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ctrl is back

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Everything posted by ctrl is back

  1. ctrl is back

    Dharoks v2 Bank! Also a small ~100b give away!

    well thats something to see :ign ctrl is back
  2. ctrl is back

    Some ideas for the server.

    yeah about the godwars it would be crowded but there would be other bosses easier to do since they will focus more on the gwd.
  3. ctrl is back

    Some ideas for the server.

    Hello Spawnpk players / Moderators So i have thinked of something for a while and now i thought i should make a post about it. 1)would be great for the server new bosses in non wildy areas maybe such as God wars dungeon. -Drops could be perhaps blessed godswords and armour whit boosted stats on them - and other drops maybe could be such as godwars pets cause no other monsters drop them. - and very rare drops from these bosses maybe could be a casket cause you can get prize keys from revs and would be cool that you can obtain whitout buying caskets. -and would be great for new players that are now to spawnpk to make some cash for future things they have planned to do in server. cause we all know you cant do constant pvming whitout having a clan behind you. 2)Perhaps maybe more benefits for skilling and trained accounts such as bigger drop rates like 5% maybe and maybe somekinda acces to different locations around spawnpk server 3) and would be could to have some time in the future a 2x drop weekend or 2x xp weekend in the server since we had a great event in edge. Thats it for now hope some of ideas you like and hoping to see some of the ideas tunned in server P.S sorry for my english some of the words might be miss typed since i only learn english in school and from games. Sincerely yours Ctrl is back.
  4. ctrl is back

    All In One Suggestion Thread

    well looking foward some of your ideas are pretty good and would be great to see in game +1