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krazyk03r last won the day on November 17 2018

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About krazyk03r

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  1. krazyk03r

    [February 14th, 2019] Patch notes

    Good to see that everyone's suggestions in the suggestions section besides Tevin's were ignored. Thanks alot for showing us how much average players really matter to you. +1
  2. krazyk03r

    Bugs to fix / things to add on Patch Notes

    Well i'm going to add my 2 cents in because I feel like this may be the only suggestion from the suggestion tab that will get implemented so I just want to feel like I accomplished something by being on the bandwagon of a person who wins. +1
  3. krazyk03r


    It's crazy coming to the suggestions and seeing so many people suggesting interesting ideas that will never see the light of day. Watching the spk community of mods hungry with power and players either being in the majority(poor) or in the minority(rich), and seeing how money and buttkissing can affect social hierarchy is phenomenal and tbh laughable. Its like people come here and leave amazing ideas but since they don't have enough money or don't kiss enough tip no one cares. and this isn't a "oh my idea didn't get put in so i'm salty" thread btw.
  4. Can we get an update that the players want? and not something out of nowhere that no one asked for nor needed? It's like we give you "ideas" and you just overlook them and add stuff we don't need nor want. That's baffling to me. The suggestions forum is full but this update is nowhere in there. Game is dying, remaining players are turning toxic and money in this game is becoming like a 3rd world country. And I don't understand that. It's like we are the people who play the game, it would make sense to listen to "us" right? It's oddly confusing and disheartening when we ask for stuff to make the game more enjoyable for us and you just shove a new $5k donor rank in our face. Just being honest, everyone else can be a sheep and comment "omg godryan best update evar pls lemme suck the tip" but i'd rather tell the truth. 200 people in the game afk because there's nothing to do. That's the reason you guys don't have a log out timer, because you know almost all of your numbers come from afkers.
  5. krazyk03r

    Create a sink for cursed relics and void kits.

    I understand what you're saying. I want to be able to make money from anything, but the way the game is set up that's pretty much impossible. If they do what you suggested it will only benefit you and other elite pkers who pk for bh emblems. If they do your suggestion with my tweak it can benefit everyone but staff doesn't listen to suggestions so gf both of us.
  6. krazyk03r

    Create a sink for cursed relics and void kits.

    That won't fix anything, well I mean it will fix ur problem because I know how you play. Not saying you're wrong you're just not 100% right. If they made almost everything not spawn sinkable it will fix the playerbased eco which is broke af and in no way fixable unless they add that. Just like you said "edgeville is pointless to pk in due to vestas only being 600 a peice now instead of the 1.3b it was before." everything becomes pointless after awhile since eco is playerbased. Add a shop where everything can be sold then it will fix. Make vesta 1b in shop and people will be pking for and risking that. Making ele skin token 1b or whatever price in shop will make people pk elemental cuz now it's pointless to even get that item just like you said edgeville is. Adding a sink for cursed relics/void will only increase the cash grab on people pking for cursed relics/void. If that makes sense.
  7. krazyk03r

    Bounty hunter store / pking suggestions

    I agree with these 2. I don't agree with 2 because it can be abused by prods/raggers which is something we really don't need. Nay to 3 because it's already losing it's value day by day and that will add to the depreciation and Nay to titles because it's not really needed. We have skins and donor ranks, will just add to name space and take away from yell space.
  8. krazyk03r

    [PVP Based] Suggestion list

    1). Damage caps / buffs on spells etc. I don't really like increasing Damage caps but no weapon should be able to hit 99 except for blood dbow and heres why I feel they could break this game. Accuracy is already bad for alot of things and you don't want to take away good numbers. If you cap something from 40 down to 30 gl even hitting 30's. You know what I mean? Accuracy n the overall combat system is wacky in this game, I hope the staff team knows that and they will try to fix that but that's something that will hurt the game because if you cap mage people will say range is op and mage sucks. They just have to find a good balance but that's up to them and something we can't really fix considering the wide arrangements of weapons/armor/pets/prayers in game. 2). Random events (chest) What I learned from the Christmas event is that when an event comes on that people don't like they will log. Everyone. Everyone liked the same events (chest/pure/bc"but only one person could kill"/slayer) and when either Mage bank or risk fighting came on the server took a hard drop. And once a person logs you can't gaurantee they'll even log back in so it's best to not make players want to log. But that's my opinion idk if Staff feel the same. Also what I learned from chest is it's not worth it forever. Chest is basically free loot until you can't click no more but people don't go there like they used to because it's not something that kept the interest. Maybe the damage stopped people from going but adding stuff like that will only effect the "hype" factor. 3). Untradeables lost on death No no no, no no. No no. No no. I don't agree with this at all. Trust me and I hope that you do but if they do this it will get to the point that no one will buy these items. Adding the pay after death factor and nerfing cursed void already caused people to lose favor to these items. Making them lost on death will cause there value to go down harder to the point where people might not even buy them and just wear bloodneck/spawn necks. Trust me, there are many necklaces/rings that people don't wear due to the fact that they're not worth it. "Cali" cc is pretty much a spawn cc and they war "elementals" almost everyday which is a cc where a lot of people wear untradables. That says alot, they are really not worth it and making this will just destroy the eco for untradeables. Didn't read the last one.
  9. krazyk03r

