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Everything posted by Liam887

  1. Liam887

    Vigilantes - taking over your wild

    @Winter @Helmet both added pending testing EDIT: will add in morning!
  2. Liam887

    Vigilantes - taking over your wild

    pm me ingame - liam885
  3. Liam887

    Vigilantes - taking over your wild

    pm me ingame - liam885
  4. Liam887

    Vigilantes - taking over your wild

    accepted as trial pending test
  5. Liam887

    Vigilantes - taking over your wild

    accepted as trial pending test
  6. Dissagree massively on cursed and other auto keeps needing repairing
  7. Liam887

    Vigilantes - taking over your wild

    Accepted, will add when online
  8. Liam887

    Vigilantes - taking over your wild

    pm me ingame - liam885
  9. Liam887

    Vigilantes v Submission TONIGHT

    War will be starting in 2 hours, time has changed
  10. Liam887

    Vigilantes v Submission TONIGHT

    @Y I P K U 07 gear restrictions, no pets or divine etc.
  11. Liam887

    Vigilantes - taking over your wild

  12. Liam887

    Lzerraptorz helper application.

    Never seen him help, almost all of his yell's tend to be abuse or spamming 'edgepvp loc'
  13. My only argument around veteran equipment is that keeping loyal players is important, but gaining new players is also just as neccessary. I wouldn’t join a server knowing no matter how much money, how grindy i play i can’t get some of the best items. I agree veteran rewards should be kept to cosmetics.
  14. Defender t deffo needs a vamp. Also @Kellatha inferno has 10% drop rate same as ele comp?
  15. Liam887

    Someones logged in my account

    False alarm, accounts stuck as logged in. Please kick ‘liam885’