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About GrndMstrFlw

  • Rank
  • Birthday May 21


  • Interests
    Slapping kids


  • Occupation
    Receptionist for Law Firm

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  1. GrndMstrFlw

    #ACE - MutliPk/KBD/Ele/Maze - #Ace is the place to be.

    tbh I kinda agree. This leads to a ton of baddies joining the clan and quite possibly misrepresenting the clan.
  2. GrndMstrFlw

    Better late than never?

    Better Never than Late
  3. why? because you assumed I was implying I am rich? Good luck kid! Seems like you're scummy for life.
  4. GrndMstrFlw

    Range PK Commentary #3

    Very nice video, I enjoyed how you didn't just show the kills, you showed the realistic pking. Please make more!
  5. GrndMstrFlw

    Could Not Complete login please try using a different world

    why not just try to make another account then? It sounds like there might be something wrong with your account but tbh I couldn't tell you if that's even possible or not.
  6. GrndMstrFlw

    Could Not Complete login please try using a different world

    Now that you've made a thread I can try to give you some suggestions, First if you could let us know which OS you're using, Have you played on other RSPS' before? If so then you may have to delete those folders as well as they can sometimes conflict with eachother, I don't recall which specifically but I do remember reading that there was an RSPS that did conflict with SPK specifically. Have you tried Deleting the folder from your Roaming and C drive? have you tried reinstalling? Have you changed the settings of the application so Administrative powers are being used? (not sure if this last one has anything to do with it but when problem solving trying anything can be the answer).
  7. Rich both in game and outside game :eek:
  8. GrndMstrFlw

    Looking for a clan

    Go apply on the clan threads. There are plenty of them. Go read which ones sound best for you. If you can't tell through that then I'd recommend you going to get to know people in game and figuring out which clan you'd like to apply for. Best of luck mate! Best Regards, GrndMstrFlw
  9. GrndMstrFlw

    Requesting Help with NHing

    I am not saying i'm not down to NH regularly to get better, I am just saying I'd love to have someone to practice with and to teach me/help improve my skills already as it is.
  10. GrndMstrFlw

    Requesting Help with NHing

    Hello Everyone, I am asking if anyone is willing to do continuous 1v1's in order to help me progress at my NHing. I'm not trying to competitively NH in these 1v1's I'm requesting a SENPAI to watch what i'm doing, how i'm doing it, and maybe even teach me a few tricks that I don't know yet. I already have a decent understanding and have NHed a bit but I don't think that's enough. I don't believe I am even a Decent NHer but I want to get better and this will happen only through practice. If there are any tips people can post as well i'd appreciate it. I'm willing to become dedicated, Nothing is more fun to me than all or nothing fights. I don't even care how little honor i'm showing. Winning is winning bitches. Now that you've gone this far I'm willing to donate 10b to you just pm me in game! (SIKE), I'm not offering money to help teach me but lets just say if someone is willing there might be a special prize involved every now and again for you ;*. I know that clicks/switches and flicking are not something that people can tell/teach me, I'll have to just get better through experience and progression. I'll take ANYONE besides Meek Mill, no offense Meek, I just don't like your music . Best Regards, GrndMstrFlw
  11. I love the updates! I can't say that I've ever seen a server that updates as frequent as this one, with as many unique and diverse addons/ideas Pet Fusing is a really cool idea, however I think it might be cool if you fused the pets to get completely new and unique attributes. I think it makes plenty of sense that you'd obtain both perks from it, but this sounds Perfect for going 6-0 while NHing so I'm not complaining. I just think if you decided to add more pet fusions that you should consider adding in completely different attributes that are a little better than the original since it costs a ridiculous amount of money to create one. For example - Combining some of the Blood Shop pets or the PK pets together could add like +5 dmg to AGS or something along those lines with where you get special attributes added to like maybe some prayers, Specific Weps, Armour, Nullifying Venom/Causing Venom, Boost to HP. - for fun, combining all the PVM pets to obtain a troll pet that actually lowers stats X'D VIP/Legendary Perks being updated and added to is super sweet, especially being a Legendary member I appreciate this a ton, I cannot wait to see what else is to come. Heavy Ballista will now be used more frequently from myself, Thank you so much! Zaryte Bow being increased is super nice because of all the Zbow prods running around, I remember when I first started like 2 months ago that i'd never see anyone zbow proding, now it's like there are 3-4 people in Edge using it. It'll probably also help with the price and it'll also probably make it less common (I hope). Thanks for the poisoned and venom being added in, I'll have to try the Morrigan's javelins to see how much of a difference it made (no comment as of now), For sure getting a Celestial Yoshi once I get on tomorrow morning. Lastly Thank you for updating the level reqs for items, and adding duration timers for anti-venoms. I cannot wait for the next update to come! If anyone likes the idea of new traits and/or unique perks from pet fusing lmk, I'm going to just brainstorm some random ideas, some will more than likely be bad but what is bad to me is great to someone else, just like how I feel about Saradomin Sword Pures.
  12. GrndMstrFlw

    Showing Tittyboyswag intelligence [BIG SLAP PART I]

    #go #ez #on #meek!
  13. GrndMstrFlw

    #ACE - MutliPk/KBD/Ele/Maze - #Ace is the place to be.

    Gratz! I hope to be joining you soon Inherited!
  14. GrndMstrFlw

    A message to ugly bitches on the internet

    #savagery #fupa #batches #truth #noonelovesyou
  15. GrndMstrFlw


    I think I'm seeing a common theme, It seems like titty boy is Meek Mill, EXC610151025 is Drake, and Po is The Game. Meek, you gotta learn that 2 L's should be enough .