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About Shatterer

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    Junior Member
  • Birthday 05/19/1998

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  1. Shatterer

    Dharoks v2 Bank! Also a small ~100b give away!

    Literally insane, all I can say lmao. Ign: Shatterer
  2. Shatterer

    Item protection system update

    True mostly, except for items like magma and elemental crossbow. Magma should always protect over vestas and p2h, ect. Same story with elemental crossbow, except it seems to be twisted buckler being the issue, not the ele bow. Ele bow already protects over most things, just for some reason, buckler is high valued. Upon release it was 5b, but even then, it should not have protected over ele bow, not even close.
  3. Shatterer

    Item protection system update

    Nothing that's a huge deal, but it's a small error that needs to be fixed. Items protecting incorrectly. The big ones I know atm are: vestas protects over magma p2h protects over vestas/magma 3rd age bow protects over barrelchest cannon and my favorite one of all, that inspired me to finally get around to making this post, twisted buckler protects over elemental crossbow. 250m>10b = legit Can be avoided I guess by just not using items that are good, but really isn't a big deal to fix with the coding and should be dealt with. Sure prices fluctuate, but magma is never gonna be less than a piece of vesta and p2h will not be more expensive than vestas or magma. Twisted buckler will definitely never be worth more than ele c'bow, l0l m9. Any other ones you know feel free to say so I can edit and add to this list, so hopefully its comprehensive when Ryan gets around to fixing it. Thanks! Additions edit: Cmaul(and a few other things) protect over Granite Maul(or) -Felix
  4. Desired staff position: Helper My name (first name would suffice): Felix My age: 18, turning 19 in May. My location: New York, EST -5. Average amount of gameplay hours per day: Anywhere from 2-7 hours a day, more on the weekends. Classes don't really stop me from getting on that much. Why I should receive the position: SpawnPk is a very unique server that I've come to love, even when it's frustrating to adapt to changing combat. I've been on the server for months but have really been active daily starting over a month ago, and I'm glad to have made a lot of friends on the community. I don't think I have any enemies, I guess I'll find out soon enough lol. I'm quite interested in seeing this server and it's community continue to grow, and with the seeming recent shortage of staff, I believe I could help. Though I haven't been on help chat profusely, I'd say that's because I'm more of one to see someone having an issue and pm them and explain the problem in depth. I, personally, don't succeed much in a server until I can really figure out the mechanics, eco and the community, both pvp and pvm, so kind of helping to transition new players into understanding how SpawnPk works relative to other servers is important. I haven't had much of an issue with any players, last time I had issues with anyone was when I was finishing up my red comp cape reqs at mage arena and I was repeatedly violated by Ti and Nick :') But in general, I think I'm fairly well liked throughout the community, and given that I become more active in help chat and yell for help, I would really be able to contribute to the community. Also I've never been muted or anything, no prior offenses. Thanks for reading and let me know what I can do in the future if you don't support! -Felix
  5. Firstly thank you very much for bringing attention to this issue, Tevin. I fully agree with the issues you raise, about the constant zeros, the delay on everything, the tics. I know they aren't your opinion per se, I mean I completely agree with the notion you bring up, the general discomfort with the updates. However, in my personal opinion, there is one consequence of these updates you didn't seem to mention, and that is the divide growing larger and larger between the effectiveness of standard spec weapons ( ags, claws, swh, vls) and the "op" weapons (somewhat dwh but by far korasi. No one seems to have laid this out in clear terms. Here's the problem with accuracy I refer to- While whips and the standard spec weapons received the same accuracy nerf all around, dwh seems to be effected far less, and korasi is virtually uneffected. Rasi is this server's most op spec wep, we all know that. But this accuracy update has further widened the gap in effectiveness of specs, leaving standard specs even less reliable and rasi even more op than ever. I dont suspect anyone wants rasi or dwh nerfed, as I'm been made aware by my buddy I Eat Bread that dwh used to actually be able to stand up to rasi, and it suffered a nerf that made rasi the king. Anyway, I dont want any more nerfs, I just figured I'd bring up one more reason that this accuracy nerf needs to be repealed entirely. There have been many times in the last week I went into wildy and saw either 1: only pures because standard pvp is so slow and boring 2: half or more of the standard pvpers in spawn gear doing nothing but prodding rasi because everything else pales in comparison It should also be noted that the tic/eating update, though unintentionally, promotes people to 2x dwh/ rasi. Harder to eat quickly and effectively makes it that much more enticing to double up on a spec if you get a good first spec. Also, for whatever reason, this accuracy update has further rigged the duel arena. I don't have the coding know how to understand it, but I have both participated in and watched other players go on loss streaks in numbers unheard of before this update. As a fairly active pker, and having experienced at least of month of spawnpk pking before this accuracy update came through, as well as talking daily to many of the most active pkers ingame, I think I speak with a fair degree of the playerbase's opinion behind me. Something must be done to resolve the problems these updates caused. -Felix
  6. Shatterer

    Should weapons be reverted to prior combat?

    Except we are explaining why we think what we think with examples, and you're just saying "nope this is better". That's not an argument.
  7. Shatterer

    Should weapons be reverted to prior combat?

    While each and every staff member seems staunchly against reverting the update, the vast majority of players seem to want combat reverted, including many of the highest ranking pkers and virtually all of the risk fighters. All this update had done is widened the gap between normal weapons and the op specs (rasi and dwh). Ags, vls, claws, swh, seldom K0 reliably while the dwh and rasi and almost completely unaffected by the update, leading to two things- harder prodding and far more people giving up and moving to pure pking. This has not made pking more challenging, it's made it boring and MUCH slower paced. When whip hits zero anywhere from 70-85% of the time, it's really not very fun, especially in risk gear. I Eat Bread, Losing Sleep, Diabolos, Faded, and many many other well known members I talk to daily have expressed their disdain. This is just what I have gleamed from talking to people and my own experience, I'll definitely share this topic and get as much outer input as possible. -Felix