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Lammie last won the day on October 25 2019

Lammie had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

19 Good

1 Follower

About Lammie

  • Rank
    Senior Member

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1253 profile views
  1. Thanks for your stuff bro.
  2. Lammie

    Kellatha's Staff Application

    I might be banned in-game, but that won't stop me from supporting your application. Fat +1, goodluck!
  3. Lammie

    blood dark beast

    All untradeable pets are kept on death, even when redskulled.
  4. Lammie

    When is the next update?

  5. Lammie

    Farewell - Pk noob

    Sad but true. Have been waiting for 10 days + now for my random ban to be reversed.
  6. Lammie

    Staff is non existent?

    I have been wrongfully banned. Over a week ago I asked staff in-game why I was banned. Appearantly there wasn't a ban reason, so I was told to appeal. I've now been waiting for a week for someone to handle my appeal, I messaged staff in-game, bumped my thread, but literally nothing is happening. What the fuck is going on, and why is this server managed like shit? No one should be banned without reason in the first place, let alone having to wait a week + for someone to handle your appeal. Fix this shitshow.
  7. This server should get boycotted asap.
  8. Lammie

    This is ridiculous.

    I've literally had an appeal open for over 4 days now. It's getting fucking ridiculous. I also was banned for no reason at all.
  9. Lammie

    Scooby Dooo Staff Application

    -1 user is a known scammer and despised by a good portion of the older playerbase. How can a player with a scamming record even be allowed to open a staff application?
  10. Lammie

    Cba Losing helper application

    Too young -1
  11. Good job. You've made me play again.
  12. Lammie


    Sigh. Sure.
  13. Lammie


    Just so you know, voting can't be botted due to captcha's. The actual fix to this ''problem'' would be to ban VPN voting.
  14. Lammie

    Just a thought..

    Last time I saw a shoutbox was on an edgy anime-hacking forum 5 years ago. No fucking thanks.
  15. Lammie


    I'm ''wonder'' who this ''Purdue2'' kid is. Imagine rage quitting a rsps. You autistic addicted child. Greasy chicken fingered gremlin looking retard. Nice LinkedIn btw.