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About Fergus

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  1. Fergus


    They could try implement a few things like your target will likely be similar risk to you to stop op geared people skipping to spawnable targets. Maybe instead of emblems theres a rare chance to hit a 'target loottable'. Idk how these ideas would work tbh but would be nice to see something to give newer players a better experiance while giving something new to older players as well
  2. Fergus


    I like the ideas tbh. Edge pking is frustrating as hell. I think there needs to be a no customs pking area with good rewards to encourage people to use it. Its all good and well stomping spawnies at edge but its really boring for the spawnies. Theres a few times ive killed people in op gear at edge but theyre still risking nothing basically. Maybe even making it more rewarding to get a kill on someone in op gear etc. Also i feel like the pvm content is pretty good apart from its not really rewarding unless you get a big drop which feels like you never get lol
  3. Fergus

    Help access old account

    I used to play back in like 2018, because of life i had to step away from the game and gaming in general for a bit. Wanted to play again recently and could not log into it. The username is still taken and i have email receipts of when i donated on it (roughly $250). I would like help retrieving this acc, it was an elite donator. I tried to get help in game but to no avail Thanks. UPDATE i have managed to access the account but would like to reset my pin please