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mikila - youtuber

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10 Good

About mikila - youtuber

  • Rank
    Junior Member


  • Interests
    Spawn pk/ making money!


  • Occupation
    Mc donalds 9.25$/hr
  1. mikila - youtuber

    Angry dueler gets his items back

    Hello my name is mikila... aka Legend nick. I was here recently at the duel arena and staked this child of a player... he lost alot of items to me at duel arena and he got mad and ran to Holyjordyn telling him i scammed him... WE WAS AT THE DUEL ARENA.. I WON 3 DDS STAKES FROM HIM AND THEN I SAID LETS WHIP IT. HE PUTS IN A DIVINE AS IM SETTING UP THE GAME RULES AND IT WAS SET TO WHIP ONLY.... 3 STAKES AFTER THE FIRST WHIP ONLY MATCH WAS INDEED ALL WHIP STAKES BETWEEN ME AND HIM... HE LOST ALL OF THE STAKES TO ME AND HE GOT UPSET AND RAN TO "@HOLYJORDYN" telling him I SCAMMED HIM!. Holy asked me to hand over the item/items in the meantime while a ticket was submitted.. logs were checked and even them seeing that there was 4 stakes in total after the devine win pot against the same player they ruled it over to be in his favor. here a screenie for my proof that i had told him lets whip it. Click image for larger version. Theres my proof.. and along with 4 stakes in a row of whip only and he accepted the rules everytime... yet i scammed him?? Ill make a poll... Should I get my item/items back from the player seeing that I was in the right? Yes or no.
  2. mikila - youtuber

    Angry Dueler gets his items back

    Hello my name is mikila... aka Legend nick. I was here recently at the duel arena and staked this child of a player... he lost alot of items to me at duel arena and he got mad and ran to Holyjordyn telling him i scammed him... WE WAS AT THE DUEL ARENA.. I WON 3 DDS STAKES FROM HIM AND THEN I SAID LETS WHIP IT. HE PUTS IN A DIVINE AS IM SETTING UP THE GAME RULES AND IT WAS SET TO WHIP ONLY.... 3 STAKES AFTER THE FIRST WHIP ONLY MATCH WAS INDEED ALL WHIP STAKES BETWEEN ME AND HIM... HE LOST ALL OF THE STAKES TO ME AND HE GOT UPSET AND RAN TO "@HOLYJORDYN" telling him I SCAMMED HIM!. Holy asked me to hand over the item/items in the meantime while a ticket was submitted.. logs were checked and even them seeing that there was 4 stakes in total after the devine win pot against the same player they ruled it over to be in his favor. here a screenie for my proof that i had told him lets whip it. Theres my proof.. and along with 4 stakes in a row of whip only and he accepted the rules everytime... yet i scammed him?? Ill make a poll... Should I get my item/items back from the player seeing that I was in the right? Yes or no.
  3. mikila - youtuber

    It's time to post one aswell. :3

    Alright my Honest review, I think your a very nice person in general, even tho you left me behind and didn't lend me genie to max my skills.. even tho i past your ass like 3 days before you tried to max your account... but! your a very nice person, you've helped me get my client back to working when i didn't know what else to do.. I think that in due time that you'd be fit for ANY staff position. Your active,you don't act stingy like some of the staff that do play, when they do or if they even get on, You're a lot more active than most. its a +1 for me friend. Good luck with the application and I'd hope to see you get rewarded with whatever position that is requested for.
  4. mikila - youtuber

    Client issues!!! help me please

    Hey every time ive tried to load spk it doesnt load the client whatsoever and idk what to do to fix it.. ive downloaded spk over and over and deleted it.. any help?
  5. mikila - youtuber

    "i eat bread" < ingame player > me holding a sign up for proof

    your welcome :[)
  6. for the ones who thought I was fake I made the sign for the player "i eat bread" ingame my ingame name is Mikila Had to flip it
  7. mikila - youtuber

    m m f helper application

    I think That you'd fit the staff team perfectly, I've been playing for quite sometime myself. Your a very nice and a very helpful person. its a +1 for me m8. I hope you get the position. Seen you INgame my friend
  8. mikila - youtuber

    Barrows Items!

    I think this would be a very great idea and would make a little more eco and it think it would be fun for most players who like to risk fight to be able to stack up on dh and all that... I vote yes!
  9. mikila - youtuber

    Selling YouTube Channel

    My YouTube channel has over 2,400 subscribers ive had it for nearly 2 years and I am interested in selling it to the right buyer ill post some of my popular videos on here to. I started doing youtube back in june 12th 2014 and ive just got bored of uploading content recently and was thinking of selling it the channel name is " trolls on 360" and the name is change able through google plus.. i am willing to sell it and change emails to yours for you... https://www.youtube.com/user/herberttrollin < is the channel link itself there is a few more videos that are over 20,000+ views aswell but if you are interested in buying let me know a price and ill get back to you.. or just message me ingame thanks!