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Kellatha's Staff Application

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1. Desired staff position: Helper

2. Your name (first name would suffice): Rather not disclose, Kellatha is fine.

3. Your age: 23

4. Your timezone: CST but i'm more active in the late nights(12AM-5 AM)

5. Average amount of gameplay hours per day: On a work day 4-8 hours, on an off day 10-12+ hours.

6. Why you should receive the position: While I currently think I have left a "sour taste" in peoples mouths since I have left before, I feel like i've gone back to my roots over time as i've been away from the staff team as a regular player. Currently my daily life on SPK is logging on my main and two alts and usually pvming on all three and spend my time fully aware of questions being asked anywhere via yell or cc. Before I initially applied in 2017 this was what I was doing on a daily basis, often questioning if asking mere questions is all I could be doing. After doing this for many months I decided to apply after undying support from the community which I surprisingly still have given I am a four year veteran. What's leading me to apply right now is I feel like I could be doing much more as staff than as a regular player, and I feel like I should receive a staff position to help make a better positive difference in game for players as I have done in the past.

7. Are you comfortable with starting as a Helper?: Ofcourse! A different staff member who came back around a second time started from helper and if need be should I start from square one again that is fine with me. I have been told by plenty of current staff members and leadership that my abilities and experience are way above helper material but if this is a sort of condition I must undergo for leaving before and coming back I will gladly take go through with it.

8. Why are you applying again if you have left before? A popular question I get even to this day and I gladly address it every single time. Previously in the past I felt like the staffing environment really lacked in certain areas like Communication, Efficiency, and Appreciation. While I don't fully know how the current staff team current operates, I have friends currently on the team and leadership that have assured me that times have changed for the better. Aside from those issues I mentioned I had no other issue that caused me to resign before. I believe now that those issues are gone I won't have any deterrents from being a staff member once again.

9. If you do become staff again, what are the chances you will leave again? If I do get blessed with another opportunity to staff I plan to stay for as long as possible and have no future plans regarding quitting the server. While I can't predict the future and say everything will be all well if I rejoin the team, I will say that I will try my hardest on improving areas that lacked before without resorting to resignation. At the time it was a foolish and rash decision of deciding to resign, and somehow I had come to the conclusion that all of my year long attempts to make the server better in certain areas were futile, was to resign in hopes of gathering attention to said areas. It backfired and ultimately got nowhere for some time but eventually these things were sought after by people(Phenomenon) who I was alongside with at the time. That said, a lot of current staff members have no quirks with the possibility of a future resignation since there is a lot I could bring to the team. Any current help would be gladly given and they've expressed how it would be appreciated since staffing is volunteering any help is welcome however long it lasts. 

10. What would you say would be your biggest weakness right now towards re-applying for staff?: I would easily say Patience. Something i desperately lacked back in my first run as staff, and hope to work on and make up for now. While back then I had lingering issues for many months that needed some sort of address, as opposed to now that those same issues will currently see much faster resolution thanks to additional leadership like Tevin as the Community Manager. At the end of the day I learned that there are many things that require a process to amend and at the time were very demanding and very immediate that would take some time to change. I think now that times have really changed compared to back then like right now the current team is in very good standing with very active members this will not be as big a weakness I think it to be or even nothing at all.

11. How come you don't make it aware that you are helping people like "PM for help!"?: This is a trend I saw in a lot of current staff members that I personally thing looks very bad on a application. I have no intention of using a method of helping people be used as a instrument in my favor to make my application look better. For many years I have helped people anywhere, free of your usual "solicitation" for help because that's how I see it. While I don't actively advertise any of that nonsense, it's no surprise that you can see me helping anywhere. Personally I like to help out of my own good will, not by actively forcing it on people. While I may not practice this method, by no means does it mean I do not help people. I wont go as far as to say I answer every question on yell/cc's like help/survive, I do answer a good amount with precise knowledge. A little bit of bragging here but I do consider myself a Wikipedia when it comes to SPK.

12. How do you view yourself without having a staff rank? While some people consider me "not loyal" by leaving the staff team, I still consider myself fully loyal to the server as a whole, especially to Ryan. While I have come and gone several times since i've been staff, i've always been active via doing things behinds the scenes. While I wasn't a staff member, I had access to being able to provide information directly to Ryan for a majority of different things like suggestions for future content, feedback for upcoming changes, instantly reporting any bugs that I came across, and things like that. I was and still feel currently responsible for game integrity and player environment in areas such as donator zones and perks, and economy fluctuations. I've always been active in those fields suggesting and providing content for future additions to either field. IMHO, a lot of the times I felt like I never left the staff team since I still had those connections. I've always tried to be a valuable asset and will continue to do so regardless of rank. With a RSPS as great as SPK that is constantly adapting and changing i've always tried to be at Ryan's side through it all because SPK is home and there is no place like home.

