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Everything posted by Mourinho

  1. Mourinho


    @X King God X@bully@Z75 hi
  2. Mourinho

    Give me this on xbox n0w!

    no1 care
  3. ur just a divine pet pker
  4. Mourinho

    The new pvp update

    "I HAvE aLReaDY NOtIfieD ThE OwNEr AnD tHIs WiLL BE fiXED aS SoOn aS POSSiBle I'LL SenD HIM tHiS tOpiC aS WeLL fOR sOMe ExTrA InFORmAtiON ThAnk yOU"
  5. Mourinho

    Theofficial Exposed - did not even last 10 minutes?!

    What did you use to record this?
  6. you really need to log out bro
  7. Mourinho

    Desolation ~ [#DSL] Recruitment Topic

    god bless I got banned
  8. Mourinho

    Unbanning me

    This guy really just said that caboose was giving him an alien out of generosity as he didnt want to take the ags for free, then you snitch him as if the intangible SpawnPK Gods are watching you lmaoo. joker3me:D:D:D
  9. Mourinho

    Unbanning me

    https://gyazo.com/6549f978141e3f4a15b07fd7241ba572 LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO WHAT THE FUCK LMAO you're one sad guy for doing this, taking everything out of context of a friend LMAO.
  10. Mourinho

    Multi-PK Event.

    1) Team Name: #gordas 2) Partner: Noskills 3) Timezone you live in: GMT / GMT+1
  11. Mourinho

    Taking a break

    Holyjordyn takes his 65th sabbatical, damn.
  12. In my opinion, the tick and switching updates are good and better than they used to be. More importantly it's how it should be. Secondly, the melee damage update thing is a good update, obviously for non edge pkers mostly but can understand why people complain. The melee update is the only one I wouldn't mind being considered but I believe these updates are for the better and shouldn't be reverted.
  13. Mourinho

    Should weapons be reverted to prior combat?

    No need to argue for this lmfao, obviously the main reason being its more realistic and how it's meant to be. The "OP" weapons aren't exactly easy to get and while people use them, they are for the most part risking. Only relevant reason to why you lot want it to be reverted is typically because you're probs used to pking with the op shit 24/7 lmao. And for the food and potions thing bread is on about, thats how it should be obviously. Weird to be complaining about delay after eating regular food as without it, it just makes pking too easy. Honestly, its just common sense. Haven't really noticed a big difference apart from abusive edge pkers complaining lol.
  14. Mourinho

    Should weapons be reverted to prior combat?

    No it shouldn't. It is better as it is right now.
  15. Mourinho

    Sorry ;)

  16. Mourinho

    Juggs Suggestions

    What a joke
  17. Mourinho

    Skulltricks + Killpics

    Most are old, ye.
  18. Mourinho

    Suggestions that everyone will WANT.

    Support all of these ideas especially the minor ones such as the Tentacle whip and super combat re-work, following and the tele block animation. That would probably be an even better idea to add edge pvp with no pk reward, adding it would allow the influence of more variation for pking such as hybrids which the server isnt necessarily friendly for. Would be great to look into it as many people join the server looking to hybrid but are quickly dismayed with the lack of it and no where generally to go, as edge does have its rushers etc.
  19. Mourinho


    Your sister is pretty cute
  20. Mourinho

    --Big Suggestions--

    Great suggestions, only thing I would doubt is the staff of light, which is what the staff of the dead is.
  21. Mourinho

    2 Big suggestions and 1 small suggestion.

  22. Mourinho

    2 Big suggestions and 1 small suggestion.

    Edge pvp with no custom weapons is a neeeeeeed!
  23. Mourinho

    2 Big suggestions and 1 small suggestion.

    +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Please add these ! xxxx