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Keef's Helper Application

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1. Desired staff position: Ingame Helper/Moderator
2. Your name (first name would suffice): Shane
3. Your age: 22 years old
4. Your timezone: Eastern Daylight time GMT-4
5. Average amount of gameplay hours per day: I usually manage to get online for about a minimum for four hours everyday. This does vary as I do work full-time, on my weekends I can log in for around four to eight hours each day I have off. I will try and make more time to be in game so I am able to be active and help the community.
6. Why you should receive the position: I've been playing SpawnPk for a few years now and I've acquired a lot of game play knowledge which could be very useful for any new and old players seeking help during the SPK experience. As far as my personality and who I am as a person, I feel very confident in saying that I'm a very respectful player and friendly guy. I've never been one to flame much, but of course I'd be lying if I said I never had. I keep a very professional/respectable attitude with everyone I encounter even if I do not receive the same from them. I do understand my forum activity is quite low but I hope I can show you over the next few weeks as my application is viewed by players and staff that I can improve my activity on the forums. As far as in game goes, I would say I'm pretty active in the yell chat, helping players who Pm me whenever I can. In summary I believe I have the traits that a staff member of this community should have and will hopefully show the community that I am a person who can be relied on and someone who can be there to help and to make the SPK experience more fun and entertaining.


Thank you for reading my application and hope you all can give me some feedback and let me know what you think.

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