for the server. Cons: * Yes i'm aware some people will not support this at all because they have huge banks. But having 20zbows, 10 torva sets, 20 celes. Come on what is the point in that, it clearly shows the eco is ready for a reset. * some people will quit, but the true lovers of this server will stay(into the research/calculation I did. I have seen many other servers come out bigger after an eco reset since its more welcoming for new players). Also i would like to have the donor tickets refunded for your total ammount of $ donated to all donators, because ofcourse they paid for that. Also im asking YOU(the community) for feedback about this. Please leave your opinion underneath VVVVVVVV Kind regards, Prototype and ps no i didnt get cleaned if any thinks that and they think this is why im posting this. IT IS NOT.
  4. Prototype

    Fucking up some kids in multi

    Talk smack over yell but gets dropped so fast. https://gyazo.com/3beaa2a3f717ed3dbbe2f6473fac93e4 another 1 https://gyazo.com/09c8eef03d83b55d1493355c54d9f33a last but not least https://gyazo.com/e9eb50b69d4d62e1ec3a6cef8e8811c3 No time for more pictures to busy killing the other kids
  5. Prototype

    WSD a.k.a Insanity slapped.

    Funny how you did 20times and we killed all your guys atleast 15times. funny how you allways tele out with alien. vid it next time and then show howmanytimes you died. Gz on an ags hope it doubled ur bank
  6. Prototype

    (helper) Joniboy Staff Applicaition! :)

    -rep fake giveaway https://gyazo.com/c89d61342ff2208d1a4e0efbc64a1c88