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Fused Slayer Helmet

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Testing out the fresh FSH at ::vip and noticed i'm hitting really low and really inaccurate with melee. I usually hit around 70-80's commonly and my max was in the 90's like 907, but now i'm lucky to hit past an 800 hit that rarely shows up?


Since me and Ddsme got it at the same time, we both rushed out to test it and neither of us are hitting anywhere like our old hits, that were much higher and much more frequent than now.


Keep in mind I have the best strength bonus gear in game and I can't hit good? I'm even hitting 0's, and sometimes up to three times in a row... When is the last time you ever hit a 0 with color slayer???


Will edit and add in what happens with range because melee is really broken and so bad right now with FSH.


Everything else works as intended, better stats and drop rate bonus, etc.


EDIT: Range is also broken as well. I tested out two weapons, blow pipe and zaryte bow and were also just as bad. Rarely hit a normal max with bp in the 30's, constant low hits and averages of 10's and sometimes 20's. Zbow hits were also normally in the 30's, also hitting 0's and low 10-20's really frequently, with a rare 40's hit some where in there.


Anyone else experiencing the same problem??


Edit 2: I also forgot to add in that the protection value is really bad since FSH is 200b+, and just about everything else protects over it like any nex piece, zbow, etc.


Added in 6-30-17

After some more grinding(hours and hours) It looks like range is now better than before and is working as intended with a 35% range boost. The only reason why I only feel like it's fixed is because I have a rangers tunic to balance out the missing bonus damage that it has.

Melee is still a problem. It makes no sense how I can't hit higher than 81 with primal rapier with fused slayer helmet, but I could hit 91/92's with color slayer helmet? Also, when I would dds, my max would be near 700-700, sometimes hitting like 697-697, now I can even get over 500-500??? My gear is exactly the same as before with the red slayer helmet, now it's a fused slayer helmet.


Now, speaking of accuracy. I'm wondering why a regular slayer helmet can out damage a fused slayer helmet? I'm pretty sure FSH is 35% damage bonus while regular is 25%? Even a color slayer helmet can beat you the majority of the time, regardless if you have better gear with an FSH. I've gotten out damaged at Tamed Cerebrus, and Wildywyrm. With color slayer helmet I would hardly even hit 0's, now that is all I seem to hit all of the time. Not to mention the really low hits, especially with melee. There is no reason I should be hitting constant "37" or "48s" like really? When my max was 907 before....


Lastly, speaking of drop rate bonus. I used to get like 10 barrelchest weapons and like 10 bandos sets daily in my grinds, now I am lucky to even get one bandos piece per like 50 kills. What is going on, did I miss a drop rate nerf between the past updates and now? I've gone 4 days without a very rare drop, and I used to get like at least 5 of those daily, if not more. What gives??? I don't think I can include infernal cape, but 50% max drop rate and not a single very rare drop, but when I had 37% I had them raining like no tomorrow?


I don't even know what is going on, I want to point fingers but I'm shooting blind here. Give me an explanation for why my pvm life has been horrible this week because I can't continue playing the game with it so broken like it is right now.


PS: +50% Drop rate bonus, more like -50%. I think the servers most active pvmer would know when her performance and drops are severely bad.

Edited by Kellatha
Problem still visible.

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I've heard about this but i thought it was just the other kids rng, seems like it's the helm itself..

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I fully agree on your post. I don't feel any difference with 50% bonus or the standard 0-30%. Ryan said in a last post he did a check but how hard i would love to believe him it doesn't feels like it's fine.


Looking forward on the answer or solution!

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it still hasnt been fixed when he said it was from the last update



regular slayer helm + karils and blowpipe was out-dpsing fsh, morrigans and blowpipe @ wildy wyrm every single kill.

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I agree, I had more drops before I bought it, now I go hundreds of kills dry for every boss.

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