Some more backstory via my initial application back in 2017: https://spawnpk.net/forums/index.php?/topic/6159-kellathas-helper-application/&

Thanks for taking the time to read it through and drop some support!

Edited by Kellatha
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huge +1, never had a problem nor have i ever seen her have a problem with anyone else. Never flamed or flame baited and always extremely helpful. considering asking her out soon idk, would offer 200k osrs for osrs wife ok or no?
jokes aside would love to see you back on the saff team kell and gl :)

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+1 Was fantastic when you were staff before, and the server would be at a better point to have you back. You never flame or get into flame wars in yell, and generally only ever help people.

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2 hours ago, Kellatha said:

1. Desired staff position: Helper

2. Your name (first name would suffice): Rather not disclose, Kellatha is fine.

3. Your age: 23

4. Your timezone: CST but i'm more active in the late nights(12AM-5 AM)

5. Average amount of gameplay hours per day: On a work day 4-8 hours, on an off day 10-12+ hours.

6. Why you should receive the position: While I currently think I have left a "sour taste" in peoples mouths since I have left before, I feel like i've gone back to my roots over time as i've been away from the staff team as a regular player. Currently my daily life on SPK is logging on my main and two alts and usually pvming on all three and spend my time fully aware of questions being asked anywhere via yell or cc. Before I initially applied in 2017 this was what I was doing on a daily basis, often questioning if asking mere questions is all I could be doing. After doing this for many months I decided to apply after undying support from the community which I surprisingly still have given I am a four year veteran. What's leading me to apply right now is I feel like I could be doing much more as staff than as a regular player, and I feel like I should receive a staff position to help make a better positive difference in game for players as I have done in the past.

7. Are you comfortable with starting as a Helper?: Ofcourse! A different staff member who came back around a second time started from helper and if need be should I start from square one again that is fine with me. I have been told my plenty of current staff members and leadership that my abilities and experience are way above helper material but if this is a sort of condition I must undergo for leaving before and coming back I will gladly take go through with it.

8. Why are you applying again if you have left before? A popular question I get even to this day and I gladly address it every single time. Previously in the past I felt like the staffing environment really lacked in certain areas like Communication, Efficiency, and Appreciation. While I don't fully know how the current staff team current operates, I have friends currently on the team and leadership that have assured me that times have changed for the better. Aside from those issues I mentioned I had no other issue that caused me to resign before. I believe now that those issues are gone I won't have any deterrents from being a staff member once again.

9. If you do become staff again, what are the chances you will leave again? If I do get blessed with another opportunity to staff I plan to stay for as long as possible and have no future plans regarding quitting the server. While I can't predict the future and say everything will be all well if I rejoin the team, I will say that I will try my hardest on improving areas that lacked before without resorting to resignation. At the time it was a foolish and rash decision of deciding to resign, and somehow I had come to the conclusion that all of my year long attempts to make the server better in certain areas were futile, was to resign in hopes of gathering attention to said areas. It backfired and ultimately got nowhere for some time but eventually these things were sought after by people(Phenomenon) who I was alongside with at the time. That said, a lot of current staff members have no quirks with the possibility of a future resignation since there is a lot I could bring to the team. Any current help would be gladly given and they've expressed how it would be appreciated since staffing is volunteering any help is welcome however long it lasts. 

10. What would you say would be your biggest weakness right now towards re-applying for staff?: I would easily say Patience. Something i desperately lacked back in my first run as staff, and hope to work on and make up for now. While back then I had lingering issues for many months that needed some sort of address, as opposed to now that those same issues will currently see much faster resolution thanks to additional leadership like Tevin as the Community Manager. At the end of the day I learned that there are many things that require a process to amend and at the time were very demanding and very immediate that would take some time to change. I think now that times have really changed compared to back then like right now the current team is in very good standing with very active members this will not be as big a weakness I think it to be or even nothing at all.

11. How come you don't make it aware that you are helping people like "PM for help!"?: This is a trend I saw in a lot of current staff members that I personally thing looks very bad on a application. I have no intention of using a method of helping people used as a instrument in my favor to make my application look better. For many years I have helped people anywhere, free of your usual "solicitation" for help because that's how I see it. While I don't actively advertise any of that nonsense, it's no surprise that you can see me helping anywhere. Personally I like to help out of my own good will, not by actively forcing it on people. While I may not practice this method, by no means does it mean I do not help people. I wont go as far as to say I answer every question on yell/cc's like help/survive, I do answer a good amount with precise knowledge. A little bit of bragging here but I do consider myself a Wikipedia when it comes to SPK.

