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x2wo last won the day on January 21 2021

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About x2wo

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  1. x2wo

    karan's staff application

    Because you forgot to mention that you are a rich Egyptian player with deep pockets and have already donated a fortune to the server.
  2. x2wo

    hello help pls

    Don't waste your time waiting many people are at 6months + with no reply. Admin team too busy counting donations. Try to send a cheque for $1,000 with your appeal, then you can expect a fast reply.
  3. x2wo

    Hacked on April 1st.

    I know your response was intentionally petty, you are pretentious e-girl who thinks she is top shit because she was staff or whatever the case may be. I already said he could and should have taken measures. That was not the point of my reply; of course you have trouble identifying the point within any body of context, since, again, you are a retarded e-girl. You have a fragile ego, no one gives a shit if you can/can't, were/weren't on the staff team. Yet you keep bringing it up despite no one asking... Take it easy, you probably got booted of the team because you are completely clueless and have below average IQ, making it a recipe for disaster to give you any kind of authority. Im surprised your mother lets you even use the computer.
  4. x2wo

    Expanding Playerbase

    Sorry you are too stupid to understand the simple framework of a customer - service provider. In case you have not realized, the 'community management' or appeal handling is probably one of the most criticized aspects of this server. Countless threads and topics and complaints are made and brought up daily regarding appeal handling. To think for a second that this does not effect the server reputation/population is naive. Unfortunately, it is probably impossible for an idiot like Kelartha to comprehend this business framework. I will try very simply only one more time since you are a clueless e-girl; many RSPS's exist, they compete in order to be the best RSPS and thus make the most money. Most of these RSPS's include similar features, both in-game and community based, one relevant feature being the 'right to appeal'. The main reason, quite evidently, is to appeal a punishment. People appeal punishments for various reasons, two of the most prominent being : (1) what may be a mistaken punishment (yes this happens because everyone is human and makes mistakes, including staff members), and (2) a second chance at being able to play the game. "It exists to reduce the already annoying and persistent bashing on the staff team regarding appeals." How can appeals exist to reduce the annoying and persisting bashing of appeals? - I imagine by this you mean: It exists because at some point people were demanding an appeal system. So what you're saying is that people demand an appeal system... Wow, who would have guessed customers, in a competitive business sphere, are demanding competitive features that other competitors have within their RSPS? Honestly, You are either entirely delusional or a complete retard. I'm more inclined to believe the latter. "Imagine bashing on staff who can't even handle appeals to take a look at them." You realize "can not handle appeals" means that they are 'either unable to or not willing to look at them'. Either one denotes incompetence on behalf of the administrative team. Try to use your undeveloped brain, e-girl. " Rights? What do you think this is America where you can claim you have rights, Karen?" Yes, rights. Customers/players have a right to appeal, IF SPK WANTS TO REMAIN A TOP COMPETITOR WHEN IT COMES TO RSPS'S. Plenty of people have already left SPK because the appeal system is not functional and thus they can not play. In the eyes of the RSPS business, it is a right for players to appeal. Any server that does not have a functioning appeal system will eventually lose its place. I am sorry you are too stupid to comprehend the concept of 'rights' beyond American politics. These 'rsps player rights' are not equivocal to literal rights you dog. They are applied to the RSPS business sphere to depict what an rsps player is to be entitled to if you wish to retain them as players and thus customers. In this same sense, SPK players also have a right to engage with the community via forums, any server that does not have forums, most likely will never have a growing player base. "You forfeit any "rights" you have when you break the ToS . " No, you forfeit your right to play the server, amongst other possible rights, such as forfeiting the rights to communicate with the community if you are banned on the forums. Likewise, if you are banned in-game, you still have the right to communicate on forums with other players. Here, if you use your brain, you will see that, indeed you do not forfeit ALL of your rights when you break the ToS. Like you still have the right to use forums if you are banned in-game, you still also have the right to appeal. THE POINT OF AN APPEAL EXISTS TO REGAIN YOUR RIGHT TO PLAY THE GAME. THAT IS ESSENTIALLY THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THE APPEAL. IF YOU BREAK THE RULES, AND GET BANNED, THE MINIMUM IS THAT YOU ATLEAST HAVE THE SINGULAR REMAINING RIGHT, TO ARGUE WHY YOU YOUR PUNISHMENT IS EITHER UNJUSTIFIED OR WHY YOU DESERVE A SECOND CHANCE. You've already countered your own points 3 times in your past two replies, must learn a lesson when you get it. You also keep mentioning you resigned, almost like anyone cares. Imagine boasting you resigned out of a shitty administrative team, while you simultaneously brainlessly defend them. You are just a dog, you think you are funny but you are one of the many dumb dogs who dick ride this server administration without using your brain. Most of your reply is just nonsense BS. Please do not waste my time stupid dog. Your greatest achievement in life is being kicked of a sub-par admin team on a niche game that has an average of 300 players online at any given time.
  5. x2wo

    Hacked on April 1st.

