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10 Good

About Dabomb

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  1. Dabomb

    Buying Signature

  2. Dabomb

    Present for Tevin.

    Much good, great works.
  3. Dabomb

    Desolation ~ [#DSL] Recruitment Topic

    ganggang apply plebs
  4. Dabomb

    Buying Signature

    something similiar to faith pots sig
  5. Dabomb

    Buying Signature

    Wasn't sure were to post this buy I'd like to buy a signature from a gfx artist or something, please link me here or something.
  6. Dabomb

    Cool places we found

    Looool the captions for the photos priceless
  7. Nice vid, funny commentary lul
  8. Dabomb

    Elseth's Staff Application

    Support +.001 jk luv u
  9. Dabomb

    Player Owned Houses/ Upgraded ::meet

    Thanks both for support.
  10. Dabomb

    Desolation ~ [#DSL] Recruitment Topic

    Lmao couldn't have said it better myself
  11. Dabomb

    Player Owned Houses/ Upgraded ::meet

    It would be easy? then make it not easy? it doesn't have to be an insta skill and be a way for the players to dump money back into the server and clean the eco some, buying rooms, supplies, not spawning them.
  12. So I'm sure these have been suggested before or maybe something similar but I was just thinking and wanted to share. First: Player Owned Houses Idea - I think that having access to player owned houses will give some players on this server an extra incentive as well as something else to do as not everyone pk's it seems, and to have your own custom spin (custom models etc..) Pros - Take money out of the growing eco for players to spend their money on building their house Give players such as gamblers and pvmers something other to do and work towards as a long goal then just bank standing Cons - Implementing this system may be tedious As the house grows so would the price so some players may not have crazy nice houses Second: Upgraded ::meet Idea - The place is great but I think adding some sort of shop or NPC that as a clan you all contribute (BM, bags, etc..) and in return this would add upgrades to the ::meet area, similar to the player owned houses but as a clan they can contribute and build their ::meet and some long standing rewards that follow. Pros - Being able to contribute together as a clan I think would put an emphasize on clan building and teamwork The rewards could be but not limited too: Customized Comp cape shop, Certain pk items sold cheap (after the clan builds the shop by contributing a certain amount of BM or bags to build said shop) such as Stam pots, Combat pots, etc.. anything can be added, your own chaos altar that changes prayers as well as refills half or full spec (not sure if would be op) but these are just a few off the top of my head. Cons - This may seem unfair to others or smaller clans or clans with not that much but I think it will give them a goal and with a balanced system I think it could be fair Thoughts? Thank you.
  13. Dabomb

    HolyJordyn Moderator application

    yes and no id like to see you back but not if youre gonna leave again.. besides that you were a good mod
  14. Dabomb

    Desolation ~ [#DSL] Recruitment Topic

    Good guy here ^