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un k nown

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About un k nown

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  1. un k nown

    Jadzz staff application v2

    Q) Age: A) 16 Yet you constantly flame others about their age and belittle them? You sir should hi five yourself in the face with a brick. No support, imo you dont do enough to deserver the rank.
  2. un k nown

    Pure only zone

    Over the past few weeks I've noticed a small increase in the players joining this server just purely cause they enjoy pure pking. Now as the current situation stands, this is near impossible because you get people with defense always attacking them and they leave, Why not add a certain area just for this specific reason? Whether it be for achievement or just to get pure pking more active for those who want to? There going to be people comment "Your just mad u cant get achievements" I'm red comp, Not even the reason. I just feel that a lot more players would stay if they weren't constantly bothered by players with 102 cmb and 70 defense 24/7. Some may agree, some may not. Not sure if it's been suggested before. I'm just tired of seeing new people leave for this reason and feel sometime could be implemented? Thoughts? ~Unknown.
  3. un k nown


    Donor benefits need an update yes but what you're suggesting is ridiculous.
  4. un k nown

    Grewy's Staff Application.

    Been my boy since day 1, of course im supporting this. T.i's comment made me laugh so much.. "Make him helper then uid ban him " l00l0l. Fucking genius.
  5. un k nown

    Bastial's Helper Application

    Also disrespecting staff members wont get you far.
  6. un k nown

    Bastial's Helper Application

    [11-03, 14:59 PM] Bastial: Guys go read my helper application, please be mature, leaving any feedback New [11-03, 14:32 PM] Bastial: Honestly I seen couple of staffs violating their powers but ain't gon say shit New [11-03, 14:30 PM] Bastial: Why y'all get mad ova lil shits? Damn leech too if u want tf mad st me for? New [11-03, 14:25 PM] Bastial: The server quickly losing its hold. New [11-03, 14:15 PM] Bastial: Hey newbs Comments like this and you think you're good for the server? I'd rather have T.I as a helper. At least he actually benefits the community.
  7. un k nown

    b00st3d k1d's banned bank^o^

    The screen shots clearly show you attempted too and maybe the trade logs also did. Rip
  8. Go back to begging in the chatbox. Keep on topic, if you havent got an arguments for or against the topic stay of it.
  9. Couldn't of been said any better way. The 2 updates in question i feel should be reverted or at least something should be done.
  10. Thus is life, commit the crimes do the time.
  11. The magic accuracy needed doing briliant updates yet again!
  12. Perhaps ::bank could be added for legend donors?
  13. un k nown

    Discuss LOL!

    https://gyazo.com/0bdc698a57f3199cb947b1e66f00ab90 Full image - lmfao
  14. un k nown

    Discuss LOL!

    This is quality.