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Dat Boi Z7

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About Dat Boi Z7

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    Junior Member

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  1. Dat Boi Z7

    What would you do with One million Dollars?

    #Stock Market =p
  2. Dat Boi Z7

    selling primal longsword!!

    I would have bought it if I was able to play SpawnPk Goodluck selling m8
  3. Dat Boi Z7

    jadzz staff application

    You seem cool mate. I haven't been online ingame lately so it's hard for me to tell if you have been active ingame. Goodluck tho!
  4. Dat Boi Z7

    IP banned and im not even banned

    That's weird man. Are you able to login on your account when you are on a different IP? You should try to message one of the owners man, 'Ramzi' 'Ryan' Best of luck m8
  5. Dat Boi Z7

    What would you do with One million Dollars?

    I would probably travel the world tbh
  6. Dat Boi Z7


    Great idea
  7. Dat Boi Z7

    Great achievement

    Awhh, Badluck mate. Don't give up
  8. Dat Boi Z7

    Great achievement

    Haha nice man, any rare loots?
  9. Dat Boi Z7


    Hello everyone, I think it would be pretty cool if there was a NPC ingame you'd have to gamble to. Honestly, I think that would help the economy because I have heard everything is currently so cheap. Something like this, http://prntscr.com/dtc0jk ?
  10. Dat Boi Z7

    Zulrah Guide By Mia (Video)

    Thanks, I think this will be useful for people that have never done/killed Zulrah before.
  11. Dat Boi Z7

    When was the last time you rage quit?

    When was the last time you rage quit? =p
  12. Dat Boi Z7

    Runex: Economy Server

    I have been on the server and it looks great tbh.
  13. Tittle says it all, what would you do with one million Dollars? =p
  14. Dat Boi Z7

    Mia Support Application

    Support, when I used to be able to play, I always saw you help people. Keep up the good work man.