    Suggestions that need to be considered

    Nah nah nah. Make it home. That would be the best thing to do because people will still go to edge to pk from the way the game is set up. Basically what I'm saying is. Home(safe) -No blood items --no enchanted items --no pets --No prod armor whatsoever --Allowed items maybe (chaotic, Ags, Bandos, arma, dh, flameburst) and like I said this is in the "maybe" section of my thinking so you can add to the selection, take from it or remove it completely if you guys feel but if they were to stay I would suggest making these items droppable. Basically, just spawnpk. And you could build upon a whole new association with the loot/reward a player would get from pking there. (Example, how players get relics from bh and give those to the emblem trader and artifacts to give to Mandrith. There could be new reward systems from pking at home like random ornaments per kill and the players give those to Chris for rewards, or one could get medals from "safebountyhunter" and trade those into Edward for rewards. Same for crest pieces.) You're thinking backwards, no offense. But what I'm saying is, we have more than enough incentive for them to type ::edge and pk there if they want bigger loot/risk with G.E.(safe zone) being home, and we could improve on the incentive for them to stay at home(G.E/safe) and pk since at the moment there is none since at the moment there is no "safe home". Noobs just walk out and get prodded. I hope this makes sense.
  10. krazyk03r

    Suggestions that need to be considered

    Cool, thanks for your reply. Changing home: this sounds like you just want another version of ::edgepvp. I don’t think we need another - why not just pk there if you don’t like people using customs? Who's there? No one. Multiple people want that which is why multiple people go there and ring the bell but when no one comes they more then likely log off. Another statement that you made in rebuttal that, despite your intentions, is proving what I'm saying. Having a GE would be a great thing to have and will make trading easier. Unfortunately this is quite a challenge and a big add, but hopefully it will be implemented in the future. The reading post is a great start though. I fail to see how this can alleviate anyone buying out an item though - if anything it would make it easier. I didn't say add a G.E.. We already have a G.E. Do you know what a G.E. is?...............(infinite periods) I said a general store where players can buy and sell everything instead of having to beg other players to sell there items that they will only sell for a overpriced amount, thus ruining eco which is what we are dealing with at this point in time. About prodding: If there are better pking set ups that cost more money you can bet that those rich enough to use it will do. Thankfully, people using op gear are risking more than spawanbles, so it gives new players an incentive to fight them (even more so now with the orbs that have just been released). I wish I could post a picture of home but unfortunately these forums won't let me. (For example you, you think a noob wants to be forced to fight you when they first log into the game? At the time that I'm typing this reply to you you're in wild with a kill streak and probably 3t in untradables and some risk/spawn but even if they get close to killing you I'm sure you'll teleport.) Check out Wet wizards videos. You think a noob wants to fight him when they walk in? I'm just saying let the noobs fight noobs at a safe place. Get them some practice and when they want to try to k0 riskers they go when they want. Just because you think something will work doesn’t mean it will. Any rebuttal I give is only to improve your suggestions, because I’d like the issues in this server to be ironed out too. I respect that but I implore you give what I say some consideration because I'm smart. I'm not saying you're not smart and the manner in which I reply is meant in no way as disrespect to you. I just did a lot of research on this and I've been posting the same thing for years while watching the downward spiral of the game. It's evident that these are things that can improve playerbase and the overall health of the server. Sadly the owners won't even consider this due to the fact that it won't get popular consensus since no one even uses the forums pretty much. And this is in no disrespect to anyone, not a rant just a suggestion thread and me making arguments as to why the suggestions would work. I love all you guys and I wish you live your best life whether you consider these suggestions are not. 8 ) But I beg that if you do put these ideas in your mind you put them in the logical area and really consider them. AND TBH. THE WAY THE GAME HAS BEEN BUILT IF YOU PUT HOME AT G.E. (DOESNT HAVE TO WORK, I'M NOT SAYING MAKE A G.E. YOU COULD PUT TRADING POSTS THERE, JUST PUT THE GRAPHICS FOR THE G.E./WALL IF YOU CAN AND PUT A TP THERE INSTEAD OF BANKERS) THIS GAME WOULD BE SO MUCH BIGGER BRO. JUST THINK ABOUT IT. YOU GOT PPL AT HOME(SAFE/G.E) PKING FOR WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE TO MAKE THE REWARD, AND YOU HAVE PEOPLE AT EDGE PKING FOR STATS/RELICS/ARTIFACTS/EMBLEMS/BLOODSLAYER (BECAUSE NOTHING YOU DO WILL STOP PEOPLE FROM GOING TO EDGE AT THIS POINT BECAUSE EDGE MAKES MONEY). IF YOU TRULY THINK ABOUT IT THIS IS A VERY GOOD SUGGESTION. @Ryan@Bowflexxx@Casey @Phenomenon @Ramzi@Kellatha
  11. krazyk03r

