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Monster Ftw

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Everything posted by Monster Ftw

  1. Monster Ftw

    Ilbefine's Staff Appilication

    Support, I think your application is solid and we need staff members right now anyways. Good luck friend!
  2. Monster Ftw

    Bully-Squad Rag services UPDATED!

    http://prntscr.com/bgyxrh Confirmed hit Good luck!
  3. Monster Ftw

    Rag Services

    It was actually a primal platebody but I can't imagine your simplistic mind has the memory to observe that. Np btw
  4. Monster Ftw

    Rag Services

    Since there's no services thread, i'm just going to put it here. Welcome to #Bully-Squad's hitlist. If you're reading this you're most likely upset with someone in the wilderness. Whether it's because they're killing you, stealing your revenant kills, calling you a piece of shit because you killed them with a 700 ags prod spec, who cares. We definitely don't! For a measly 1b\hr, someone in #Bully-Squad will rag your target. Please note you must pay upfront, items will be accepted for longer POT's. (5+ hours) PLEASE NOTE: The act of ragging is not to kill the person, it's meant to prevent them from pking or pvming. We have alts of all combat levels, so no player is safe. Now of course while ragging there is the occurrence where you can\will kill the player if given the opportunity. If you would like someone KILLED, we will charge one fee (after death with screenshot for proof) which depends on who they are and what gear they have. Please respond on this thread with your IGN and someone from #Bully-Squad will PM you in-game at the first chance possible. CONFIRMED HITS: Lorenzofly32 1 Hp Dark Ridley Windowsphone
  5. Monster Ftw

    Bully-Squad Rag services UPDATED!

    Yes, we accept pickles, nickels, dickles, chickels, etcels.
  6. Monster Ftw

    Dracula's Collection

    I think that monster ftw guy is accepting all donations, should pm him.
  7. Monster Ftw

    Void Deflector

    your thoughts http://prntscr.com/bgk4o9
  8. Monster Ftw

    Bully-Squad Rag services UPDATED!

    +1 [fuck the word limit #riot]
  9. Monster Ftw

    police for best staffermen ever on server

    Why is that a problem?????????
  10. Monster Ftw

    Rag Services

    y e fucking s donnie.
  11. Monster Ftw

    Nick's Pk Video #4 (Sinatra)

    A1 quality. Good shit. Do some pure\zerk fights man! I'll defo zerk rf you sometime.
  12. Monster Ftw

    Rag Services

  13. Monster Ftw

    Perm ragged's helper/moderator application.

    I think you'd make an excellent staff member. Good luck! +1
  14. Monster Ftw

    Nick's Helper/Moderator Application

    Support all the way around. I think you would make a great addition to the staff team. +1.
  15. Monster Ftw

    Protect Item glitch?

    Was curious, why the FUCK does a 1.5-2b item protect over many, many other 2b+ items??? http://prntscr.com/be5907
  16. Monster Ftw

    Protect Item glitch?

    I had the same problem, Back when I made my first 5b I bought a TSOTD & lost it due to the abby dagger's protection value. It's really shitty and needs to be reworked. Hope you get refunded.
  17. Monster Ftw

    Ragging has gone too far

    Well think of it this way, I charge 10b versus the rest of #Bully-Squad that charges 30b. Be lucky i'm a nice guy homie.
  18. Monster Ftw

    Ragging has gone too far

    Haven't you noticed the "Real" Raggers risk way more than you and any rusher out there? We're not in it for the money as sinatra stated. If we wanted money we'd just drop you for an easy 200b+ each kill until you were cleaned. Come see me in edge if you think you can kill me.
  19. Monster Ftw

    Ragging has gone too far

    Atleast we give you the opportunity to 'call us off' by paying us. Rushers never stop rushing.
  20. Monster Ftw

    Ragging has gone too far

    this^ lolol
  21. Monster Ftw

    Ragging has gone too far

  22. Monster Ftw

    Ragging has gone too far

    #Bully-Squad ::topic 2086
  23. Monster Ftw

    Team No Honor official recruitment page.

    Alot. fillerbecauserepliesneed10charactersfml
  24. Monster Ftw

    Suggestion List.

    +1 to all these ideas. I'd also like to see the Sotd\TSotd's melee stats buffed. In OSRS it hits 40s+, on here I can't seem to get it to hit over 15. YES, I UNDERSTAND THIS ISN'T OSRS.
  25. Monster Ftw

    Team No Honor official recruitment page.

    I do indeed, especially in my throat and asshole.