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Everything posted by saturate

  1. Awesome stuff. Miasmic spells are neat, but the spellbook configuration is a bit irksome. The doppelganger rate was ~1/15 = 6.67% with Kolodion and is now 5% at the chest. Not sure if nerfing the rate was intentional, just heads up.
  2. Nice forums! Does tome of frost give a bonus for ice blitz as well, or only the multi spell? It would be cool if the tome of fire gave a boost to flames of zamorak or something unique as well
  3. nooo why did you "fix" the alching animation lol thanks for the updates!
  4. Cool developments I'm glad I can take part in the new content, but I think it largely leaves out the new playerbase (if any) and those that haven't yet amassed a gambler level of wealth Should we tell pj3r what RNG is, or not spoil his thunder Really looking forward to the new staff and mask
  5. saturate

    toy horsey

    This server clearly has a gambling problem; some players leave the game once they stake and lose all their wealth. I think the end-all-be-all solution would be the toy horse to raise awareness. In RS, the play option yells "say neigh to gambling!" This will let players know that gambling is bad bad. ty, papa bless
  6. saturate

    Grewy's noobing mass

    A little while ago Grewy had this fun idea to look like noobs and clear the wilderness with ridiculous setups. I only have these few images of the massing but none of the action. If anyone else has some pictures you could share them. It was pretty cool. http://imgur.com/a/mvTIX
  7. saturate

    so called discussion

    I want to address a means of negotiation in which the initiating party, whether buying or selling, requests an offer on the price of an item. The expectation is a favorable appraisal, else the party declines the proposed offer and discontinues conversation. This is an unproductive waste of time on both parts, and the sharkish behavior is not a positive reflection of our community, as prices will move regardless. Not calling out anyone, but this is one of many examples: That being said, people should be informed of ballpark ranges of items so individuals can bicker over the cents and the uninformed are not scammed. If ::prices was an actively updated post that people were referred to, there would be a lot less questions ingame and a cover for liability of "i didn't know".
  8. We need more knowledgeable helpers. I think he's a qualified pick
  9. saturate

    Player Shops

    Did anyone play Ikov when it existed? Players could search a database of individually owned shops that players set ask prices. Rather than a silent auction like GE, the chest in Ikov made values public and you could see the spread of price points as well to get an indication of price stability and liquidity. I don't know anything about the coding of it, but it facilitated item finding while keeping player interaction from a small tax on trades through it.
  10. saturate

    Yoshi pet for mage bank

    How about if yoshi picks up non-boss unspawnable loots and puts them in your inventory?
  11. saturate

    Yoshi pet for mage bank

    The yoshi pet currently picks up boss and pk unspawnable loots. I bought one to test the function on battle mages at the mage bank, to which it failed. I think it would be a worthwhile addition to have it pick up non-boss loots, as many drops are click intensive and this is in line with its fundamental purpose. Thanks for consideration.