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turm swag12

Change Blood Diamond Store Prices

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So in the new update Dec 5 the blood diamond shop has a new updated price for only one item scyth of vitur from 400blood diamonds now to 500 blood diamonds so its now closer to market value but what they didn't change is other prices so I think they should change the prices here a list current prices and what some of them  should be changed to 

in this list, I will be saying blood diamonds are 1.6b each and BD=blood diamonds

1.death pet current BD price 175 or 280b cash                new price should be 113 BD or 181b cash

2. Cerberus pet BD price 100 or 160b cash                      New Price should be 7 BD or 11.2b cash

3. Corporeal beast pet BD price 100 or 160b cash             New price should be 19 BD or 30.4b cash

4.blood lord pet BD price 125 or 200b cash                    New price should be  8 BD or 12.8b cash

5.blood phoenix pet BD price 150 or 240b                      New price should be 50BD or 80b  cash

6. blood berserker pet BD price 150 or 240b                    New price should be 62BD or 99.2b cash

7.dinh's bulwark bD price 300 or 480b                             New price should be 69BD or 110.4b cash

and A lot more but you get the point everything in the blood diamond shop is very overpriced as you can see in the list above only a couple of items are the market value I hope they will be changed to market value 

Thanks-Turm Swag 




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A lot of those items are regarded as "fodder" aka items people don't want. Scythe happens to be at the tippy top of most wanted items, especially now as ToB has been released. To keep rewards fair and the scythe from fluctuating heavily in price it's price was adjusted solely because it is in high demand and happens to be a ToB drop.

The others won't be adjusted so you can get quick merch. Lot's of those other items are considered dead items and it's price in the blood diamond shop doesn't matter in the slighest.

  • Cerberus Pet
  • Corporeal beast Pet
  • Blood Lord Pet
  • Blood Phoenix Pet

While the rest aren't exactly dead items like:

  • Blood Berserker Pet
  • Death Pet
  • Dinh's Bulwarak

They are certainly used more and have a standing in the economy and are not regarded as junk.

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Kellatha, if you're playing spawnpk again then why not return as a staff member? <_< Forget that mistake you made in the past and move on. It's okay to make mistakes as it proves you are human. :)

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2 hours ago, SmileyBoy said:

Kellatha, if you're playing spawnpk again then why not return as a staff member? <_< Forget that mistake you made in the past and move on. It's okay to make mistakes as it proves you are human. :)

Wtf are you on about dipshit. You've been here for barely a month.

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Really The items have gone up and are encouraged to be bought from other players, not an NPC shop. Thats how an economy works, you buy and sell from players once more items are in the ECO you hardly need the shops anymore.

Some people will still use them for other items but just because the market changes for items doesnt mean that every time the market changes that they need to update the NPC shop to match it.

Otherwise no one would buy from one another and the Eco would soley be based off of who has more cash, or who donates more, etc.


It would be wise to not and try to control the market so that everything stays the same price. Items that are popular will go up, and items that arent will go down. Just like in real life, and it should remain the same way it is currently.



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