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About revize

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    Junior Member
  1. So after finally selling off my items to open a mystery chest with the prize key, I realized there was the chance of getting boned. But spending 30b on the chest and key... you expect something a little better than 2b. The result was 2 cannons, a blue ween, and 2 zilyana pets. I realize we can't all be as lucky as these guys: Or earlier where some guy shouted he got a pernix top from his chest and then somebody opened one 3 seconds later and got a pernix top. but I expected something a little better. Guess not. What's the worst reward you've gotten from a chest + key?
  2. 1. IGN (In game username): Revize 2. Items that were listed for sale: I genuinely have no idea. I list too many items, all I know is I'm missing a sizable amount. Rubber chicken, 460ish blood money(anywhere between 360-500, don't remember EXACT), blowpipe. Not sure if my purple phat was included, but if you could check would be great. Also lost a scythe. 3. Estimated time they were listed: Some time in the past day. I'm always active on the market.
  3. revize

    Angry dueler gets his items back

    You can see in the image that he says "Lets whip it". I'd be furious if this happened to me, especially with proof. Of course, it isn't clear that this was directed towards the 'divine' stake, but there might be time-logs showing if this is accurate or not. Good luck getting your items back.