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Baccy Beugs

Suggestions Suggestions Suggestions.

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Nerf Inquisitor Mace's Special Attack bleed effect to a maximum of half the damage caused by the special attack, and slow it down by 0.5-1 Tick

Inquisitor mace is too overpowered, it's ridiculous to be potentially 3x specced in edgeville, say you get specced 3 times for 70 damage, you're then bleeding for 210 damage for like 3 minutes, with the potential of speccing about 82-83 with Blood Faceguard & Ferocious Gloves, imagine an overall hit of 249 Damage spread out over 5s every 1 tick that's how bad edgeville pking is when people are using the inq mace as it stands, now the damage on the inquisitor mace... that's not actually a problem the damage from an inq mace is balanced.


Lower the Maximum damage of Ancient Crossbow's Special Attack to 75 Hit Cap with the second hit only being able to hit a maximum of 55-60 as opposed to the current 82-77 Maximum stack

The Ancient Crossbow makes it very difficult for anyone to be in edgeville cursed orb pking, or with any risk at all unless you're praying ranged at all times, it should be nerfed to have a lower max, to be made not useless, but not overpowered to the point of being nigh unsurviveable when you get specced by it, even people in tekton aren't safe with 139 HP and a triple eat, because there's people out there that can 2x special attack with an elderblood ring (i) and though a very rare possibility, i have the chance to spec 82-77 twice in under 7 seconds.


Add a 0.5-1 tick delay to staff of terror, using d knives in to staff of terror has no tick delay, and even though the damage maximum has been lowered to a 42 cap, that's still something that can be abused far too much, especially since you can instantly inquisitor mace spec afterwards

Pretty sure this ones self explanatory, there was one clan that would abuse the crap out of the combo mentioned above, d knives to terror staff. instant hit from both weapons 

Stop Nate & Ramzi from selling Avon Products to old ladies instead of doing their job


that ones a joke


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