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paradox v4

I need help with my donation staff isnt helping

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I'm new and I tried donating through paypal and it said it couldn't pass a fraud system thing and then I went into game and I tried getting help and no one helped. I did ::Staff and a amoderator "jean paul" was on but his thing was set to offline. Then I went to discord and I messeged him there and he still no answer. I alkso tried messaging the owners and I cant even do that because we are not "friends". Can someone please help me with my donation please or buy my donation for how ever much $10 gets me or the $10 bond please. My ingame name is the same as my fourms name.


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Hey there Paradox! Sorry about that encounter you had there with JP. Staff members are also players and may chose to turn private off whenever they would like. Now, as for your issue, I can't give you any solid explanation as to why you were given that notification.

  • I highly suggest you call your bank provider to found out what is going on there, and if possible tell them that you will be doing transactions with "BMT Micro" and they can allow it on their end. 
  • Try using a different card with your paypal account, possibly try moving funds from your bank account, to your paypal wallet, and try it like that.
  • You might also want to buy a prepaid visa gift card and you can donate like that as well.
  • In case you play OSRS, we do accept OSRSGP donations!

Check out this thread: https://spawnpk.net/forums/index.php?/topic/10213-official-donations-faqs/ for the most frequently asked questions regarding donations.


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