    Granted everything OP says is accurate and true. How is it his fault? Yes, he could have taken certain measures such as using a unique password and using a pin, but that does not equate to the circumstances being his fault. Technically, it is the fault of whoever caused a leak in Ikov's database. Plenty of people use the same password across servers, and while that is not a reason to entirely alleviate responsibility, it is a common occurrence as most people simply don't expect data leaks between rsps's. He lost 22t and your response is it's your fault? It's funny because its obvious you want to attain some kind of staff position on this server eventually, yet you are willing to trade your compassion and common sense for the opportunity to SEEM righteous and helpful. Take this as your wake up call to stop white knighting, you are not helpful, you are a cunt.
  6. x2wo

    Expanding Playerbase

    You're actually retarded and need to get of admin dick. Pretty clear you're just a regurgitating robot willing to say anything in order to place yourself in a good spot in the eyes of admins. Most of what you're saying is just unverifiable anecdotal and unsubstantiated bullshit. Most of what people complain is indeed anecdotal, but very evidently a common concern/complaint and thus lends itself some credibility. Although not always true for every scenario, if majority of individuals creating appeals are expressing that the process is either unresponsive or taking way too long 2months + (and that's being lenient), its reasonable to consider that these concerns may have some basis to them. Claiming that the appeal system is a system that is optional and not obligatory, therefore we should be grateful for its existence regardless of its flaws, is simply stupid. First : No, an appeal system is not optional, it is mandatory for any rsps that wishes to function as a successful business. You will see most rsps's have this appeal system, and if an rsps wishes to be an attractive choice, they must too, in the scope of business and competition, have this feature. In this sense, the appeal system is not a luxury, it is a right to all players. Second : Even if the appeal system is a luxury system and not mandatory or necessary to maintain attractiveness of the rsps, it should not harbor flaws and inefficiencies such as absurdly long wait times for tickets and appeals PARTICULARLY WHEN IT DENOTES A ROUGH ESTIMATE THAT IS SIGNIFICANTLY LESSER THAN WHAT IS ACTUALLY ONGOING. For example, saying your appeal system yields responses in 1-2 months, and then failing to provide a response 6 months later, despite being a 'luxury', is not justification to operate in a dishonest or misleading fashion. This is a fallacy, one that is rooted in bad faith. Take this analogy; if you ask me to do you a favor, say : pick up your dry cleaning TONIGHT because you don't have the time, just because I'm doing you a FAVOR, that does not mean I get to pick it up one week after you've asked me to pick it up today AND I AGREED. This is bad faith, and exploiting the trust of others. Similarly in this case, SPK exploits the trust of its player base by either intentionally prolonging the appeal process or stupidly neglecting it. Kellartha is such an idiot, that she actually counters her own argument while trying to defend the current appeal system. "if you meant appeals, then that's pretty irrelevant because Ryan himself has said a appeal section does not even need to exist. Appeals are NOT important and are NOT relevant and have ZERO importance on any Administrator+'s agenda." The idiot Kellartha in this quote is replying to a comment that is criticising the poor work of appeal handler named Tevin. The idiot Kellartha says that the criticism is irrelevant because Ryan himself has said the appeal section does not even need to exist and they are not important have and that they are irrelevant. Yet, despite the appeal sections apparent irrelevance and complete uselessness, it still EXISTS. This only furthers the notion that admins don't give a shit about appeals but understand that players do, and that it is important. So what this really means is that, the admins are scumbags who have an appeal section just for show, that does not do shit. Kellartha, being the idiot she is, unintentionally exposes this and supports the criticism. What an absolute tool Kellartha is, she is so delusional, that in her attempt to defend poor admin decisions, she exposes them. Whatever the scenario is, SPK has demonstrated sub-par handling of its appeal process. It would be more morally acceptable, reasonable, and logically sensible to take down their appeal system entirely than to continue to providing such horse-shit service. SPK is not a gift, it is not a blessing, it is a business that makes a profit and pays either the owner and or admin team. Edit : To add to the point of OP's post, OP making suggestions about certain methods that would expand the player base. I really dont understand why this white knight kellatha has to try and defend every suggestion as if each suggestion is an attack on the admin team. Suggesting the RSPS to take advantage of social media in increasing its player base is not a suggestion that is related to the surge of players due to COVID-19. COVID-19 is a special circumstance that occurs as an event out of the ordinary, meaning eventually the circumstance of COVID-19 will disperse. In this case, the suggestion is still valid and the RSPS should still seek the methods suggested by OP in expanding its playerbase (assuming they have not already). So to suggest that OP's suggestion should be ignored because there is a temporary surge of players is nonsensical. He is not urging that it be done now, but rather that it should be done in general. Lets consider for a second COVID-19 will never go away and that the idiot Kellartha has a point, the server cannot handle more players. OP's suggestion still stands because OP is making a suggestion on attracting more players. OP makes no mention of server status or its impact. OP is still relevant even if COVID-19 never goes away and the surge is not temporary but rather permanent, this is because it is a reasonable assumption that the admin team will take measures to accommodate the increase in players, for example, opening a second server. This is reasonable because it is a business, if they experience a permanent increase in players and thus more income of money generated, they will be incentivized to use that money to grow the server to again accommodate and encourage more people to join. In any case, whether this idiot Kellartha is right or wrong, OP's suggestion is independent and thus irrelevant to her claim that the servers are flooded. Please Kellartha just stop white knighting.
  7. x2wo