    Suggestions that need to be considered

    "Wouldnt be a good idea to switch it because it's a more "popular" home than edgeville" that is an example of trollbaiting and trying to downplay what I'm saying by acting as if my reason for saying it was foolish when that wasn't even my argument. I never said that as the reason to switch homes. I said the reason to switch homes was because THERE ARE TOO MANY PRODS AT EDGE. Sometimes I be wanting to tell you to get off my thread bro. You're just so negative but try to act as if you're just so positive. What is life for you? "The Idea alone is laughable". You're part of the problem. I'm putting my time and effort into making a suggestion and you say "The idea alone is laughable". Sad seeing this game go down and you play as if you don't have an effect on it but you're literal cancer. And then you come with your suggestion that has nothing to do with anything I said. You are laughable bro. And it's not pay to win bro????? Are you ....... You log onto rs and theres non members and members. That is "basic" pay to win. This is extreme pay to win because you have non-donors(Non-members) reg donors(members you can say) super donors(Ig you can call this supermembers?) purple donor (what? purple Members?). Basically what I'm saying is the diff between this and rs (Reg vs ext pay to win) is that you don't pay or donate in rs for a higher "members" rank. Everyone gets the same members rank with the same amount of money. Everyone who pays that subscription has access to the same thing, the variable of them being able to use it comes from there level and quest completion. I'm not arguing that pay to win or donator ranks should be removed or changed, I'm just saying. You said alot about your character and intelligence from saying that this game isn't pay to win. Please go and get a staff member with sense. Please. @Phenomenon @Bowflexxx
  12. Long story short I suggest you make it easier for all monsters to drop rare items. No one wants to spend a week grinding for a 14b key. Or a week only to get elemental javelins. I have bh cape, fairy and blood perks and I still don't get good loot ever. The drop rate mechanics of this game is highly outdated and should be change to fit the new economy. I don't event know where to start with the drop table. Drop table is hella outdated and makes it hard for a new player to advance. Some monsters don't even get killed unless General store needs to be added so the economy can't just change because some one wants to change it by buying all of the items and holding them. A store where a player can sell items for a set price. Doesn't even have to be that lucrative, would be better than getting ripped off though. Just not where people can take advantage of it. This game is extremely pay to win. There's only one ele for non donors and that's in wild but once you start rising in donor status, you can kill more eles in non wild. That is the exact definition of pay to win. And that's just considering ele, Gold donors can camp tekton all day while new players have to buy a cape and do whatnot. Once you start adding stuff like that for donors that is the definition of pay to win. That's like teleing to ::gold(or whatever the tele is) to get a free tekton loot but it only spawns every 3 hours or however long it takes for tekton to drop good loot. If that makes sense. Add more coin/blood money per player kills please. Make it worthwhile. Adding just like (+2bm) to base kills could be something you could test out and see if it gets ppl more active. Waaaaaaay too many prods at edge. In my honest opinion in rsps's, G.E. safe zone is best place for a home. Edge pkers make noobs not even want to try when they go out and get prodded with korasi/primal/vesta/3abow-ags. If you make home safe zone you can make it to where players only get g.p. and items per kill and not bm. 50k per kill would be legit. Also I feel like more focus should be on making newer players happy. Almost everyone who plays this game is a veteran and alot of them are taking breaks/quitting because the game is pretty much the same thing everyday. Unless ofcourse you donate and reap the benefits of the donator zones but even then, it will begin to get tiresome. You guys should add more (bunches) of monsters. As in add more monsters in groups with good items like in the sense of undead pkers but with better loot. New weapons/Items and pets shouldn't be the focus now. Finding ways to have the ones that we have move better in the economy should be. They tend to fluctuate when rich players want them too and that shouldn't be. More monsters with shared drops could help that. Like another monster that drops E mauls and another monster that drops T bows. And another monster that drops epic pet boxes and another one that drops bp. If you implement all of these into effect together they should all make the game a better place for everyone.
  13. krazyk03r

    Listen to suggestions from new players.

    You say you're listing options but I'm telling you that either "no one wants to do those options" or "those options are outdated and not as good as you think." And I'm suggesting that we "listen to suggestions from new players" that's precisely the whole name of this topic. Are you dense? You answered a question in a negative, trolling and condescending way and it backfired on you when all you had to do was say "ok, we will" or "Forwarded to Ryan". You came here looking to argue but act as if I'm the one instigating. You are right "Sad staff team", you pretty much proved your own sarcastic point. But who cares right, you're still gonna be mod anyway even though you troll and instigate. Search my name and you'll see suggestions from years and you'll also see you doing the same thing.