12. How do you view yourself without having a staff rank? While some people consider me "not loyal" by leaving the staff team, I still consider myself fully loyal to the server as a whole, especially to Ryan. While I have come and gone several times since i've been staff, i've always been active via doing things behinds the scenes. While I wasn't a staff member, I had access to being able to provide information directly to Ryan for a majority of different things like suggestions for future content, feedback for upcoming changes, instantly reporting any bugs that I came across, and things like that. I was and still feel currently responsible for game integrity and player environment in areas such as donator zones and perks, and economy fluctuations. I've always been active in those fields suggesting and providing content for future additions to either field. IMHO, a lot of the times I felt like I never left the staff team since I still had those connections. I've always tried to be a valuable asset and will continue to do so regardless of rank. With a RSPS as great as SPK that is constantly adapting and changing i've always tried to be at Ryan's side through it all because SPK is home and there is no place like home.

Some more backstory via my initial application back in 2017: https://spawnpk.net/forums/index.php?/topic/6159-kellathas-helper-application/&

Thanks for taking the time to read it through and drop some support!


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+1 Finally you were one of the best staff members previously and I know you will become the go to staff member again. Can't wait to see that I back by your name :).

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I don't play anymore but logged on forums to +1.

We have had our disagreements but generally you are very helpful and know the game like the back of your hand. I haven't played for a while but when I did you helped the noobies over yell and cc.

Obviously you were staff in the past and from what I've heard you made bad decisions at the end but everyone can learn from them and move forward.

I have faith you can kick the staff team into shape to be half decent to what it is currently.

P.s, create some quality mythic & Pvm content and I might make a swift return.

Best of luck,


Edited by IGN
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+1 of course, was nothing but a pleasure having you on the staff team in the past & I'm sure things would be the same now if not better.

I look forward to seeing the progression of community feedback on this staff app, however, I'm sure all the +1s already speak for themselves.

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8 hours ago, Sand4shots said:


Only because you got b2b e-yoshi, -1.

Thanks everyone for the support!

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+1 of course! you were incredible throughout your time being a mod(and after), it would make a lot of difference if you were once again a staff member.  With your experience it would be silly to not take you back, in my opinion. And as Pheno mentioned, all the +1's speak for themselves. 

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23 hours ago, Sand4shots said:


 -1 Personally I would like more staff but as kellatha said hes experienced being  "normal player" in think s time I have personally seen him talk trash to people, and rag people. In gamble I have witnessed him telling people to quit after loosing gambles. Now, new additional to the staff team would be beneficial to the server as there are a lot of players who need help with little active staff on most times. I do not think kellatha should be re instated as a moderator, and believe their are better options simply just by observing  his game play.

Edited by c1assified
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+1. Good personality and always willing to help others. But noob pker man. Haven't ever seen talking trash as someone claims. +1+1+1+1+1+ good human here

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+1 @Kellatha Has been a consistent leader in the SpawnPk community, not only being a walking Wikipedia but also being very willing to spread that knowledge to help both vets and new players. I believe if given another chance you would make a great addition to the current staff team as well as a great mentor for future members of the team. To me it's clear with the amount of time and sincerity that you put into this application that you are sure about your return, and I'm very confident that you'd stick around to help SpawnPk progress and grow. I've always appreciated what you have done for SPK and continue to do I was excited to work together if I was given the opportunity to be a part of the staff team but unfortunately you had resigned before I was given the chance. I'm thrilled to know that may once again be a real possibility! :) 

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100% +1 without a doubt. Would be an amazing honor to have you back on the team. Such a hard working person with so much passion in helping people and the community.

Kellatha is not just a friend but kellatha have also helped me with questions that I could not answer when I was running for staff. Told me about how staff work is gonna be from her experiences. I would love kellatha to be back in the team for the amount of support, passion and dedication this player has put into the game. Kellatha is also a veteran player with limitless knowledge of the game, she has also been staff twice before and has a ton of experience so she will be very familiar with the process and commands. Best of luck

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+1 previous staff member, tried and true ability to actually moderate the server, not corrupt and doesn't get involved in dramas

100% the most qualified in the current line up of applications 

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21 hours ago, Bread said:

+1 Without a doubt, I think it's safe to say welcome back to where you belong!


ps. URF is back

Urf rammus ❤️

Thanks everyone for the support!

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I might be banned in-game, but that won't stop me from supporting your application.

Fat +1, goodluck!

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