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Brandyn last won the day on April 24 2019

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6 Neutral

About Brandyn

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    Junior Member

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  1. Brandyn

    Lost my PASSWORD/PIN - Brandyn

    Hello, I've lost the PASSWORD/PIN on my account - Brandyn https://gyazo.com/a494d56afea3a469765cdb31f0f075d8
  2. Brandyn

    Lost My PASSWORD - Brandyn

    Hello, I've lost my password on my account - Brandyn Thanks heaps in advance, Brandyn https://gyazo.com/556244bd58aa85ea4161b25b8c191bc2
  3. Brandyn

    Blood Revs tele

    By all means though, if you guys believe we should charge more than 1bm per use I'm open to that idea!
  4. Brandyn

    Blood Revs tele

    Guys maybe I worded this post wrong. I don't mean tele to the revs, I mean tele the revs to you from spot where you cant go (within view like the Halloween event lantern). Essentially I think this was be a quick fix for the issue of revs spawning inside buildings and on islands you cant actually reach. Hope this helps!
  5. Brandyn

    Blood Revs tele

    Hey Guys, I know this is another pvm fix (yeah I know, I know), but it would be nice to have an offhand wep/scroll/anything that teles revs from hard/impossible to get places. The idea came from one of the last Halloween events, and I think it'd make the blood rev issue a whole lot simpler. I'd suggest maybe a charge price of 1bm per use. Let us know what you think Cheers!
  6. Brandyn

    Undo repair costs for amulets

    200m per ammy is a bit of a joke
  7. Brandyn

    Untradeable nerf/buff?

    That's exactly how I'm feeling hey. It was free when I got all the untradeables too feelsbadman
  8. Brandyn

    ::Ping Command

    Hey guys, I think it'd be pretty sick if we had a command to see our ping to the server similar to the ::fps. I live in Australia and would like to compare pings to people on spk around the world. (looking for an excuse for my poor nh skills) xd Understandable if it's too hard to code though! Let me know what you lot think
  9. Brandyn

    Skotizo service

    Awesome idea! +1
  10. Brandyn

    Untradeable nerf/buff?

    Hey guys, I feel as though the untradeable gear price to repair has been blown out. I understand that there should be some loss/gain when killing players using these Armour and items, however is the price that is currently being used fair? Personally I've spent hundreds of billions trying to obtain most of the untradeables in-game, where when I'm broke now I cant use my set because it costs 1 bill every time I die ( 2 ammies, rune pouch and cursed robes). Is there a real incentive to invest in these items if you cant even use them to rebuild because of the risk? Can we drop the price to repair to the older price, or at the very little lower it a bit. Anyways cheers! Comment if you have any other suggestions!
  11. Brandyn

    Bounty Hunter target rework

    Loving the support guys, hopefully we see these fixes ingame 😛
  12. Brandyn

    Bounty Hunter target rework

    Hey Guys, I'm not sure about you guys, but I'm getting frustrated as hell with bounty hunter in deep wildy with targets skipping you. I'm all for being able to skip targets, it's definitely way better than before. However deep wild bounty pking is becoming a joke because of people skipping targs mid fight. Can we make it that whilst in combat you cant skip your target! I bring 10 bounty teletabs with me on a pk trip and only get a single upgrade because of all the skips. Personally I think this would work wonders, but let me know how you feel about this! Cheers guys!