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10 Good

About Jacmob

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  1. Jacmob

    PK Legends #PKL

    Age:23 Location:Canada How active are you on Spawn PK?:decently active lol 5-6 hours a day depending on the day. Why should we let you join PKL?: I joined a few wars in the past few days and helped a few of your clan members out @ BC and ele. I am just getting back into tri-bridding and really new to NH but i think im picking it up decently, I also use F keys KDR in game: 1.1 KDR atm 742/672 Here's a screenshot of my setup and return any tips would be appreciated. https://gyazo.com/289a4ceca07426de903c4d80bd73fea9
  2. Jacmob

    goodiebag OP

    he's pretty new and only has opened 4, that was his 5th
  3. Jacmob

    goodiebag OP

    gz riches nub
  4. Jacmob

    Jacmob's Helper Application

    Thanks for the reply and opinion man i think once i max out my trained account, ill be making skilling guides for every skill and spawnpk in general, written and video hopefully
  5. Jacmob

    Jacmob's Helper Application

    Thanks for the reply man and yeah i'm usually on in the morning, for 4-5 hours.
  6. Jacmob

    Staff App

    right here in this forums my man take a look at the requirements and the outline for making a application!
  7. Hey guy's Its Jacmob here AKA Aaron, I have been playing SpawnPK now for around a month ish and have met a load of great people since joining and would really enjoy helping players and making this server better as a whole . If you would like to know anything about myself please refer to my extremely long introduction i wrote out that can be viewed using this link - http://spawnpk.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3268 1. Desired staff position: Helper 2. Your name (first name would suffice): Aaron Hewitt 3. Your age: 23 4. Your location: Newfoundland, Canada 5. Average amount of game play hours per day: 5-6 hours daily, more on weekends.. I don't work till 8 my time, little less during weekdays 6. Why you should receive the position: I personally believe I should receive this position based on the viewpoint of our community and what the community's opinion is, If the player-base decides to give me positive feedback for me being helper I will thank everyone personally. I myself however believe that I should become helper because I view everyone as equal and there is always 2 sides to 1 story, If one person says one thing and the other person says another there has to be a medium between both story's to find out the truth on what actually happens. I'm very calm when I deal with situations involving two players having a argument and will listen to both players before quickly coming to a decision and punishing based on what I think happened. I have played Runescape now for over 12 years and dealt with many many cases of scamming and other rule breaking situations between rsps and even real runescape, I was helper on 2 other servers in the past and also moderator on a server that had around 40-50 players daily. If you guys would like to see me as a Helper on spawnPK please leave your feedback, and if you don't want me as a Helper also please tell me why so i can learn what I can improve being a player on the server and as a person in general! Thank you Jacmob
  8. Jacmob

    Nacholimey Bank pic v2

    poor if you want my opinion.. Kappa ily nacho
  9. Jacmob

    Hey it's Jacmob :)

    Hey guys it's Aaron Aka Jacmob ingame First of all I'd like to let you guys know a bit about myself and my history of private servers and runescape in general! - I started played runescape back in 2004 when my best friend at the time showed me it when I went over to his house to play halo 2 on the xbox 360, at that moment my life changed forever and I don't think I would of been the same person I am today without it. - My name is Aaron as you can tell from above - I am 23 years old - I have a step daughter who is 6 and a step son who is 5 - I live in Newfoundland, Canada (don't come stalk me Jordyn) - I currently work at a bar as a bouncer - I used my winnings off of a 20b rs gamble back in 2011 to purchase my first vehicle ( don't agree with rwt now due to growing up a little) - I accept anyone as a friend along as they treat me with the same respect - My first ever rsps was moparscape back in 2008 - I'm currently saving to go back too school for computer programming @ College of the North Atlantic Ok that was a bit about me and now for why I joined SpawnPK and what I enjoy about it so far and things that could be added I joined spawnpk about a week and a half ago, starting off everything was a bit confusing but I got into the hang of things and slowly started to build my wealth. With the help of nacho and a few other people doing drop party's and stuff I'm slowly hitting over the 50b mark and growing. I like all the aspects of Spawnpk, Like the amazing gambling system put in place and the bosses and the unique drops they drop. Pking is great with the load out system and it is very straight forward and simple to understand. If I could see a few things added I'd like to have Anglerfish added as a secondary option to high level foods and would like the new Zenyte Jewellery added to either a existing boss as a ultra rare drop or added to a new boss Can't wait to see all of you guys ingame and Happy Spawnpking
  10. Jacmob

    This is what this game is made for!

    This is why I play spawnPk
  11. Title says all