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Slice u ko

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About Slice u ko

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  1. Well i think this update did messed up this game, my reason's are that this is not osrs its spawnpk.. the delays,eating etc shouldn't be like osrs. Like i said i liked before this update came up because this is how spawnpk has been for quite awhile now. Trying to make it better will just ruin it, just like Runescape 3. Thanks for taking the time reading this
  2. Slice u ko

    pins on acc when I didn't set any?

    So I tried to set a pin but it wouldn't let me put a pin code for it and now everytime when i log on it said i need to put in my pin..? Wtf this is so weird and stupid...... this also happen to my two mates please reset my pins and theirs. Username in spawnpk is : slice u ko, chree, and pwnkidz. Thanks...
  3. Slice u ko

    What people want to happen in Spawnpk

    I am not, even if I don't get helper I will still try to help out, and thanks
  4. Slice u ko


    I never said that man, also I help out new players too, by the way if I ever cleaned someone I always give them back something to rebuild. Don't make up stuff because you hate me. I am truly sorry if I offended you in any ways bro.
  5. Guys give your feed backs and opinion about what you want change on this topic and we shall let owner know, see if he can make any changes to make this sever even better! Thanks for taking your time
  6. Slice u ko


    I am sorry if I ever offended you in any way but I thought you can take a joke now I know you can't sorry, won't joke with you anymore but still your opinion counts and glad to hear it man. I swore at virus all the time by the way and prestige they know how I am though ask them yourself
  7. Slice u ko


    yes I will start being more active and start helping out more around the server thanks for letting me know
  8. Slice u ko


    1. Desired staff position: Helper 2. Your name (first name would suffice): Michael 3. Your age: 20 4. Your location: Minnesota 5. Average amount of gameplay hours per day: 4-6 hours a day 6. Why you should receive the position: I would like to be helper, I don't always go afk when I am in game also i try to get virus to help players in need of help when they ask, I pm him to go to the place and tell which person needs help, Also I like helping people when I am in the server. I am not rude to people unless they go pass my limit which I have a long temper so it shouldn't be something to worry about. Also I help people price check their items a lot and am trying to get notice more and more in this server so people would pm me for help too. Thank you for your time, Michael IGN - Slice u ko