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The Inferno

Some background information before I start, this is what old-school runescape have in their inferno and this is how they introduced it,


The Inferno is a wave-based PvM challenge found at the core of the volcanic city of Mor Ul Rek. Only the most skilled adventurers will stand a chance of making it to the final wave, and even fewer will survive their encounter with TzKal-Zuk.

The TzHaar insist that outsiders must prove their strength before taking on the challenge of The Inferno. You must make a one-time sacrifice of a Fire Cape in order to convince the TzHaar you're worthy.

The Inferno will put you up against many new TzHaar enemies and will be a brutal test of skill.
Mistakes will not be forgiven - so play carefully.

Basically old-school Runescape introduced the inferno as an end-game pvmer challenge. most people will now be thinking that this is silly since this is a pk server why would we introduce such a big pvm update. I see this as more of a mini-game update, it is of course a huge test for pvmers but I see it as a minigame which could improve pkers abilities as well especially nher's prayer flicking.

See the source image   This image shows what the inferno looks like for those that don't know.

Image below is the final boss which you fight in the inferno.


Image result for osrs inferno boss

my idea is not to have all the waves of the inferno as this is a private server of course, but there would be requirements and other factors which could make this a lot more challenging and not another piece of dead content. 

  1. 35 completed achievments, the same requirement for red completionist cape, this means that only the more accomplished players can enter the inferno.
  2. 500 Cerberus kills, not a difficult requirement and most players who have a red completionist cape and have been playing for a while will already have this.

There would also be limitations to what items are allowed to be brought into the inferno, so not to make it pay 2 win.

  1. No fusion pets. you may bring pets such as the blood phoenix and wolpertinger but not pets such as doppelganger or giant wolpertinger pet.
  2. No flasks, only normal 4 dose potions. I feel having 6 dose potions would make the minigame too easy since an extra 2 doses of potion over an entire inventory stacks up a lot.
  3. No damage boosting weapons or armours. such as the slayer helmet/karamja gloves, this will take away from the skills required to kill it without.

Since we already have the infernal cape in spawnpk as a drop from the wildy wyrm, you may be wondering what you would receive from the inferno. my idea is to bring a shop and the currency used in this store is image.png.6355fab0e92d2361b4ecf35642da289d.png Tokkul.

items available from the store is the most difficult thing I have been thinking of. I don't believe my ideas for the rewards are very good but,

  1. a new epic pet, which has a unique ability, similar to the abyssal sires. this pet would be very expensive in the store, my question is if it would be too overpowered. ideally the pets ability is a  15% chance at removing the opposing players protection prayers.
  2. obsidian armour but for range and mage, this armour would have similar abilities to obsidian armour in spawnpk but would benefit more range and mage stats.
  3. Perhaps the addition of overload potions, only available from the store and not from the boss droptable. I'm not sure about this as I haven't had much experience in using them myself.
  4. TzKal-Zuk head, could be exchanged with the slayer master near the thieving stalls in addition for 1000 slayer points for a newly designed inferno themed slayer helm. not better than fused as most people would want but simply a cosmetic variant of the regular green, black and red slayer helms with very slightly improved stats.
  5. on completion of the inferno, there could be given the opportunity to "gamble" your infernal cape from wildy wyrm drops with a reasonably high chance since there is a fair amount of infernal capes in game as of right now, perhaps 40%, upon gambling the cape and winning you would receive a trimmed version of the cape with slightly improved range and mage stats as well as aesthetic improvements custom to the players choosing. The cape once trimmed could have the eternal glory amulet and blood cape abilities similar to the red completionist cape.

Thankyou guys for reading if you did. hope you like the idea, if you didn't tell me why, aswell as why you liked it if you did. suggestions are always welcome!


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1 hour ago, Freedesmond said:
  • 35 completed achievments, the same requirement for red completionist cape, this means that only the more accomplished players can enter the inferno.

cringe nty to skilling requirements and only more accomplished players u think ur higher status cuz u got a cape which shows that u spent a couple of hours skilling lmao its spawnpk

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6 minutes ago, WASHMYCAT69 said:

cringe nty to skilling requirements and only more accomplished players u think ur higher status cuz u got a cape which shows that u spent a couple of hours skilling lmao its spawnpk

I don't even have it on the alt I'm using atm cause I cba maxing on an alt, I'm happy to take suggestions for other requirements

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Requirements seem fair to me tbh. 

As for the rewards, the pet would need a different effect the one you mentioned is too op.

Overloads are useless on here where you can get combat pots. Overloads would make the op shit on spk even more op and who really wants that.

Lava particles on the slayer helmet? I like. Maybe also let it be the one and only slayer helmet to work in the caves? To add more demand on the helmet.

Inferno cape trimmed sounds gewd aswell.

Other than that pretty solid and in depth suggestion good job. +1


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i like most of the stuff on this thread, for that reason I will only be mentioning what I would change if it were to be implemented into the game.


Firstly, change the requirements;

- Red complitionist cape required (as you stated)

- You must have a total of let’s say 5-10k boss kills

- You must sacrifice to obtain wealthiness as in; a certain key/stone/item is supposed to be dropped by NPCs, this is used to have 1 inferno attempt

(open for further suggestions/additions)

Secondly, change the permissions or don’t add permissions but make monsters strong(slightly hit through protection prayers as the monsters go up in difficulty);

- allow flasks if they’re able to be given to players who can’t get them when those players are between having entered the inferno and starting the inferno, this could be a room with supplies

- don’t allow pets to make it fair

- don’t allow certain items (blacklist them from inferno) but do allow a selective few 

Thirdly, as for the rewards;

- don’t make the rewards too overpowered, let people grind the fun out of it and be rewarded for that grind

(plently of reward suggestions are able to be shared)


Furthermore, I think the rest was excellently explained.

~ Jorik



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