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Everything posted by par3d0x

  1. I think it's totally ridiculous that it takes almost 4 days to get just a reply to a message / appel I work as staff for another server which I will not mention as I'm not here to do that I was only enjoying my time on spawnpk as we all need a break. The one thing I will say is you lot need to get better at ur replys to help/infrastructure as you are supposed to be a business the time it has taken for me to get a simple reply has possibley put me off playing ur server anymore as I feel you neglecte the issues that players have and as a player my self I think it is indeed wrong. I know that you guys will most likely just remove the post but I at least hope that a few of you will read this and understand were I am coming from possibly even make some changes to the way you guys handle your customer care service ina sense. PEOPLE DON'T PAY TO JUST BE IGNORED. Your server it's self is amazing and as alot going for it so I do find this a shame but I still think is silly that you guys think this is okay I have even gone out of my to message certain staff members direct and I'm still yet to get any reply lol when they have clearly been active.
  2. par3d0x

    Easterwyrm nerf!

    hi my name is par3d0x as u can probley guess its come to my attention that the new easterwyrm in my opinon is taking over the wild. it give u a chance to drop people who have maxed gear when using spawnables or even bronze sets . I don't think it should be gotten rid of as I really do like the idea of it I just think it shouldn't be as powerful as it is atm . I feel u can pk with nothing and gain nothing with this pet. but if u guys do agree with me please give this a thumbs up p.s I never get involved with stuff like this but I really do feel like this has taken over the wildy and made other pets useless against it thankyou for your time in reading my post .
  3. par3d0x

    Easterwyrm nerf!

    agreed but that is the way the world is my friend there will always be disagreements I just wanted to see how many people agreed with me .
  4. par3d0x

    Easterwyrm nerf!

    I ment nerf as in decrease its ablity from 35%to 15% dosent take a genius to figure out how to lower it with out affecting the item to much its self .. and again its only a suggestion don't take it to heart brother plus I also own one of these pets so I would loose value to lol
  5. par3d0x

    Donations rework

    hi my name is par3d0x as u can probably see for you self's. I was just enquiring about weather or not there should be a rework on the donations side of the sever, as I feel that at its current stat it doesn't pull players to donate or at least it hasn't with me as I feel it hasn't got enough value for the cash side of things . for example if u look at the donations bonus u can only reserve this after donating $150 in one day which is a really high price in my opinion. I'm not going to tell you what they should be changed to I just feel they need a slight rework so that we can achieve more donations in the near future as I only want to see this server grow and grow in which it is doing but I believe with little changes like this it will bring in more of a fan base or at least when we donate we will feel like it was worth the donation instead of regretting it within a few hours. as I said this is just my opinion and would like for all of you to add yours bare in mind I'm not saying make it a pay to play server but just for the people that have payed they can feel like it was worth it to them thankyou for all of your time in reading this . p.s if u really would like my input on this I can create a simple spreadsheet on what I think the pieces will be reasonable at.