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cake z

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About cake z

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  1. cake z


    Ah yes, the good days when I died on a 43 and got pissed off and paid you 15B to do it for me lmao
  2. cake z


    I know I'll return, don't know when, probably sooner rather than later, but I'll be inactive for a while cause I burnt myself out. Just know, I will return.
  3. cake z


    Thank you.
  4. cake z


    You're ti right? and yeah I'll be back, just been bored lately, cleaned myself earlier so I should be back relatively soon rather than a couple month break like last time, the rebuild will be something to do. But I burnt myself out cause I've been playing so much that I haven't really been enjoying anything to the point where it bores me.
  5. cake z


    I know I'll return, just don't know when, I'm just getting bored and burning myself out, need to mix it up a bit, I'll still be on to talk with friends sometimes, just won't be playing and grinding out stuff as much as I have been, and I'll be inactive. And I appreciate your response Phen, was fun messing around with you at edgeville a while back man
  6. cake z


    I've met alot of nice people on here, and it has been one hell of a ride, but the time has come for me to move on. I may return, I may not. I enjoyed my time here on SpawnPK, and I thank everyone who has helped me along my way. I wanted to say thanks to a few of the good friends I had, specifically; Ti, You're an extremely chill guy, one of my oldest friends on here too, and I thank you for all the times you've helped me. Micro Shade4, one of the nicest guys I met on SpawnPK, was fun messing around in the wildy with you bro. Gf 1v24, Best nher I know, you're genuinely a nice dude, I enjoyed chilling at graves watching you mess shit up with that staff of water. Lmao Pigs Feet0, was always fun pking in deep wildy with you man. Xprofuze, you were extremely laid back, fun to talk to and pvm with, you're a good guy. Crusty/Fresh Semen, you're a nice guy, fun to talk to and pk with. Funburb, Chill dude, never failed to make me laugh, you were fun to talk to bro. These are just a few of the people I've met and wanted to thank for being amazing friends, through thick and thin, helping me along the journey. I have a lot of good memories on this server, and I want to give a big thanks to the owner, Ryan, for creating this masterpiece of a server, without it I wouldn't have met some of the amazing people that I have, and made so many good memories. I wanna say thanks to everyone else on the server as well, without you guys the server wouldn't be what it is. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. This is my Farewell, Cake Z.
  7. cake z

    Taking a break

    Sad to see you go bro, were one of the few people I truly enjoyed pking with lmao, I wish you luck on lives future endeavors, you will be missed. <3
  8. cake z

    Road to 50 KS - Highlights (REUPLOAD)

    I don't use defence vs pures, I only attack zerkers and kids using defence when I have defence.
  9. cake z

    Road to 50 KS - Highlights (REUPLOAD)

    Defence vs Pures?? Really?... Easiest way on to multiple rag lists.
  10. cake z

    Dharoks v2 Bank! Also a small ~100b give away!

    Wow, that is fucking mad insane -IGN: Cake Z goodluck to all!
  11. cake z

    Account leveling

    Korasi, If they take anything off the account, if they promise not to, and promise not to change pass, Is it still at own risk or can It be recovered, etc.
  12. cake z

    Account leveling

    If this is legal, I'd be down, especially for 50 KS, But I'd be putting forth my own gear at risk, and still paying, therefore if you were to die, I'd lose my own stuff, (costly, depending.) And paying you for losing it... I'd also Like to know roughly how much you would charge, for the 50 killstreak.
  13. cake z

    Pet Keeper

    I like this idea, seeing as it changes like every month, I think it should cycle while tossing in new additions every once in a while.
  14. Love the updates, good work Ryan!
  15. cake z

    when gamblers enter #BS's wilderness..

    EZ Wish you guys recorded the kills would've been hilarious to watch