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Tournament Loadouts (Community Interaction)

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As you guys have noticed, the Administration team has been working on implementing tournaments to SpawnPK and so far has been a huge success!

However, recently i noticed some of you guys disagree with certain loadouts for certain tournaments...

  • In the event that you have a specific suggestion or idea you would like to see added into the tournaments, simply leave a photo below of the loadout.
  • They will then be forwarded straight to Ryan (the owner of the server / developer) and Nate (Developer) to see what we can do.

As of right now, we have the following tournaments:

  1. Dharok PK Tournament
  2. F2P Tournament
  3. Max STR Tournament
  4. No Armor Tournament

If i'm not mistaken, hybridding and NH should be somewhere in the mix of that as well. Pure NH will be coming soon.

Here is an example of how to submit a loadout you'd like:



Comment below!

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Zerk hybrid-



Normal prayer

Range tank-

https://gyazo.com/f315624d3871f2fadef7a92f3781acc8 (Add veng skull as i don't have one on my acc)

(max Combat) Normal prayers

Pre-eoc style hybrid-


(max cmb) Curses

Maybe add different forms of tournaments such as FFA or Custom tourneys that would work similar to LMS where players can host a custom tourney with an entry fee etc

Edited by lzerraptorz
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My thoughts...

If Nhing/Hybridding is added I think the tournament should be more frequent than every 6/7 hours because majority of the PK'ers are edge pkers and I don't think wouldn't enter as much if it was NH/Hybridding. So maybe make it more frequent but with more loadouts(tournaments) such as every 3 hours but lower the rewards if needed, I think then it could work and would be even better than it is now.

Also shorten the time once the tournament starts (the 15mins before you can fight your first opponent is not needed or at least shorten it)

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1 hour ago, WASHMYCAT69 said:

i mean then maybe its time to learn nh and bridding so server can accualy become relevant instead of being edgepk server

Never going to happen is it + not everyone enjoys nh/bridding anyway

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I like the idea of having the same loadout for the purpose of "evening out the playing field". However -to a certain extent- some diversity would add value seeing each player has unique preferences. In regards to the aforementioned I am refering to trade-offs. For example, I prefer morrigan's to Kharazi, favouring the additional  accuracy and sacrificing the added range str bonus. Regardless, as minimum I believe the contestants should be able to pick from maybe around 5 -evenly perceived- spec weapons. 

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50 minutes ago, Hellzangel1 said:

I like the idea of having the same loadout for the purpose of "evening out the playing field". However -to a certain extent- some diversity would add value seeing each player has unique preferences. In regards to the aforementioned I am refering to trade-offs. For example, I prefer morrigan's to Kharazi, favouring the additional  accuracy and sacrificing the added range str bonus. Regardless, as minimum I believe the contestants should be able to pick from maybe around 5 -evenly perceived- spec weapons. 

r/iamverysmart Cx

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What i think is that the Rewards of the tournaments should be cut down so there could be tournaments happening every 1-3 hours instead of waiting 5 hours for 1 tournament.

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With the combat system being the way that it is and the nerfs applied to weapons in the max str tourney the fights are very reliant on RNG, while leaving the special attack weapons alone the primary and secondary weapons used should have much higher accuracy to avoid the very apparent one sided plague of 0's, 1 ticking spec weapons is a pk SKILL and having a primary without a special attack bar takes away that ability from those that are able to take advantage of it. I also think that players should have a choice in a variety of inventory setups  only in terms of food and potions. It also would make sense for flasks to be used in non f2p style tourneys. While f2p pking has always been RNG based and is to be expected, members pking implemented more accurate weapons, set effects/bonuses and special attack weapons so a fight's outcome was more reliant on a pker's ability to use combinations to stack damage to kill an opponent. Realistically the only reason that a fight should be close is because the players are close in pking ability and the only reason for a fight to be one sided should be because of the opposite, not because 1 players weapon hits constantly and the other players doesn't. With that being said this really only applies to two of the current available tourney's, F2p and max str. Hybridding is heavily reliant on skill and due to the same issue with melee accuracy, the DH tourney is moderately influenced to RNG but a skilled user is able to take advantage of the set effect to counteract it. I haven't played the no armor tourney yet but I imagine that the lack of defensive bonuses reduces the amount of 0's exponentially also reducing RNG's influence to a degree.


Now with the above out of the way, I thought it would be cool to implement a gambling pool that players not participating in these tourney's can enter with a fixed amount of GP (E.G 50 bags). It would work by having a 10 minute cut off time for players joining the tourney then having a extra 5 minute period to allow pool participants to enter and select their favorite for the tourney. The next step would be to disable all but game chat for the players participating in the tourney in order to avoid rigging the pool/tourney. There then should be a fixed amount of selections on a tourney favorite to avoid a pool split that would net a loss. Why would there be a possibility to net a loss on the pool split you say? Well that brings me to my next addition, The pool should be taxed. Why? Well this could be a very effective way to counteract the influx of money being brought into the game by the tourneys of course. There should also have to be a certain amount pool participants to start the pool because any less than 2 participants would net a loss to the pool winner after the tax. Another precaution that should be made is to make it against the rules to be multi logged while participating in either the tourney or the pool to prevent (1 players hogging favorite selections and (2 players favoring themselves in the tourney. 

I've tried to think out the system as best as possible but I'm sure there are additions and tweaks that could be thought of by the devs that I didn't.

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