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About Pr0shneb

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  1. Here is a list of my suggestions to make the wilderness active and bring more players in the game by doing so. First suggestion would be to encourage newcomers to stay in the game and see hope in playing it with all the rich people in the game. Now we have so many players who achieved high level items through donating and gambling that it would put it off for the new players, for example seeing a VIP in max gear being hardly possible to kill for a new player, or so many rushers in edge aiming to get kill-streaks for achievements or money. I've seen many players join the game and start gambling to get high level items or a lot of money, but they're just beginners with a small amount to begin with and when they lose that small amount they quit and never come back. 1) So for that my suggestion would be to give them a PVP protection timer for at least 20 minutes or 1 hour so others don't abuse it. That way they can do some bossing and explore the game outside of the safe zone, and if anyone does abuse it under the same IP address then it should either be jailable or bannable. 2) Also many players refuse to vote due to the rewards or because they're already rich in game, and I know we have a vote shop and a top weekly reward for a top voter, but we could always have extra rewards to encourage new and old players to vote, voting is a big part of bringing new players and not everyone votes. Something like a vote casket or a vote mystery box which you could only get after receiving a total of 10 vote points would be great and I am sure others would vote for it if it was similar to a Donator Mystery Box. It might sound too much but Donator mystery boxes are only about 4b which is not too much but everyone loves to open them. Also right now we have a $20 reward for a top voter of the week, but what if it was increased to a $50 or $100. That might also sound too much and people would most definitely use vpn but a sytem that only allows you to gain 5 votes a day or for how ever sites you vote for every 12 hours on the same name should keep it under control I should imagine. And its not like 5 players a week are getting the $100 bond it's only one added up with the nr2 and nr3 top voter, but for them it should be less as it is now. Pk set up suggestion We have so many players trying to pk in edgeville and get rushed or even pjed. My suggestion would to create a system for players with a specific load out that players would fight with. For example, Fighter torso, Dragon boots, Fury, Dragon defender, Whip, and other items ranging from barrows to rune for melee pking. So spawning that loadout would mean that you can't attack someone in void because they don't have the Pk load-out and it would come under a rushing load-out, but you can still fight them if you attack them twice in the matter of 3 seconds or a confirmation screen. Or either give a player that just killed a player a 10 second protection so a rusher can't kill them instantly. Also the pk load-out system does not have to apply for wilderness level over 15+ I know that sort of suggestion would anger many players but it's for the better of the wilderness and players who want a fair fight and not get rushed. Bounty system Now for those who do want to rush to make it fair for them we could update the bounty system, lets say you go to the emblem man and you disable all targets under the wilderness level of 1-3, or 10-20. That doesn't have to only favourite rushers but it would also make it easier for people in higher gear who want to fight targets. Also another suggestion for the targets is either a ::skip option or remove a target who is in a fight with a player. It would save time for people and would probably kill out pjing by a little. Economy Now this is a massive suggestion that I doubt will make it through but it would be a total game changer. Giving price to nearly all items, lets say barrow gloves, fighter torso, bandos items, but it comes with a twist they would cost a very small amount lets say, 2-5 blood money or even a 100m. Items like rune or mystic could all be free but also if we had a full out pvp world which could give 10% drop rate from bosses but would not allow instance bosses would make it a nice reward from those small items. I also had a nice idea for a money sink where a player who put down most money in a well would win a either random reward for that similar price put in or a specific reward like a bond, but with that we would probably have players competing to have most money put down and only one would win I'm sure that it would clear up the economy if players decided to get involved with it. Clan wars event This is a really fun idea that I had for clan wars and to encourage more people to create clans and pk in multi with clans. A leader board for a best clan, right now we have a daily best pker leader board, but what about a best clan weekly leader board. Lets say a player from freaky time gets a kill well that kill goes under total kills, so if ten players got a total of 100 kills then the leader board would show that freaky time had a total of 100 kills and if they have most they would be at the top. Now with that we could have a fun event also, for example freaky time and love xp made it to number one and love xp made it to number two then they could be asked to fight a clan war for the number one place and earn them selves a nice reward for everyone, like 1b or some untradable item that they could have for a day. But of-course they would be asked to participate in the war so the clan that got number one would not complain if they lost, but to encourage them they would not get that special item or reward for everyone even if they placed first, but that could be decided. Also I suggest weekly because it would be insane to see how many kills a clan could get in a week.
  2. Pr0shneb

    staff app black sages2

    Hi its pr0 shneb, the finest pker around as you all know. I 100% support this. I see black sage online time and on yell and help cc helping others out. First time I saw his name I thought of Jiraya, all we need now is Jiraya as a staff member. Black sage also helped me too a few times, great guy. I hope he gets it! Good luck.
  3. Pr0shneb

    Client stuck

    How do I lock topics?
  4. Pr0shneb

    Client stuck

    Thank you it works now, I just had to wait for a little while maybe about 5-10 minutes, but I'm back in the game now!
  5. I had a small idea while skilling, what about some sort of reward for all your time spent skilling? Yes I know the achievement gives you a pretty good reward for maxing but imagine a shop where you can buy accessories for points, and you get those points for skilling. Lets say the rewards for skilling points could be something like a chef hat, elegant clothing, cavalier hats maybe some other skilling items. Any type of fashion items that would look great and feel rewarding to wear while skilling, even scarfs. Anything. For points I would say one point for an action or either more points for higher level action, but I would personally support one point each so people can't do same high skill action to buy the items. That's it for now let me know what you think and if you support this. Thank you for reading. - Pr0 Shneb
  6. Pr0shneb

    Client stuck

    Hello I played spawn pk before and I really wan't to get back into it again. I tried everything, deleted the cache files even deleted osrs cache updated java even disabled firewall. But it is still stuck, please help I want to get back in to the game. http://prntscr.com/jrv20w
  7. Pr0shneb

    Rise against 4 helper!

    Support, you are a very great player, we met in a clan and even as a higher rank you still did not ignore any of the newcommers or ignored anyone like most, if you became a helper 100% Sure you will help everyone you can, and do your best.