    Fixing right-click issues

    this fucking worked well done ty
  8. Concise, clean application. Good response to a pretty stupid comment that infers good helpers spam advertise on yell "pm me if you need help". No +1's from forum accounts with 1 post. Despite not playing spk, I'd find it hard to believe that someone with your demonstrated conduct is not capable of being helper. I would suggest not replying "thank you" or something similar to those that +1, I.M.O, applications should maintain minimal commenting from the applicant. Otherwise stellar. +1
  9. x2wo

    Goofygoofs Staff Application

    This alone should be grounds to disqualify this application. What a rat move.
  10. x2wo

    Scooby Dooo Staff Application

    I agree, I see some idiots telling you your school and maintenance of your GPA will bring your gameplay time down. Some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard, completely irrelevant and borderline just shit talking. You need to trust that many people, like myself, pay no attention to those idiots. We know a stupid comment when we see one. And rest assured the final decision does not rely on the input of those idiots, like I said, there will always be some idiotic comments, but they will be universally recognized as so and that's why you can't be responding. You must simply trust the community to filter what is garbage vs what is not.
  11. x2wo

    RAGGING Another way to look at it.

    Oh wow didn't realize how long ago this thread was made. Funny enough though, I think I've read a few opinions that staff dont do much to enforce it, especially since evidence is required, making dealing with raggers entirely annoying and time-consuming. Perhaps, a black-list is more relevant than ever seeing it would replace the need for any formal complaint and ruling process.
  12. x2wo

    The Staff Team

    For the "ticket" suggestion, many players, such as myself, for the most-part hardly use forums. We often have issues in-game that are easily fixable with immediate attention, making it pointless to hop over onto forums, log in, create a thread, and wait for a response. This is even more relevant when the community has little faith in the staff teams ability to respond on a timely basis via forums, not saying thats the case, but perhaps a plausible scenario.
  13. x2wo

    Scooby Dooo Staff Application

    Proving my point. Again, this is not a place or opportunity for you to rebuttal comments. Say what you need to say in your original post and let the community decide the rest, you shouldn't be commenting anything, not a single comment. 1. You dont need to broad cast your help. You stay in help cc and answer questions, or answer questions on yell/pm when someone asks someone. Broadcasting in itself is already an indication you're not doing anything but attempting to make known you are a so-called 'helper'. Its very simple, the effectiveness of yelling is close to none. As I've said before, there is a clear distinction between actually helping, and yelling that you are helping. It is my strict opinion that anyone who has been a long-time helper/helping the community never yells broadcasting hes open to help. Any long-time helper would've already realized that kind of broadcasting is futile, and that most people requiring help will make it known in the help cc or on yell. By you yelling, you are demonstrating you have no intention to give attention to the proper channels for where people who require help exist, rather you are demonstrating its easier to autotype every 5 minutes "pm me for help" and then shift-reply a half-assed answer. There are optimal ways of conduct, any long-term helper would know this, and thus not be utilizing auto-type broadcasting to do good. You time online does not determine whether you will make a good staff member, it only shows you are active. While thats probably ideal, it doesnt matter how active you are if you're not the person for the position. 2. Theres nothing to address. The mere fact that you feel the need to address misconduct shows that you're not interested in the feedback you're receiving - probably because you don't give a shit, rather you're addressing because you think defending yourself might increase your chances of receiving the position your after. I can't speak to the competence of server staff, but chances are, if they give a shit about having good helpers, they won't view your defensive attitude as a favorable attribute. Like I said, you're defending because you want to win, you want the position, not because you think you are right. A -1 is a -1; you don't address +1's other than saying "ty" yet you find the need to address "-1's" and explain why their -1 is invalid. You simply think every -1 is invalid. 3. Ofcourse it will never happen again because you're now applying for a position. But what makes people care about you scamming, is they are imagining a scenario in which you never plan on applying for a position, they are imagining, "if scooby was never planning to apply/ never applied for helper, would he scam again". Evidently, in many player opinions, the answer is yes. I concur with them. Eluding back to what it takes to be a helper; a good samaritan, someone who can't be tempted by personal gain. The fact that you scammed should alone forever disqualify from being a helper, unless you have redeeming qualities, which is already rare in itself, but most people believe you don't - depicted in these comments. This is coming from someone who also has scammed, multiple times for that matter, so do not misunderstand this as spite. Maybe you do these unfavorable things out of lack of awareness, maybe you do them intentionally. Either way, in my view it is clear that you are not cut out for this position. Maybe you end up getting it, who knows? But I've seen good helpers on many servers and shitty ones. The shitty ones are always trying to prove they're worthy, the good helpers don't need to prove it because naturally they are cut out for the job and the community sees that.