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call me it

Zulrah Guide (for Beginners)

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When Green pray Range bandicam 2016-08-19 16-45-30-582.jpg


When Red pray Melee bandicam 2016-08-19 16-45-39-582.jpg


When Blue pray Mage bandicam 2016-08-19 16-46-04-103.jpg


Drop list:

Common: 1-5m Coins

Common: 1-2 Blood money

Common: 1-10 Dragon bones

Common: 1-2 Donator tickets


Rare: Mystery bag

Rare: Toxic blowpipe

Rare: Magic fang

Rare: Serpentine helmet


Very Rare: Magma helmet

Very Rare Tanzanite helmet

Very Rare: Heavy ballista


Use an anti-venom before you go.

I would recommend you to wear full void for the most damage if you aren't that rich, but there are better gears than void.

Dragon fire shield does do damage on Zulrah.

Buy the treasure hunter blood perks for increased drop rate.

Bring a bounty hunter cape and a pet for increased drop rate (Pet only works if you have all three treasure perks)

Remember that snakelings do damage to you.

Make sure to always pray otherwise Zulrah will hit you hard in any phase.

With all 3 treasure hunter perks your drop rate will be increased by 17.5%

The cost of all 3 blood perks are 950 blood money.

Wear a ring of recoil to kill snakelings or you can kill them yourself

Remember that the Red Zulrah only spawns in the center and it will stun you even if you pray.

You are able to get 1-2 hits on the Red Zulrah before it stuns you.

Vengeance also works on Zulrah and snakelings. Vengeance skull is recommended.


Use regular prayer book not curses


The amount of times Zulrah hits you depends on what phase it is on.


Blue Zulrah spawns snakelings


All of this is for the new Zulrah updated August 19th,2016

Edited by call me it

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Bring an antivenom? Nope

Full void for the most damage? Nope

Dragonfire shield does do damage but there's far more beneficial shields to be using offensive wise

Wear a ring of recoil to kill snakelings - or just kill them yourself since they have 1 hp and there's far more beneficial rings to be using?

You are able to get 2-3 hits on red zulrah before it stuns you - no not always and not even usually

Vengeance also works on zulrah/snakelings - yeah but you have to take damage for it to work which is something most people would rather avoid doing I assume?


Also pretty sure the amount of times it hits is inaccurate and there is no set number but I haven't been paying too much attention


Most of the rest is unrelated, can be seen ingame anyways or common knowledge


But props for trying


Usually a guide should include a number of different setups given the user's price range, what styles to use, etc.

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CHECK OUT ::topic 3001 for a good guide, full and complete! :D

urs is a good summary doh

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Damn guys i said beginners guide not advanced professional guide and vengeance will most likely go off even if you have pray on.

The hits are accurate.

And yes use an anti-venom so you don't take poison damage.

The ring a recoil is your choice i do understand why you would say that though.

2-3 hits on melee depending on what wep you are using

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